Yes, it is possible to forgive and not forget.
Therapist have used it to aid the concept of forgiving but not forgetting a trauma/ experience.
You retain the memory of the experience but have lost the emotions attached to it.
To ensure we let go of the emotions we must first forgive ourself for our part in the experience that created some of the emotions.
We detach in such a way that when we recall that event or situation, it doesn't hurt any more. When we recall 'that' person, or that person comes in front of us, we are neutral from within, emotionally. That is complete forgiveness. Of course we cannot forget what that person did to us. It is our learning experience. But we let go of the grudge which is most important.
Universe- scientific circumstances- will eventually catch up with 'that' person but forgiving we earn our freedom.
We need to apply spiritual knowledge in all such situations. We have to take full responsibility of that event in our life. We got back, what we had given earlier - either through words, actions or above all INTENTIONS. We reap what we sow.
This gives it a new perspective.
We are responsible for whatever is happening in our life. If an unwanted person or situation comes into our life, its our own calling, whether we called it knowingly or unknowingly. If we put our hands on a bowl of needles accidentally, we are bound to get hurt, whether we did it knowingly or unknowingly. Same is with our karma, whether we do it with our actions, words or thoughts. Key to all this is our intention, which should always be wise irrespective of its result.
God has nothing to do with this. God is like a LIGHT mere witness.
Vandana Mulchandani
25 July 2022