Showing posts with label How does positive thinking helps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How does positive thinking helps. Show all posts

July 6, 2015

How do positive thoughts help?

It is very difficult to stay positive when things are going all wrong in our life.  When we are suffering,  how can we be positive and why should we be?  Does it help to in any way if we stay positive?

YES, it does help to stay positive during adversity.  And in atleast  three ways:

It helps us come out of state of feeling like a ‘victim’ thus reinstating our self esteem.  We don’t feel guilty. We don’t blame self or anyone for the problem.

Our new positive perspective sets Law of Attraction in motion.  We are open to positive help from unexpected sources of the Universe.

And obviously it saves us from going into depression and other interactional conflicts.

What do we mean by being positive –  It is that state of mind in which we are stable, calm and peaceful.  The mind is silent, in a state of relaxation  and not asking questions(like How could or Why did it happen to me).  A relaxed mind will automatically come out with possible alternatives to issue at hand.

How to stay positive –  If there is no solution to the issue like in event of death then By accepting the situation as it happened and adopting  the  right attitude to face the consequences of the same and adopt ourselves to the changed circumstances comfortably.  

In other cases, positivity signals our mind to start looking for any other possible alternative solution.  Thus we are be open to new opportunities and ready to face new challenges.  We do not give up if things did not work out one way.  

A positive person will look at a ‘dead end’ as a ‘turn’ to reach success via a new untested different route.

Remember WHAT WE RESIST, PERSISTS.  So we better stop resisting and be ready to do something to stabilise our inner turmoil.  When internally we are peaceful, our outward actions are always fruitful.

Possible Positive Inputs -  Spiritual knowledge helps immensely in finding a new positive outlook to face the situation as it is.  We can’t find answers to our emotional turmoil in academic books. Had it been there, we would not be disturbed. Few positive thoughts are as under:

I am responsible for my own happiness.  I cannot blame anyone else for my disturbance.  I will correct it with my own will power (by remaining positive against all odds).  Things will work out fine for me.

Whatever is happening is in perfect order and therefore just right in grand drama of the Universe.

All is subject to law of change every second and thus temporary.   Therefore circumstances will ultimately change in my favour. I will not give up.

Going may be tough as of now but there is always end to a long cold night.  Sun has to shine after the stormy days.

I am a special child of God and chosen specifically to come out stronger out of this crisis.  I am a powerful soul who chose this particular tough lesson to learn something out of it.

If some known sources are out to spoil things for you, BELIEVE that there are some unseen sources too out there working things out for you.  Have faith and patience.  Trust Universe and believe in miracles.

Count your remaining other blessings.  Natural blessings like air, water, ether etc are always around for free…to help you overcome hardships. 

When others leave us, we are never left alone.  Universal saviours, our Guardians and Angels surround us and support us invisibly.  Have you noticed feeling calm amidst the toughest time? Know that you are not alone.  Know that you are a powerful soul and you can do any thing.

Sometimes logic fails to define cause of failure.  Never mind.  Forget logic become reasonable and accept outcome without despair.  Results are never same for similar efforts.  Some gain more while some lose all under same circumstances. 

Taking responsibility does not mean finding fault in self. I means I tried earlier, I will try again too.

God helps those who help themselves and also sometimes seek help from the Universe with firm faith.

PS:  In some situations doing ‘nothing’ is also one important solution.  Under no circumstances, accepting a given tough situation can be considered as a failure by an optimist.  A loser thinks on those lines and gives up.  A winner will always accept the setback and make efforts to overcome it and find a new way out.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani
