Showing posts with label How to listen to Inner Voice?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to listen to Inner Voice?. Show all posts

March 30, 2010

How to maintain 'Balance'?

All through my growing years I often heard this advice from important people in my life that we must always maintain a balance in life.  I often read about this in religious scriptures, like, Lord Buddha advocated following middle path and to avoid living in extremes. What does all that mean?  I was not clear in my mind even though I had myself started advising my kids also that they should learn to maintain harmony and balance in life to be successful. 

Funniest part is I didn’t understand this ‘balancing’ thing.  I was blindly doing what others were doing.  I was mostly acting randomly and deciding what constitutes perfect balance in my life as a daughter, wife, mother, student, employee etc so many roles I am playing all at the same time.  I was doing what I ‘felt’ was right thing to do at that point of time.  Yet so many times I was not happy and feeling out of balance.

What constitutes the right balance is difficult to define.  What is that middle path.  Hindu scriptures talk of half male and half female aspect of God in order to define what is balance.  Chinese talk of yin(receptive female element of intuitive mind) and yang(strong male creative power) balance.  Whenever we come across something at extreme level we can easily identify and know that it is out of balance. 

In our day to day life to indicate this imbalance we often use the word ‘too’ - something or someone is too sweet, too rude, too thin, too fat, too studious, too lazy, too talkative, too quiet etc.  Here ‘too’ indicates that the quality we are talking about is out of balance.  We even have adjectives to label certain aspects of our personality e.g. extrovert, introvert, shy, aggressive, bold, timid, fearful, daring, brave, timid, workaholic, work-shirker etc.  We know we are talking about out of balance personality here – some aspect in personality which is either over or below normal level.  However, how do we know that we are in balance in any given situation?

I got an answer in Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda teachings who has stated that each human being has inbuilt masculine and feminine aspect in its personality which has to be in perfect balance for healthy body, mind and soul.  Masculine or positive aspect reveals itself as power to judge, discriminate, reason etc while feminine or negative aspect reveals itself through feeling of love, compassion, joy, and emotion.  If 'reason' lacks 'feeling' it becomes calculating and harsh and if 'feeling' lacks 'reason' it becomes blind emotion.  We go out of balance and thus unhappy. 

This philosophy made perfect sense to me and I could understand it clearly.  A perfect balance of these two aspects (reason & feeling) results in right action.  Have you noticed that sometimes we don’t do right thing just because we are not feeling good about doing it.  We get deceived by our ‘feelings’ and want to give ‘rest’ to our body.

If I am reasoning too much and overlooking the emotional aspect of a given situation, I am going out of balance.  I have to judge my friend, family or even enemy through intelligence and reasoning and not by emotional blindness.  From where does this intelligence comes from?  It is inherent part of our soul.  We call it as voice of conscience – which may differ from person to person.  What may be right to me could be 'not so right' to the other person.  

I should have faith in my own inner intelligence and reasoning for my own growth.  I may take advice from learned people, teachers etc but ultimately my decision should be based on my own inner understanding of the situation if I want to grow.  I have to understand that I am responsible for my life and its result.

If you know through your intelligence and reasoning that you have not wronged a person and the other person (even the world) insists that you are wrong, then you are not wrong.  Swami Vivekananda has insisted that a human being has to learn to ‘have faith in self’ to be successful in life.  To be able to say ‘I have a clear conscience’ is the most happiest state for any human being.  This is the perfect state of balance.

The pre-requisite here is taking responsibility of each and every happening in my life.  I get what I attract.  I am responsible for my failure and success.  We are mostly shrugging off our responsibility by blaming others for things going wrong in our life.  I have to do my part of karma in the most diligent manner as per guidance of my inner consciousness.  Nobody else is responsible for anything going wrong in my life.  The universe is working in divine perfect order.  Everything happens the way it should.

In this workplace called earth, I am the warrior (Arjuna) and God (Krishna) is nothing but my own inner voice of conscience-ness.  So many times we know what is right but still we don’t do it because we do not ‘feel’ like doing it.  We get deceived by our strong feelings and emotions and end up making wrong choices just to feel good.  We have to discipline ourselves if we want to live in balance.  Make it a habit to do right thing even when we don’t feel like doing it.  We have to discard those reasons which are making us emotionally and mentally blind (Dhritrashtra).

As a human, we are energy beings, made up of pure consciousness.  When we look at others too as pure consciousness, we act right and maintain balance.  When we personalize, we make wrong choices.  Right approach to maintain balance would be to look at the situation /person from non-personal level, try to feel what other person is going through, discriminate intelligently, listen to your own inner voice of conscience, reason out, take a decision, act and standby it.  Now don’t let judgments of others bother you.  You have done your best if you 'know' it in your heart.  This is sufficient.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

September 9, 2009

How FAITH in God helps ?

Faith believes without seeing. Believing what your heart says even though your analytical mind does not agree with it. When we do not have faith, we have fear. Fear is absence of faith. Train your mind to have faith that God is walking with you hand in hand and solving your each minor to major issue of day to day life. In world we have two kinds of people. Believers - accepting presence of higher force in their life and Non Believers – not accepting presence of some higher force over and above them. Being a Believer heals and helps us face tough times with ease. Because whatever has to happen does happen. How we face it depends on our Attitude towards life and its continuity and how we relate to God/Universal forces.

Faith is our trust in God in every aspect and event of our life. We trust that God will solve all our problems including the tiniest of issues. Our faith should be complete. I cannot trust God to solve my bigger problems while I trust myself to handle rest of the issues and not ‘bother’ God. This is not complete Faith.

When we develop strong faith in God/ Universe and working of spiritual laws in our life we start to get positive. We cannot say we have faith in God and still we are feeling negative and distressed about some events and happenings in our life. This is not faith.

The moment something unexpected and hurtful happens in our life our faith shakes vigorously. We stop trusting God and start blaming HIM, OURSELVES or ANYBODY around us. Whenever faced with issue you find it difficult to make up and decide your mind, trust God and wait for his response which can come to you through your intuition, some suggestion from a friend/stranger, some write up that you accidentally come across, some TV discussion etc, God can respond to you in any manner. So till you find peace of mind, do not brood over the problem but distract your mind off it for some time. Talk to a friend about something other than this problem. You cannot hear voice of God in an agitated mind. Comfort yourself with same words of wisdom you have often used to comfort and console your friends in trouble.

Mostly faith tests our patience. Sometimes, trusting God means waiting patiently for things(universal forces) to fall into their right place before we are ‘prompted enough’ to take the next action. Some times, we may have to wait for hours, sometimes its months and sometimes it could be years. If you have not learnt to take one step how can you move to the next. People who are in hurry keep going round and round the same problem and wonder why same things are happening to them again and again. They simply do not trust God to help them learn their lesson, decide what is right way to proceed in the matter and move on towards a better change. We have to be wise enough to locate weak spots in our personality and let these not trigger our emotions and make us take fast, impatient and wrong action. We cannot depend on our emotions and feelings to direct us.

We are afraid to change because we do not trust that God will help us face all the challenges and trials of life. In other words, not trusting God means having no faith in Self. We do not believe that God works through us. That we are HIS instruments created for the betterment of the society. HE has made us to serve HIM, HIS people, HIS world.

Faith means taking responsibility of our life and believing that God is in control and whatever is happening in our life is happening for our own good. Feeling bad about any accident in life means for that moment we do not trust God. We do not believe there is some ‘good for us’ in it. This generates negativity and creates further problems in our life because we reap what we sow. If we sow negativity we reap negativity. Similarly if we sow belief in God in our mind and we reap its harvest in spirit and we reach and merge with God. We live with faith in God so we die with faith in God and we reach in faith to God. You are responsible for your own actions. You cannot be held responsible for action of someone else.

Believing in God means accepting and trusting fully that God/Universe/Brahman can overview our entire life – past / future lives including. Trusting that God has a unique life Plan for each one of us which we cannot see or understand presently due to our limited capability. But God is pervading everywhere so HE can see and do what is good for us in long run even though it is not making any sense to us right now.

If you look back at your life, so many things turned out perfectly fine for you when they did not happen the way you had wanted them to happen. You were mad at that time but now you can see the hidden blessing in it. That was God’s Grace. Why cannot we trust God with our present as well as future ?

God is nothing but your own inner consciousness which is part of that whole universal consciousness that stands for righteousness. Take time to listen to God through your own still tiny inner voice.

When in trouble, take whatever action you think is best in given circumstances after consulting your inner core self with the firm belief that this is the direction of God to you. If you are feeling peace with it, go ahead. If you feel or start to feel bothered and lose your peace of mind acting that way, stop, check and change the course of your action until you act in a way that gives you peace of mind.

As per The Bhagvad Gita, sometimes, not to do anything at all in the given situation is also one of the important solutions to the problem. Consider this option also. Because not taking action is also an action for it involves lot of patience, forbearance and courage. It also means we are trusting God and higher forces to intervene in our life at the appropriate time to inspire us through our intuition to take necessary action. For example, someone hits you and you decide to keep quiet. This does not mean you did not act. It means you decided not to hit back which is also an action in itself. Implementation of this decision required lot of self control.

We cannot have faith in parts. It cannot be that I am doing well today I have faith in God but tomorrow something happens and I develop doubt and stop trusting God then after some confusion things work out fine and I again started trusting God. This cannot be called walking in faith with God. Faith in higher power has to be a continuous life pattern with us irrespective of whether we are going up or going down. There has to be complete self surrender. We cannot have a backup plan for us in case God does not help us the way we want HIM to. We can be carefree and peaceful and take Rest and Shelter in God only when we let him solve our problem for us. We have to trust in HIS Power, Wisdom and Blessings.

If we always act like this, that is, living in human body in this materialistic world and still trusting higher forces of universe, we will rise higher spiritually in the power of Lord where there is complete REST from worldly chaos. Once we have been in the Rest of God, we will understand how immature we were when we thought that we could handle our life ourselves.

Complete self surrender means giving up of ego – I-ness- that I have done such and such thing. It is – God made me do it or correct it for my own good. I cannot give few problems of my life to God to solve and leave the ‘tiny’ problems for solving myself because I do not want to ‘bother’ the ‘busy’ God with trivial things. This is not Trusting God. This is partial faith in God or no faith at all in God, his mighty-ness, his power and his grace. Live your life for the cause of God. Live your life as a service to God. God gave you family, serve it. God gave people around you, treat them nicely. Everything around you is God given, be grateful to God. Feel, see and witness the miracle of God in your nearby Garden – how things are happening on their own. Trust God to make you grow, prune, trim, treat you in a manner which will bring out the best in you. Even though this may hurt you sometimes but trust in wisdom of God completely even when it is not making any sense to you.

Trust that you are unique child of God and that HE loves you and IS looking after you. You may lose track of HIM but HE will FIND you no matter wherever you are. Therefore, stop feeling low about yourself just because others have reached where you have not reached. Each of us is on different path and only God know through which way we will reach our destination.

Over the years, I have realized that no matter where I go, whomsoever I trust to do things for me, I cannot live without God. I know I am not capable enough to solve all my problems. I have to surrender to higher force. If I surrender to him for big things I better surrender to him even for smaller things. Completely Trust HIM. Universal forces are operating all around me in a perfect order even though I do not bother to stop, look and understand these all because I am busy within my own world. However, it is a fact that always there comes a critical time in life when we have no where to go but God. A time when we have to admit to ourselves that we are not in control, we are helpless before that Supreme Power. Why wait for such a time to let God enter your life. Why not now?

I encourage you to start walking in faith with the God (in any form that you believe in). No matter what your religion is, the universal law is same for all. God is ONE. We may be taking different paths but our destination is ONE – To feel happy and blissful forever, to be wise enough to solve all the mysteries of this world and beyond, to feel the eternal peace and joy. Walk with the God, you believe in, with single minded devotion.

How to walk with God - Read HIS (any personal God you believe in) written words, fill yourself with those words, think on them, contemplate on them. Whenever faced with trials in life you will find answers from HIS written words. If not, pray to him, trust your intuition to find answer to the issues with HIS divine help. Once you have found answers to the problem, compare that with the written word of God, tally it and start to make move in that direction with faith. If you seem to be losing peace of mind following that direction you might have mistaken your mind’s direction as God’s direction. So now again trust and pray to God to direct you.

If you are following God’s direction you will never lose your peace of mind – the path could be new and tough but God will always direct you to right path filling your mind with peace. When you trust God and act accordingly pursue his direction – step by step – even without bothering about final destination, HE will take you to great places.

As per Shirdi SaiBaba, Faith and Patience are two very powerful virtues of any wise human being and together they can take us safely across the misery of this world. Make God your Sole Refuge, Your Hermitage, Your Fortress, Your Resting Place with FAITH and then relax with PATIENCE to let all good things happen in your life at their right and appropriate time as per the Will of God. TRUST HIM EVEN WHEN NOTHING IS MAKING SENSE TO YOUR MIND. BELIEVE IN HIM THOUGH YOUR HEART AND FIND ETERNAL PEACE.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

April 28, 2009

How to listen to our Inner Voice?

So many times we are faced with such situations where we cannot decide what we should do. We call up our friends, relatives, colleagues to find solution for us. We do not realize that we are the best judge of every event or problem in our life. No one knows me better than myself. My inner-self (which we also call as Higher Self is the Charioteer of my body) knows so much more than my conscious mind. My body is not just flesh and bones. It is much more. Every human on earth has four dimensions - Body, Mind, Emotions and the divine energy called Soul. Ideally, a Soul has to be in control of the first three. But in the modern busy world it is other way round. The result is imbalance all around us. None seems to be listening to the his/her own Soul. Our Soul has to be in the driver’s seat of our life but we have dumped it in some rear corner and have forgotten all about it.

Our soul is always in communication with us. It is always telling us what we should do for our own good. This voice is nothing else but voice of our own inner consciousness / Soul which is connected with the Universal Power/ Higher Spirit / God/ Infinity. God is not some separate individual sitting high above beyond solar system or galaxies. God is present around us in seen as well as unseen world.

God/ Sadguru / Jesus/ Saibaba (whatever name we use to refer to the Supreme Power) is operating from within us through our Soul. When we are in tune with our Soul, we can listen to the voice of this Supreme Divine Power within us. This voice is voice of truth. If we listen to it and follow its command we can experience eternal peace and joy.

Our soul is always talking to us, guiding us and telling us what we should be doing in given situation. Usually this voice is the first guidance we instantly notice whenever we are to take some important decision in life. It is our soul which first oversees our problem even before its onset. It puts thought in our mind to take necessary preventive action. We feel gentle whisper of this voice in our heart. This whisper tells us what we should do in the given circumstances. We often refer to it as our gut feeling. So many times we follow our gut feeling even though it may not seem right to us at that time but somehow we are drawn to do things which we never meant to do if we were using our mind. This is called following our heart which is always speaking language of love.

If we do not listen to this voice instantly, our mind takes over and starts analyzing the situation and offers us other attractive and easy alternatives. Thus we are prompted to do things which others are normally doing in given circumstances even when our heart knows it is not right thing to do. Listening to and following the command of our own Inner Voice means carrying out the Will of the God in the interest of all.

Therefore, some time of the day, we have to shut off the world and sit in silence to listen to this inner guidance. Some call it concentration, some call it meditation. But it is a fact that this stillness speaks. Most of us are afraid of sitting in silence because we are so terrified and just do not have courage to face ourselves.

This voice of truth is so soft and subtle that unless we are fine tuned to listen to it, our physical mind using its analytical faculties makes it completely inaudible and avoidable. When we work with decisions taken by our mind, our life goes topsy turvy and we wonder where we went wrong. We can always sense a feeling of uneasiness and emptiness whenever we have acted as per directions of our Mind and not Heart. Why??

Answer is - We ignored to listen and follow the voice of our inner consciousness. Our mind, body, and emotions are controlling our life. Our pure Soul is not on the seat of driver.

We have to understand that
If Lord Krishna is the charioteer than no Arjuna of this world can ever go wrong.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

December 26, 2008

Why are we born ????

What is the purpose of our life ? Is it just to spend our life studying, getting married, having children, grandchildren, turning old and then dying? Is this all we come to earth for – to learn, struggle, reproduce, make property, enjoy life and then go back? What about those who are born abnormal at birth time itself? What about those who do not lead a normal life? Who told us to live the way we do? Who programmed this kind of life style of self preservation in our psychic? Is that all we are supposed to do?

There has got to be some higher reason for our coming to this earth. God could not have sent us on earth to simply enjoy life and then go back. There appears to be some hidden, secret agenda behind every creation on earth and since we all are unique, the agenda is also uniquely different for each creation of God.

The biggest gift that God/Universe has given us is our faculty to ‘forget’. How complicated it would be if we remember each and every event of this life, past lives and afterlife? If we do not forget, we will not be able to get over our sorrows and our losses. Our soul remembers all. However, in human body we forget that we have any soul at all. The greatest treasures of the world have been found hidden in unimaginable, difficult and yet reachable places. Similarly, the Divine Power of Lord is hidden deep within our soul but we cannot reach it because we have forgotten all about it.

Have you noticed that we are never content with what we have? If our one desire is fulfilled another desires comes up and the cycle goes on. There comes a point in life of a human being when he sits down and thinks that though I have got everything I wanted still I want something ‘more’. In trying to find out what that ‘more’ is we end up fulfilling more material desires and still find something lacking. If we introspect more at this point we will find answer to our actual reason for coming to this earth – which is to know ourselves and to know our creator.
To know that we are actually ‘soul’ wearing different ‘body garments’ and our soul is tiny spark of that Divine unseen Power that we call GOD/Brahma/Universe.

But in our normal day to day life we do not think on those lines. Mostly ‘soul’ and ‘body’ is discussed when some one dies. These theories are explained to comfort the relatives of the bereaved and people go back home hoping and believing that nothing of this sort will happen to them or their loved ones or that they will cross the bridge when storm comes. But then why do we have to wait to suffer ourselves to learn this biggest lesson of life? Why cannot we stop and try to understand this mystery in the beginning itself? We all wait to get retired to introspect on the issue thinking that we still have lot of time with us.

In our free time we perform some exoteric religious practices – like going to our place of worship on some specific day, bowing at altar morning and evening, keeping some fasts to please God. Do you think it really works? Are these not mere rituals if we do not perform these rituals with ‘intense feelings’? At esoteric level all major religions in the world speak of that single power controller, a divine unseen form of energy of bright light from which the life begins and in same the life ends. It is like we all have one destination to reach. Only the routes & methods followed to reach the destination are different depending upon what religion one follows or believes in.

What we study in academic books only tells us about how this physical world functions. Religious books tell us about how universe functions. But how do we coordinate between the earthly and universal functions is something we have to realize ourselves. Science has revealed that all matter is made up of energy and at its smallest visible (invisible to naked human eye) form it is not joined to anything. There is a space in between. None has been able to find out what is that energy made up of and what is that space made up of. We are fooled by what we see. There is so much which we do not know despite so much technological advancement. Even our human body is combination of biology(different organs) and chemistry(reactions of different hormones). What is it that is giving life to it? When a person dies, the body is still here but what is it that goes out?

Why cannot we try to understand, feel, realize and see that specific life giving part(soul) inside our body when we are alive? If we cannot fathom our own soul how can we understand the bigger spirit – GOD?

God gave us free will to break free from pursuing this law of self preservation at some point of time in our life to get to know ourselves. Some break free at early age, some in youth age, some in middle age but most of us want to break free in old age when our so called worldly responsibilities are over. But by this time, our body is not healthy enough, our energy is depleting and some of us may not be lucky enough to survive that long. What a waste of life we have made then? It is said that sometimes
it takes many lifetimes to understand and to break free from pursuing Self preservation to tread on the path of Self realization and ultimately God realization.

We all are at different levels of soul development and tied up with individually unique prarabdh and karma. This cycle will not stop if we keep on living life only for ourselves and our kiths & kins. The moment we realize what we are made up of and why we are here, we are free from karmas. Karmas are created as long as we think ourselves to be different from God. The moment we realize that God in within each and everyone of us, the pain and pleasure can no longer control us. We start to feel love for each and everyone and are finally free. But then it is easier said than done.

As per ancient Hindu philosophy there are different levels of understanding. Theory, reading or listening is first part. If we remember the same and think consistently on something we have read or heard, we start to contemplate on the same till we practice it. Ultimately, we assimilate this knowledge and get another new layer of understanding from our own experience and we finally realize what we learnt or read.
If we start to understand our knowledge about soul in this manner, a day will come when we will be able to see, feel, listen and talk to our own soul.

Meditation is another important tool to get to know oneself.
The great Indian Saint Shirdi SaiBaba said that barring our name and body what is left is our soul - the feeling of consciousness - the feeling of being alive. This is our soul. It is our true self.

Our soul talks to us regularly, guides us and reminds us of our purpose of taking birth but we are so lost in outside world that we do not want to look inwards. We just cannot sit alone for long. We are enjoying materialistic world. Sitting all alone, doing nothing makes us shaky and mad. Many workaholics feel this is wastage of time. It is not. Lord Buddha got enlightened during that moment of nothingness – the void – the moment when we are absolutely free of any thought. Weak man would say, ‘I am not Buddha’. But then who is stopping us from becoming like Buddha? We ourselves are creating hurdles for us. If we say that something is difficult then it becomes our reality and thus realizing our own soul becomes absolutely impossible.

Our soul is linked to the divine Spirit. If we cannot listen to our own soul, we will not be able to listen to God’s voice which is constantly emanating through the universe because our own frequency is not tuned precisely to be able to listen to it. During meditation, people have heard lot of such messages, sounds, seen visions which are beyond comprehension of a physical human mind. This happens because during meditation our frequency fine tunes and catches up with the universal frequency and we are able catch the same as per our own capability. The more we meditate the more we are able to catch from the universe and this continues even when we are not meditating. Gradually, our intuitive sense becomes strong and we become aware of our own increasing ‘knowingness’. The universal knowledge is symbolic, secretive and subtle. In moments of solitude, so many secrets are revealed which are beyond recognition of our physical five senses. It is up to us to maintain and continue this internal spiritual communication with universe despite continuing to live in material world.

For listening to our own soul, we need not give up on our worldly duties. Lord Krishna has said that we can connect with our own creator while carrying on with our day to day activities provided we have faith in HIS existence and we are sincerely regular in our efforts. If we have to take ten steps towards God, we have to initiate the journey towards self realization by taking that all important first step. Then the Lord/Universe will take the rest of nine steps towards us because HE knows how difficult it is for a householder, living on earth, to break free from the law of self preservation and to tread towards acquiring self knowledge.

The crux is that Universe listens to our earnest requests and responds to our faithful efforts even though we may not realize it immediately. But we are rewarded with enormous ‘retirement benefits’ in afterlife. No effort made towards spiritual pursuit goes waste. Are we eager to take a journey inwards and tap at the overflowing reservoir of treasure full of universal/God knowledge hidden within our own beings ?

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi