Showing posts with label Why are we different from each other?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why are we different from each other?. Show all posts

July 23, 2014

Why are we different from each other?

You explain one thing to ten people but  on inquiry you realise that some of them got it exactly your way while some got it half and a few got opposite or nothing at all. 

This happens because of the difference in the levels of intellect in each individual.  Intellect may be defined as our capacity to understand, assimilate and, if required, use knowledge at the appropriate time.  Our academic learning polishes and refines our intellect but it is certainly not the source of intellect.  We are born with our intellect.  But then, What is the source of our intellect?

As per Brahmakumaris,( the Indian Spiritual Organisation) intellect or intelligence is one of the three faculties of the Soul – the life force - running our body vehicle.  The other two faculties are Mind and Samskars (Impressions) left on our soul by all our experiences.  For example,  when a child puts finger in hot water, it leaves an impression of hot water causing burn so the child will avoid touching hot things in later life.  This is a small impression.  Can you imagine bigger and almost permanent impressions left by our intense Love or abhorrence of any person, place or a thing.  It becomes a strong impression and carries forward life after life till we correct it ourselves.

Now the body garment may change but the soul remains the same and with every birth brings with it the sum total of all the impressions carried forward from previous lifetimes.  You see a child of three years dancing like an expert.  This is very strong impression of one of the earlier lifetimes.  In each lifetime, the soul adds on more impressions and reaches different levels of its own growth. Of course human being cannot remember simply because remembering will cause so much confusion and problems.

In each lifetime, we start from where we left in previous life.   This explains the spiritual reason behind different levels of brain power in each person.

Our souls are on different levels of growth irrespective of age of our body. One person understands even a complicated logic while the other cannot understand even the simple logic, irrespective of body age.  This happens because they are on different levels of soul development and therefore you cannot expect a student of class II to understand books of class V.  The intellect level too works on these lines. 

Therefore, Common sense cannot be on exact level for all. It too differs.

In The Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna advised that each individual has to act righteously i.e., act as per his/her own commonsense, choose the best option (as per their intellect) and leave the results in the hands of Lord (the source that is running show of the world). We are not to judge. People get results as per their own efforts. Doing something is in our hands but how it is going to turn out is in hands of All That Is that knows all your past present and future and gives results accordingly.

Once we understand how we have reached our present state, we realize that we cannot do much about our past but with this knowledge we can now choose to create a better future. 
As per Dada Bhagwan, all visible actions are result of your impressions brought forward from previous lives.  Therefore understand that the real work is undergoing internally.  Now we can use this information, think positively, on purpose, and create positive impressions.  More intensely we pursue this, much better the results would be. 

This is the reasons we have to realize how powerful our own thoughts are.  Till now we  let these thoughts flow, uninterrupted, on their own.  But hence forth we exercise our freewill and choose (deliberately) to check and correct our thoughts.  Feel and think positive about everything. 

This is called living in total awareness.  This is path of Self Realisation i.e.,  Knowing myself,  my true nature.  When we know who we are, we experience our oneness with our SOURCE.

We realise that there is no outside source running our life, we ourselves have created this life and invited our so called family and friends into it and vice versa.  Source is same.  In actual we are responsible. Our internal actions are controlling our results.

This is spiritual law.  Understand it properly and utilize it effectively.   It will never fail you.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani