Showing posts with label Body Ego Soul Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Ego Soul Spirit. Show all posts

July 25, 2022

Do we plan our Life before Birth

Modern research in field of quantum physics has proved that We planned our life before arriving on earth. We definitely choose our Mother. We make a broad blue print of our life, along with major obstacles, in form of certain hard hitting situations, people and  also if our past good karma allows, some loving people, luxuries also, before taking birth. 

Even before we were born, we have sat down and decided our family life. You know, what will be your life like on earth in advance .  Some like it easy. Some plan challenges coz it means more achievements. The whole family sat down and planned it together. Of course we could plan with only those with whom we had any emotional entanglement of either Love or abhorrence in previous life. No wonder we feel attracted towards some stranger or feel repelled by a close relative.  

Based on our past karmic debts, we plan our future life, with help of set of Counsellors, Spirit guides etc before taking birth.  We all come to repay and also to receive and grow in the process.  We all come with a purpose. But on earth, we forget. If we stay in touch with Divinity, we are often reminded of our plan through out intuition, inner wisdom and outside reminders also. But majority are disconnected with their own inner core. They forget their real purpose and waste a lifetime.  Only to take another birth, this time with low score card. 

Yes, earth is a school. We have come here to learn and grow through our understanding, experiences and knowledge addition which is possible only because we are humans.  However, if you look around or read newspapers,  in this Iron age, human behaviour is worse than animals in so many places.  Immorality has increased manifold. Cheating, fraud, murders etc are all common and now war. Humanity has degraded.  

Next time you see someone suffering, understand that its that individual's own past misdoing.  People argue, what's a child fault in this. When we do something unawares or have repented our misdeed already, we repay it unawares. A child is unaware, a mental person is unaware.  A blind is not aware and so on. We suffer or enjoy the most, in full awareness.  When we are of prime age.  A 10 yrs old child cannot enjoy kingdom but a 40 yrs old will know what being king means.  Debt has to be cleared. The one who hurts these, also has to payback ultimately. Age has nothing to do with it. 

This is a vicious cycle, understanding laws of karma, helps us escape this cycle. We come out of it, if we know how it works.  So we need to plan our next life, with full awareness of these Universal Laws which are same for all.  For what we understand properly, gets embedded in our psych, and after we die, it goes with our causal body. We start our next lifetime with this knowledge despite forgetting our life plan.  We start from where we ended. We need not relearn, what we have already learnt. It's imprint is already in our subconscious.  If we have already learnt that killing is bad, we won't even think of killing anyone.  We go to bank for transactions only. We have no intention of robbing it since we have already learnt this lesson. 

At planning stage, Soul doesn't understand pain or pleasure.  It needs to grow with each lifetime.  So without thinking how it is going to affect the emotions, It plans according to what it needs to learn. We ourselves decide what we want to repay first and how we will do that.  Different lesson or multiple lessons in each lifetime.  Spiritual growth usually comes after a hard time - failure, illness, death of a loved one etc  This set back, if handled properly, gives learnings of many many lifetimes in one lifetime itself. Hence many courageous souls, come with very tough life plan.  And when faced with tough situation, it wonders, why it happened to me. Well, you invited it. 

Tough events bring big change in our lives which will elevate our souls to higher level. Thats what a soul wants.  We cannot judge level of a Soul based on its earth conditions in this life time.  A poor may be a very high level old Soul just finishing off his karmic debt and a wealthy person could be a new soul just starting to build a huge karmic debt.  Therefore we should  never Judge anyone.  We don't know karmic baggage of anyone.  

Our purpose on earth is to understand our true nature and realise our true potential.  Connect to that spark ⚡️ of divinity within ⭐️   We all are Divine.  We all are growing. But some grow very fast.  While some are still 'sleeping' and have no clue.  Tough situations are planned by us to shake us out of our slumber and to make us aware of our true nature.  To take us into Self Inquiry mode which brings us closer to our own divinity or else one life goes waste. 

Wise say do not get elated during happy times and do not feel miserable during sad times. Stay in state of equanimity.  सम भाव से ज़िंदगी की हर परिस्थिति का सामना करो और आगे बढ़ो।  कहीं भी अटको मत।

Vandana Mulchandani 
25 July 2022

December 2, 2008

Body, Ego, Soul & Spirit

Imagine a bottle filled with water and floating in an ocean. Now try to understand this. The bottle is our Body. The water inside is our Soul. The water in ocean is the higher Spirit or Universe.

All the time we think that we are the bottle, the outer covering. This is because of presence of ego which helps us recognise our bottle i.e, the body. Ego lives as long as body is alive. This body will have a name, color, creed, religion, family, relatives, friends. The body will experience all the pleasures and sorrows in the illusionary world alongwith other bottles floating in the ocean. The body will live, interact and will have social life. Thus the body with the help of physical mind will start having desires, possessions and more desires. Now the feeling of 'I'ness and 'My'ness will arise and ego will start to grow and the growth will be of such a magnitude that the body will be not be able to see the clarity of water/soul inside. The bottle will be so engrossed competing and floating with other bottles that ultimately the water outside will also become invisible to it. Now the bottle will only see the other bottles but no water.

In every bottle the color of glass is ego which alerts us to take necessary measures time to time to keep it fit. As long as ‘spirit’ is inside us we cannot ignore the body because the ‘water’ inside us knows that it is not different from the water outside. It is only body which cannot see the water inside and outside due to its overgrown ego. Just because you cannot see, it doesnot mean that it does not exist. The water is all around us. It is just a matter of being aware of the truth and make efforts to find it.

For a body to experience the human life and creation around, presence of ego is must. The darker the colour of bottle the denser the state of ego is in that individual body. The dark colored bottle will take longer time to see and realize the clarity of the inner ‘water’. Inflated ego creates desires, possessions, separatedness and ultimately pain.

All the activities taken up on behalf of the body represent our material life while all the efforts made to bring out the brilliance of the soul within represents our spiritual journey. The spiritual journey is nothing but removing the veils of ignorance of this reality and to finally experience the ‘oneness’ of water inside and outside and bottle being a mere illusion.

Ego represents our false fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) while Spirit represents love. The journey of the soul is to realise that fear is illusion which was created because of presence of body. Once we understand this illusion/Maya we realise that universe is nothing but love. Fear is nothing but absence of love.

Once we become aware and conscious of this role of ego, it would not take long to make the ‘bottle’ colorless, transparent, shiny and ‘one’ with the water outside.

A balance between material and spiritual life is must if we want to live a happy and contented life.

A wise man lives on the earth without losing sight of his space and place in the universe.

Vandana Ritik