Showing posts with label How to get through suffering ?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to get through suffering ?. Show all posts

July 6, 2015

How do positive thoughts help?

It is very difficult to stay positive when things are going all wrong in our life.  When we are suffering,  how can we be positive and why should we be?  Does it help to in any way if we stay positive?

YES, it does help to stay positive during adversity.  And in atleast  three ways:

It helps us come out of state of feeling like a ‘victim’ thus reinstating our self esteem.  We don’t feel guilty. We don’t blame self or anyone for the problem.

Our new positive perspective sets Law of Attraction in motion.  We are open to positive help from unexpected sources of the Universe.

And obviously it saves us from going into depression and other interactional conflicts.

What do we mean by being positive –  It is that state of mind in which we are stable, calm and peaceful.  The mind is silent, in a state of relaxation  and not asking questions(like How could or Why did it happen to me).  A relaxed mind will automatically come out with possible alternatives to issue at hand.

How to stay positive –  If there is no solution to the issue like in event of death then By accepting the situation as it happened and adopting  the  right attitude to face the consequences of the same and adopt ourselves to the changed circumstances comfortably.  

In other cases, positivity signals our mind to start looking for any other possible alternative solution.  Thus we are be open to new opportunities and ready to face new challenges.  We do not give up if things did not work out one way.  

A positive person will look at a ‘dead end’ as a ‘turn’ to reach success via a new untested different route.

Remember WHAT WE RESIST, PERSISTS.  So we better stop resisting and be ready to do something to stabilise our inner turmoil.  When internally we are peaceful, our outward actions are always fruitful.

Possible Positive Inputs -  Spiritual knowledge helps immensely in finding a new positive outlook to face the situation as it is.  We can’t find answers to our emotional turmoil in academic books. Had it been there, we would not be disturbed. Few positive thoughts are as under:

I am responsible for my own happiness.  I cannot blame anyone else for my disturbance.  I will correct it with my own will power (by remaining positive against all odds).  Things will work out fine for me.

Whatever is happening is in perfect order and therefore just right in grand drama of the Universe.

All is subject to law of change every second and thus temporary.   Therefore circumstances will ultimately change in my favour. I will not give up.

Going may be tough as of now but there is always end to a long cold night.  Sun has to shine after the stormy days.

I am a special child of God and chosen specifically to come out stronger out of this crisis.  I am a powerful soul who chose this particular tough lesson to learn something out of it.

If some known sources are out to spoil things for you, BELIEVE that there are some unseen sources too out there working things out for you.  Have faith and patience.  Trust Universe and believe in miracles.

Count your remaining other blessings.  Natural blessings like air, water, ether etc are always around for free…to help you overcome hardships. 

When others leave us, we are never left alone.  Universal saviours, our Guardians and Angels surround us and support us invisibly.  Have you noticed feeling calm amidst the toughest time? Know that you are not alone.  Know that you are a powerful soul and you can do any thing.

Sometimes logic fails to define cause of failure.  Never mind.  Forget logic become reasonable and accept outcome without despair.  Results are never same for similar efforts.  Some gain more while some lose all under same circumstances. 

Taking responsibility does not mean finding fault in self. I means I tried earlier, I will try again too.

God helps those who help themselves and also sometimes seek help from the Universe with firm faith.

PS:  In some situations doing ‘nothing’ is also one important solution.  Under no circumstances, accepting a given tough situation can be considered as a failure by an optimist.  A loser thinks on those lines and gives up.  A winner will always accept the setback and make efforts to overcome it and find a new way out.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani


April 26, 2014

Methods to manage Emotions

Methods to manage emotions.  Difference between emotions and feelings.  How spirituality can help in management of emotions.  Kindly follow the link below to find the answer in a Study conducted for the purpose.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

Methods to Overcome Personal Crisis

A Strategic Spiritual Approach to overcome any kind of personal challenge, especially loss of a loved one.  You may follow the link below to my Dissertation submitted for award of degree in Master of Science (Value Education & Spirituality), 2011-12

September 9, 2009

How FAITH in God helps ?

Faith believes without seeing. Believing what your heart says even though your analytical mind does not agree with it. When we do not have faith, we have fear. Fear is absence of faith. Train your mind to have faith that God is walking with you hand in hand and solving your each minor to major issue of day to day life. In world we have two kinds of people. Believers - accepting presence of higher force in their life and Non Believers – not accepting presence of some higher force over and above them. Being a Believer heals and helps us face tough times with ease. Because whatever has to happen does happen. How we face it depends on our Attitude towards life and its continuity and how we relate to God/Universal forces.

Faith is our trust in God in every aspect and event of our life. We trust that God will solve all our problems including the tiniest of issues. Our faith should be complete. I cannot trust God to solve my bigger problems while I trust myself to handle rest of the issues and not ‘bother’ God. This is not complete Faith.

When we develop strong faith in God/ Universe and working of spiritual laws in our life we start to get positive. We cannot say we have faith in God and still we are feeling negative and distressed about some events and happenings in our life. This is not faith.

The moment something unexpected and hurtful happens in our life our faith shakes vigorously. We stop trusting God and start blaming HIM, OURSELVES or ANYBODY around us. Whenever faced with issue you find it difficult to make up and decide your mind, trust God and wait for his response which can come to you through your intuition, some suggestion from a friend/stranger, some write up that you accidentally come across, some TV discussion etc, God can respond to you in any manner. So till you find peace of mind, do not brood over the problem but distract your mind off it for some time. Talk to a friend about something other than this problem. You cannot hear voice of God in an agitated mind. Comfort yourself with same words of wisdom you have often used to comfort and console your friends in trouble.

Mostly faith tests our patience. Sometimes, trusting God means waiting patiently for things(universal forces) to fall into their right place before we are ‘prompted enough’ to take the next action. Some times, we may have to wait for hours, sometimes its months and sometimes it could be years. If you have not learnt to take one step how can you move to the next. People who are in hurry keep going round and round the same problem and wonder why same things are happening to them again and again. They simply do not trust God to help them learn their lesson, decide what is right way to proceed in the matter and move on towards a better change. We have to be wise enough to locate weak spots in our personality and let these not trigger our emotions and make us take fast, impatient and wrong action. We cannot depend on our emotions and feelings to direct us.

We are afraid to change because we do not trust that God will help us face all the challenges and trials of life. In other words, not trusting God means having no faith in Self. We do not believe that God works through us. That we are HIS instruments created for the betterment of the society. HE has made us to serve HIM, HIS people, HIS world.

Faith means taking responsibility of our life and believing that God is in control and whatever is happening in our life is happening for our own good. Feeling bad about any accident in life means for that moment we do not trust God. We do not believe there is some ‘good for us’ in it. This generates negativity and creates further problems in our life because we reap what we sow. If we sow negativity we reap negativity. Similarly if we sow belief in God in our mind and we reap its harvest in spirit and we reach and merge with God. We live with faith in God so we die with faith in God and we reach in faith to God. You are responsible for your own actions. You cannot be held responsible for action of someone else.

Believing in God means accepting and trusting fully that God/Universe/Brahman can overview our entire life – past / future lives including. Trusting that God has a unique life Plan for each one of us which we cannot see or understand presently due to our limited capability. But God is pervading everywhere so HE can see and do what is good for us in long run even though it is not making any sense to us right now.

If you look back at your life, so many things turned out perfectly fine for you when they did not happen the way you had wanted them to happen. You were mad at that time but now you can see the hidden blessing in it. That was God’s Grace. Why cannot we trust God with our present as well as future ?

God is nothing but your own inner consciousness which is part of that whole universal consciousness that stands for righteousness. Take time to listen to God through your own still tiny inner voice.

When in trouble, take whatever action you think is best in given circumstances after consulting your inner core self with the firm belief that this is the direction of God to you. If you are feeling peace with it, go ahead. If you feel or start to feel bothered and lose your peace of mind acting that way, stop, check and change the course of your action until you act in a way that gives you peace of mind.

As per The Bhagvad Gita, sometimes, not to do anything at all in the given situation is also one of the important solutions to the problem. Consider this option also. Because not taking action is also an action for it involves lot of patience, forbearance and courage. It also means we are trusting God and higher forces to intervene in our life at the appropriate time to inspire us through our intuition to take necessary action. For example, someone hits you and you decide to keep quiet. This does not mean you did not act. It means you decided not to hit back which is also an action in itself. Implementation of this decision required lot of self control.

We cannot have faith in parts. It cannot be that I am doing well today I have faith in God but tomorrow something happens and I develop doubt and stop trusting God then after some confusion things work out fine and I again started trusting God. This cannot be called walking in faith with God. Faith in higher power has to be a continuous life pattern with us irrespective of whether we are going up or going down. There has to be complete self surrender. We cannot have a backup plan for us in case God does not help us the way we want HIM to. We can be carefree and peaceful and take Rest and Shelter in God only when we let him solve our problem for us. We have to trust in HIS Power, Wisdom and Blessings.

If we always act like this, that is, living in human body in this materialistic world and still trusting higher forces of universe, we will rise higher spiritually in the power of Lord where there is complete REST from worldly chaos. Once we have been in the Rest of God, we will understand how immature we were when we thought that we could handle our life ourselves.

Complete self surrender means giving up of ego – I-ness- that I have done such and such thing. It is – God made me do it or correct it for my own good. I cannot give few problems of my life to God to solve and leave the ‘tiny’ problems for solving myself because I do not want to ‘bother’ the ‘busy’ God with trivial things. This is not Trusting God. This is partial faith in God or no faith at all in God, his mighty-ness, his power and his grace. Live your life for the cause of God. Live your life as a service to God. God gave you family, serve it. God gave people around you, treat them nicely. Everything around you is God given, be grateful to God. Feel, see and witness the miracle of God in your nearby Garden – how things are happening on their own. Trust God to make you grow, prune, trim, treat you in a manner which will bring out the best in you. Even though this may hurt you sometimes but trust in wisdom of God completely even when it is not making any sense to you.

Trust that you are unique child of God and that HE loves you and IS looking after you. You may lose track of HIM but HE will FIND you no matter wherever you are. Therefore, stop feeling low about yourself just because others have reached where you have not reached. Each of us is on different path and only God know through which way we will reach our destination.

Over the years, I have realized that no matter where I go, whomsoever I trust to do things for me, I cannot live without God. I know I am not capable enough to solve all my problems. I have to surrender to higher force. If I surrender to him for big things I better surrender to him even for smaller things. Completely Trust HIM. Universal forces are operating all around me in a perfect order even though I do not bother to stop, look and understand these all because I am busy within my own world. However, it is a fact that always there comes a critical time in life when we have no where to go but God. A time when we have to admit to ourselves that we are not in control, we are helpless before that Supreme Power. Why wait for such a time to let God enter your life. Why not now?

I encourage you to start walking in faith with the God (in any form that you believe in). No matter what your religion is, the universal law is same for all. God is ONE. We may be taking different paths but our destination is ONE – To feel happy and blissful forever, to be wise enough to solve all the mysteries of this world and beyond, to feel the eternal peace and joy. Walk with the God, you believe in, with single minded devotion.

How to walk with God - Read HIS (any personal God you believe in) written words, fill yourself with those words, think on them, contemplate on them. Whenever faced with trials in life you will find answers from HIS written words. If not, pray to him, trust your intuition to find answer to the issues with HIS divine help. Once you have found answers to the problem, compare that with the written word of God, tally it and start to make move in that direction with faith. If you seem to be losing peace of mind following that direction you might have mistaken your mind’s direction as God’s direction. So now again trust and pray to God to direct you.

If you are following God’s direction you will never lose your peace of mind – the path could be new and tough but God will always direct you to right path filling your mind with peace. When you trust God and act accordingly pursue his direction – step by step – even without bothering about final destination, HE will take you to great places.

As per Shirdi SaiBaba, Faith and Patience are two very powerful virtues of any wise human being and together they can take us safely across the misery of this world. Make God your Sole Refuge, Your Hermitage, Your Fortress, Your Resting Place with FAITH and then relax with PATIENCE to let all good things happen in your life at their right and appropriate time as per the Will of God. TRUST HIM EVEN WHEN NOTHING IS MAKING SENSE TO YOUR MIND. BELIEVE IN HIM THOUGH YOUR HEART AND FIND ETERNAL PEACE.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

September 3, 2009

How to shake off Suffering ?

Whenever something happens which is not as per our liking, it hurts us. Why? This happens because we feel out of control. As a human we always want to be in control and in-charge of our life. We want life to follow a certain pattern of our choice. We work out our day to day life accordingly. We like to work in a routine manner. And for sometime this works fine till one day……something unexpected happens all of a sudden. There is a change – a big change in our routine. It could be anything – being deceived by a trusted friend, robbery, dreaded disease, accident, loss of a loved one, loss of job, non promotion, false charges, scandal, arrest, rejection by parents etc.

First thing we do in such circumstances is to start reasoning it out – What, Why, When, Where, How? We somehow are convinced that some lack of action on our part has resulted in this situation and it could have been avoided had we been alert. Thus we lose our peace of mind because internally we hold ourselves responsible why because over the years we have been aware of operation of that spiritual law – As you Sow, So shall you Reap.

As long as it was happening as per our liking we were Ok with it. But it is not always as per our liking.New age thinking also agrees that We Create Our Own Reality i.e., whatever is happening in our life is result of our own thoughts, actions and words. To an extent it is true also because God has made human being intelligent enough to be able to discriminate black from white and then make right choice. But sometimes this carefully made ‘right choice’ back fires completely and leaves us in state of shock. It is at this point that we start to understand our own helplessness and ultimately understand the presence of a bigger divine force operating this entire Universe. Meaning of word ‘destiny’ now becomes clear. Certain parts of our life are preordained and do take place despite all our efforts to prevent it

As human being our understanding and intelligence is limited to knowledge of this world that we have learnt about in educational institutions from childhood. We know about subjects like geography, history, maths etc but we have no awareness of spiritual knowledge – the unseen world beyond earthly dimensions. This is where FAITH comes in. Faith means believing in the power of the unseen which is beyond logical perception of an ordinary human being. I believe what my heart says even though my logical mind doesnot agree with it.

We have to understand that there could be many reasons behind our suffering about which we have no clue. To get out of our suffering if there is a way out, we should work on it and try to sort out. However, if nothing is going to change the situation than we have two options (a) to remain in depression and negativity rest of the life (b) Use our intellect to choose and concentrate on the most positive fall out of the event and move on with life holding head high once again. Do not feel complexed just because others have not suffered they way you have. Face the situation as listed below:

1. Staying connected with God is most important. Do not make yourself miserable thinking that you are all alone in your suffering;

2. During time of pain and inner conflict, we can connect with God more easily. What human beings cannot explain, this connection with the Power will reveal to you on its own;

3. While carrying on with day to day life talk mentally to God often. Honestly confess to God exactly how you are feeling. Prayers can be mostly non-repetitive, different and unique each time. This is because our life is ever changing, never constant Don’t wait to enter sanctity of a worship place to say your prayers. Say it wherever you are with firm belief that God is with you always;

4. Do not burden yourself thinking you are bothering God a lot by calling HIM all the time. Find out what lesson we have learnt up from the event;

5. Try to go through the situation quietly without trying to gossip about it. Do not criticize and publicly scandalize about person(s) involved in the situation. Talk to that person alone;

6. This is the time to get to know and get connected with God. Prayer helps a lot in healing our physical and mental self;

7. Try to look at ‘have nots’ those who have suffered more than you. If you try to compare yourself with people doing well it will make you more miserable;

8. Sometimes some bad event cuts us off from ‘our’ world. Do not feel bad about it. God wants you to learn something on your own during this period;

9. Do not say you are feeling lonely, say that you are in solitude working on your inner self;

10. Utilise this free time to introspect, listen to inner self, doing something you have always wanted to do but could not do earlier due to your busy-ness in ‘your’ world. Take rest during this 'break' and try to relax and be with yourself for sometime;

11. During your tough time it is very easy to find who are your true and genuine friends and relatives;

12. What you do in your free time during trial times indicates what sort of character you have. Try to do something constructive and keep yourself busy – read, write down your feelings in a letter to God everyday, paint, meditate, pray, attend some short term course etc;

13. Stay in touch with only those positive people who understand you and encourage you. Keep away from people who simply want to know more details about your situation or those whose presence depresses you further;

14. Sometimes we are not supposed to face the situation boldly and take any severe action. There are times when we have to simply bear the situation and pass through it. This happens in those serious situations e.g. loss of loved one, suffering from terminal disease etc. Comfort yourself that by passing through it your karmic debts are being settled. Realise that Divine Supreme power is in control. Que Sera Sera;

15. Know and believe that not all suffering/ setback/ accidents/ sickness etc in your life is coming as a punishment to you. Stop questioning ‘Why me?’ Most of time you will not get answer to this question. So do not torture yourself. God doesnot want you to know it right now. So wait with hope. Sometimes, finding answers to such questions is the purpose of taking birth in this life time;

16. Do not judge yourself harshly. Understand that to err is human. We all make mistakes. So its OK if I make it or someone else makes it;

17. Do not forget that biggest test of human character and wisdom comes from how he faces difficult times. People develop lot of respect for people who have learnt to face the touch times of life with calm and ease. Such people can help transmute their pain by helping others in similar pain by counseling them;

18. Ancient scriptures have advised us to remain calm in both the situations –when we are at the peak or when we are at the rock bottom. Therefore, showoff during good times as well as bad times should be strictly avoided. Actually good or bad is all in our mind. God wants us to treat every event in our life in a normal manner. Do not get excited at success and do not get depressed during suffering. Embrace the pain for a while but do not hold on to it. Feel it, experience it and let it go;

19. Know that everything happens for learning, betterment and spiritual growth of our soul. It is time to understand that we are not body but soul - which is so pure, divine and eternal;

20. When you are totally clue less about your situation feed yourself with positive thoughts as inscribed in holy scriptures by great Saints - whatever is happening in your life is pre-ordained and for this reason it has to be for your own good which you cannot see right now;

21. Like academic examinations, Life also takes test(s) of our wisdom and inner spiritual growth. The results of these tests in our life are totally unpredictable and sometimes unknown to our limited human psychic;

22. Sometimes these learnings are actually God’s way of preparing us for doing bigger work for ourselves and ultimately HIM;

23. Life is a continuous process. This thought gives a heart in pain lot of comfort. From one life to another we carry alongwith us our respective karmic accounts with us which are checked in between two lives by the Divine. You may have missed some rewards you thought you deserved on earth but the Lord does not miss even the smallest act of kindness you ever thought or did on earth. Know that everything has been accounted for. You are precious child of God and you will be rewarded for your work done on earth in the heaven in a manner which you cannot even imagine;

24. Envision the solution to the problem, believe in it, see it, focus on it. Stop talking about the problem Talk to the problem itself. Sometimes, there are no solutions e.g. in case of death or terminal disease. We are simply supposed to walk through a problem and when we reach the end of it, we have learnt a lesson, grown spiritually, become stronger, more wiser;

25. It really helps if before start of daily routine, we spend some time all alone with ourselves in silence, feel the presence of God, read his word from some holy scripture etc. This way we are better prepared to face our day with least possible stress. Outside noise and activity creates lot of stress in us during the day;

26. Sometimes we find that as we pass through our suffering we are left all alone. Most of our so called relatives and friends have gone out of touch. Never mind you will learn the lesson of telling true from fake after this. You cannot blame them because they just cannot understand what you are going through and they do not know what to say to you. So forgive them;

27. During tough times, pray to God to help us, work out solution. But avoid discussing your problem in a negative manner. We often pray for solution and then go and talk out with our friends how bad the situation is and nothing is going to work out. Talk to ease your pain, for upliftment, for getting positive vibes but don’t gossip about your problem just for the sake of talking;

28. Sometimes while undergoing a trial time, we do not feel like smiling. Don't smile. But atleast stop yourself from presenting a sad, pathetic and suffering outlook. People do not want to interact with people who continue to stay in suffering and cling on to their pain. Fake a smile if you can. But do not brood for long because then not only your friends will avoid you but even your relatives also would like to keep away;

29. Try to be in company to those who are encouraging you to come out of your pain gently and intelligently. Some people use this time to drag you down the spiral and take you to the path of harmful addictions. Save yourself. This is time to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally. You have to put in extra effort and drag yourself out of your pain (with or without any help from others);

30. Do not look down upon yourself in any manner. Some people love to stay in guilt and make rest of their lives miserable. Be kind, gentle and loving to yourself. Have faith in yourself. Always remember that it is the EGO which loves to clings to pain. Ego loves to reconstruct that hurtful event or situation again and again in mind. Therefore, consciously, on purpose, try to shake off your pain. Think highly about yourself simply because people who have not suffered in life do not understand what you are going through. Have compassion for such people. Sooner or later, they will also have to understand what pain is all about. Forgive them and Forgive yourself.

To spend rest of our life we have better think of positive aspect of our problem with FAITH and then be PATIENT to let GOD step in and HELP. We do not know what karmic debts we cleared off by suffering this particular loss. We have to be thankful to our ‘enemies’ (be it event, people or circumstances) for making us stronger. We have to remember that this life is a journey towards eternity and we are supposed to enjoy the journey with all its plus and minus till we reach our destination - WHEN NOTHING MATTERS.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

April 25, 2009

How to learn from problems in life ????

Have you come across that point in life when things are not moving the way you want despite your best effort? Are you feeling cornered? You get along well with so many relations and people around you excepting a few whom you like to avoid. Sometimes, its a Catch-22 situation because you cannot avoid this person because he /she is a close relative or holds an influential position in your life e.g. boss , politician etc. How to move on in such a situation? How to get along with such relatives?

It is said that nobody crosses our path in this life without any spiritual connection or reason. All people that we meet, all situations that we come across in life are in accordance with laws of nature which are perfect, impartial and flawless. All obstacles and hurdles we face in our life are for our growth. It is a fact that biggest growth in our personality takes place when we cross over challenges of our life. When we are through those tense situations when we were feeling all helpless, we realize how much we have grown in our wisdom, character and personality. Knowledge cannot be learnt through book reading. Knowledge is best imbibed through experiencing what we have heard and read. A diamond gets its brilliance after being crushed, rubbed and polished. Prior to this, it was just an ordinary luster less stone. Similar is human being.

All the famous people around us have been through challenges. Spirituality goes beyond fame. In spiritual terms a successful person is not who is famous. A successful person is the one who has never given up. A true successful person is the one who has looked at hurdles in life as a passage and not as an obstacle. A positive person will not change route when faced with difficult situations. A wise person will not run away from a relative, friend or boss etc with whom he is not being able to get along with well. How does he manage this? It is here that spiritual wisdom helps. And how?

Steps towards learning our lesson - First step is acceptance and acknowledgement of the problem, situation or person.

Next step is to understand that the given obstacle will not change - I will have to change.

Next step is to identify which of my inner belief system is being disturbed. What aspect/ fear of my personality this person/hurdle is hitting at? Now I have to try to change my perception and look at the problem in an altogether different way.
Example: instead of saying that my husband/wife is very difficult, we can say my husband/wife is very special. The moment I replace ‘difficult’ with ‘special’, I start to feel better mentally, emotionally and physically.

Next step would be to look at problem not as an obstacle but as a ‘way’ to personal and spiritual growth. I have to understand that this situation or this person has come into my life to teach me something which I lack. Truly, our so called enemies are our true spiritual friends. They constantly remind us of our wrong traits and fears which we have to get rid of. If a person ridicules me in front of others and I feel insulted it means I have very low opinion about myself. I have to work on increasing my self worth in my own eyes if I do not want this to happen again. Respect cannot be asked for, it is commanded by our own behaviour. Learn to respect yourself before anyone else.

Example : If person you are helping is not returning your help in your time of need again and again. It means that same is the problem within your personality. If you look inwards honestly you will realise that you also have the same tendency of not helping the people who help you the way they want. Change yourself inwardly and problem will be resolved automatically. Either that person will start to help or someone else will come to help you in his place.

Often we feel threatened by a situation or a person because it reminds us of our own similar weakness or fears which we do not want to acknowledge leave alone admit it. Universe knows our internal unresolved issues and time and again brings us face to face with our own reality until we learn our lesson and move on. If I am not getting alongwith my boss, it means I have inner fears regarding use of power which I have to let go. We get a mirror image of our own self in the person we believe we hate. Our normal reaction is to blame such person or situation as something coming in way of my joy, happiness, success and peace. So we either give up, change our path or avoid the person or situation altogether without realizing that real problem is not outside but inside us. This is the time to go inside us and find out which of my trait, character, habit or belief is being threatened. What is this person hitting out at? What is causing me hurt? Once it is identified, it is time to let go of it.

We have to understand that nobody has power to hurt us. It is us who are choosing to feel hurt ignoring the reality. It is us who are attracting such situations/ persons because we have to work on our own similar fears. Let them go away from life and Grow in your spirit.

The spiritual person knows his own true nature i.e, soul - which is light, love and peace -rest is all illusion. Wisdom means knowing that I am powerful and eternal soul – kid of the God and So are others. All of us are on different levels of understanding and have to learn different lessons with the help of others around us.

A spiritual person will not blame other person or the outside world but will remain steadfast and smiling even in tough situation because he knows he has to work on himself. Once that problem is over he has learnt his lesson and this situation will never repeat itself again.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi