January 25, 2019

How illness helps us

 When I got sick recently, after many years, I wanted to be normal again.  Doing all same stuff I was doing. All the daily chores which used to tire me out.  God why can't I work like mad again.  Suddenly feeling tired and exhausted, after lots of work, looked much better than sitting and shivering in bed.  Can I again do all that stuff that I hated doing.

The immobile me wanted to be mobile as soon as possible. And that reminds me about my Mobile phone.  Who wanted to look at it. All those games and serials and social networking were not helping at all.  Nothing gave me comfort.  How can they.  They are my own self created miseries.  Extra workload. That can easily be done away with.  What a relief you get when you don't have to bother about any call for four days.  That's called freedom when you are free for only yourself and unavailable to the rest.

And food was most irritating part.  Suddenly I had developed strong aversion for all kind of sugar, salt, spice.  Biscuits tasted too sweet. Lays tasted too salty.  Awww all nauseated me.  All I wanted was simple plain water.  Simple basic food. No flavours.  I thought I was back to my original nature as a human being. My illness had reconnected me to my original true nature.  Technology has brought about varous savoury dishes but nothing beats simple home made food with minimum ingredients possible.   I could taste actual flavour of my food from whatever I could eat.

All types of food smell was nauseating but when husband got fresh tube roses and placed it in a vase on table, that was the sweetest smell.  I felt so refreshed and healing.  No wonder they used to bring flowers for sick in old days.  Now a days, its all together different story. People give and receive bouquets but who cares.  I wonder if bride and groom or their families even notice those bouquets they receive on the wedding day.  Now this is going off track.

Four days of confinement in home, in my bed with my and only my thoughts, in between those medicines induced sleep spells and in company of my severe body pain and burning head, I was only with myself.   I think I was enjoying my own company so much since now I could get a complete overview  of what all I had been doing. So much.  So much of everything.  So much eating, so much socialising, so much texting, so much Mobile and so much unnecessary work.  It was a good time to review and revise my prorities.   I was busy in doing things that were serving no purpose.  Wasting my time in stupid technical gadgets and social calls.    I had to cut it down drastically.  Shed that extra potato load and feel lighter.  And I had been thinking I wasn't doing anything worth while all these years.  Now I realise how wrong I had been.  We normally and casually judge ourselves in such negative manner.  Because all solutions are in us, provided we ask ourselves instead of running to phone and start seeking advice outside.  Check with the counsellor within. It has all solutions.

Honestly I am thankful as I recuperate my illness left me more wiser.   It connected myself to REAL me. So much so that it made me start writing once again.  I think I really needed this shake up.  What a relief it is to be able to do restart your life after this forced rest with fresh positive outlook.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

January 16, 2019

Why do we have so much negativity around us

Duality is at the core of everything around us.  There are two completely opposite ends and life survives in between.  I understand that world can function only when there is pair of opposites balancing each other.  Like day n night, hot n cold etc.   All is illusion and yet so true.  Is there no darkness?  It is said there is only light and if an object is placed in its path, then there is shadow on its opposite side.  That darkness is nothing but absence of light.  and if there is all light there is no darkness.   All is crystal clear.  However don't we need dark lines and shadows to define an object.   Aren't light and dark both necessity of life?  Both are required for understanding each other and experiencing life. 

News focuses on  what is going wrong and it blows out of proportion in our mind.  It shows us all darkness and negativity around us.  However, we are alive because negativity and positivity are in balance.  But too much media tries to project the chaos.  Which is not truth at all.  Most of the time world is in order...in things that we don't even notice.  For example, there is so much of honesty...we go to shop, we pay and get the balance  as well as the goods.  We go on vacations.  All is booked and we get comfort in return as per agreed terms.  Most of the times things are working in order.  We get services so easily. People are generally nice and helpful.   Facilities, treatments, essential services.  We are placed at appropriate places depending upon our karmic accounts, our place in spiritual evolution.  

World is not cruel.  Many many noble souls,  like Monks and spiritual groups etc , pray to God to keep everyone safe. We don't want anyone to suffer.  World was at war centuries ago too.  This yin and yang always co exists because this is the root of human survival.  

We build a strong house today, it is going to wear and tear subsequently.  Cells in our body,  die and are recreated every day.   This is life...new then old, fresh today stale tomorrow, healthy today unhealthy later.  This up down pendulum like swing in our lives continues.

I live in developing country and have seen so much since childhood.  Because on one side there is this stinkingly rich class and on other side people are with nothing.  Both are in pain of different kind.  People in developed countries have different blessings. But Really??

We have come here to experience life in its different vibrations and frequencies, varied nature, variety, 'spice', which I sometimes agree with and sometimes don't. Pain and pleasure exist everywhere. Nothing is permanent.  All is changing.  We have to learn from this diversity. If it becomes all positive or all negative, world will come to an end.

We cannot have sun up all the time like we cannot have long long nights.  We will not survive then.  This polarity of opposites is at root of our existence.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani