Showing posts with label Karma and Dharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karma and Dharma. Show all posts

July 23, 2014

Why are we different from each other?

You explain one thing to ten people but  on inquiry you realise that some of them got it exactly your way while some got it half and a few got opposite or nothing at all. 

This happens because of the difference in the levels of intellect in each individual.  Intellect may be defined as our capacity to understand, assimilate and, if required, use knowledge at the appropriate time.  Our academic learning polishes and refines our intellect but it is certainly not the source of intellect.  We are born with our intellect.  But then, What is the source of our intellect?

As per Brahmakumaris,( the Indian Spiritual Organisation) intellect or intelligence is one of the three faculties of the Soul – the life force - running our body vehicle.  The other two faculties are Mind and Samskars (Impressions) left on our soul by all our experiences.  For example,  when a child puts finger in hot water, it leaves an impression of hot water causing burn so the child will avoid touching hot things in later life.  This is a small impression.  Can you imagine bigger and almost permanent impressions left by our intense Love or abhorrence of any person, place or a thing.  It becomes a strong impression and carries forward life after life till we correct it ourselves.

Now the body garment may change but the soul remains the same and with every birth brings with it the sum total of all the impressions carried forward from previous lifetimes.  You see a child of three years dancing like an expert.  This is very strong impression of one of the earlier lifetimes.  In each lifetime, the soul adds on more impressions and reaches different levels of its own growth. Of course human being cannot remember simply because remembering will cause so much confusion and problems.

In each lifetime, we start from where we left in previous life.   This explains the spiritual reason behind different levels of brain power in each person.

Our souls are on different levels of growth irrespective of age of our body. One person understands even a complicated logic while the other cannot understand even the simple logic, irrespective of body age.  This happens because they are on different levels of soul development and therefore you cannot expect a student of class II to understand books of class V.  The intellect level too works on these lines. 

Therefore, Common sense cannot be on exact level for all. It too differs.

In The Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna advised that each individual has to act righteously i.e., act as per his/her own commonsense, choose the best option (as per their intellect) and leave the results in the hands of Lord (the source that is running show of the world). We are not to judge. People get results as per their own efforts. Doing something is in our hands but how it is going to turn out is in hands of All That Is that knows all your past present and future and gives results accordingly.

Once we understand how we have reached our present state, we realize that we cannot do much about our past but with this knowledge we can now choose to create a better future. 
As per Dada Bhagwan, all visible actions are result of your impressions brought forward from previous lives.  Therefore understand that the real work is undergoing internally.  Now we can use this information, think positively, on purpose, and create positive impressions.  More intensely we pursue this, much better the results would be. 

This is the reasons we have to realize how powerful our own thoughts are.  Till now we  let these thoughts flow, uninterrupted, on their own.  But hence forth we exercise our freewill and choose (deliberately) to check and correct our thoughts.  Feel and think positive about everything. 

This is called living in total awareness.  This is path of Self Realisation i.e.,  Knowing myself,  my true nature.  When we know who we are, we experience our oneness with our SOURCE.

We realise that there is no outside source running our life, we ourselves have created this life and invited our so called family and friends into it and vice versa.  Source is same.  In actual we are responsible. Our internal actions are controlling our results.

This is spiritual law.  Understand it properly and utilize it effectively.   It will never fail you.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

August 10, 2011

Natural Judgement is impartial

Nature is always Just. Not even for a moment has it been unjust. Justice that prevails in Law Courts may be unjust at times, but there is nothing unjust in this world. We may notice rich people stealing, rulers following corrupt practices and being ignored or let off. However, they will get result of this behaviour because Nature is Just always and not even for a moment it has been unjust.

The show of this world is being run by this Nature and none has power to interfere in it because all is functioning on the basis of Natural Laws which are universal. Man made laws may be local, social, and biased but Laws of Nature are same for each and all that is manifest in this world and also which is unmanifest. Natural laws do keep track of the unmanifest part of us too. Our inner intents and inner conversations with Self are not hidden by the 'regulator' of the Universe. Everything is being accounted for.

An ignorant person may not want to believe it but it is fact that nothing is in our hands. Our life can be compared to a journey in a train and this train is running on its own. Nothing is going to halt it. What we can do is to simply observe it and whatever happens: let it be. Dada Bhagwan has given a term Scientific Circumstantial Evidence to the natural sequence of events. Whatever happens, one has to let it go. Whether it is right or wrong; none has power to alter it? People do not have energy to run anything at all. when one says one can make a change than he is doing wrong egoism and this will ultimately lead to disputes and mess. If someone does any wrong to you, make him understand and if he doesnot understand, remain silent. Know in your heart that this is nature working.

It is imperative to understand that all disputes and chaos in mind and relationships is caused by 4 evils - anger, pride, deceit and greed - residing within us. The moment one of these evils becomes active in us, it creates difficulties for us. Effort should be made to become aware when any of these raises its head and then take corrective action immediately because they tend to misinterpret the situation for us and take us towards suffering. These 4 evils tell us that this is unhappiness and they misrepresent and mislead us. Otherwise outside, none is at fault in this world. This is why it is said that we are responsible for ourselves. None has power to trouble me. I can create trouble as well as peace for me depending upon my choice.

When someone does anything good/bad to you, watch it silently, know it in your heart that Nature is making these things happen and the people involved are mere 'instruments' being used by the Nature to give back to us what we have given out earlier through our good/bad intents. The 'instruments' have this wrong habit of saying 'I did' or 'you did' actually its working of Scientific Circumstantial Evidences which makes things happen at proper place and time. Even the big natural disasters like Tsunami, earthquakes are an outcome of the precise working of nature. The one meant to survive is saved or sent away a moments before the accident and the one who has to pay back old karmic debts is called at the zero point at the exact time. Sometimes these precise arrangements takes many many years and hence something done lifetimes ago bears fruits lifetimes later.

Human logical mind cannot understand why something unexplained happened unexpectedly. How can a person understand. Because he doesnot remember. We do not remember what we did two years ago, how can we remember what we did consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly lifetimes ago. Money taken on loan in previous life which could not be returned, will have to be returned in this lifetime, whether or not you want. Natural laws are precise and perfectly just for it treats all at par, all are equal and there is no partiality. Even saints say that they cannot interfere in the working of natural laws.

Once we understand the working of nature, it becomes easy to understand that this world is faultless. None is at fault. . Messengers of God have given us the message of non-judgement. If we judge and see fault in someone, it is our own mistake reflecting back at us. The moment we accept others just the way they are and let them be, they will not have power to trouble us again.

The best way to cope with natural laws is to understand them and to obey them.

Vandana Ritik

September 17, 2009

What is Detachment ?

When some person, thing or object of our desire stays in our mind even after it is not in front to us or has vanished away from our sight, it is called attachment. If we permit this desire to stay longer on our mental plain, it creates feeling of happiness, sadness, bitterness, envy, hatred, pride, greed etc which is attachment. We crave for taking revenge from our ‘enemies’. They are people whom we have labeled as our ill wishers in our thoughts because they are not meeting with the criteria of goodness we have stored in our psychic.

Lot of people talk of being detached or feeling detached. But what does it mean? Does it mean stopping interaction with our near and dear ones? Does it mean quarantining oneself from our loved ones? Does it mean avoiding celebrations or functions of the family? Does is mean stopping to enjoy life? Does it mean maintaining a physical and mental distance from the world to maintain a close relationship with God? Does it mean stop enjoying. NO. NO. NO. This is not detachment.

Ancient Holy Scriptures state that in the pursuit of God, if we neglect our worldly duties then God burns down our sins occurring due to this neglect and takes us in HIS fold thereby freeing us from the cycle of birth and death. Many of us do not understand the crux of this and start to give up worldly duties, still enjoying our luxuries etc and seek our freedom without following the other part of the teaching. We do not genuinely take up the search of God. This is not detachment.

When we have taken human body, we automatically have to perform many worldly duties depending upon our position in the family, society and the world. God does not want us to run away from them to find him. Shirking from family responsibilities, even if you are old and yet capable, is not detachment. Real detachment comes when we do all our duties but with the feeling that whatever would be the outcome – good or bad – we will remain calm and stable. We offer both – the credit as well as the fruit of performing our duty to the God. This way we get free from Karma bondage because now karma is God’s and not ours. When we act this way, automatically it so happens that our conscience does not permit us to do anything wrong or undesirable or harmful for the society.

Controlling faculties of mind and making choice is in our hand but the result is not. The outcome is our destiny. We get only if we deserve. There are so many factors which determine what we deserve - some of them we will not understand, only God can.
When we look at ourselves as DOER, take responsibility of our actions on self than we have to carry the burden of our own individual karma life after life and bear the good as well as bad outcomes of the same. Detachment is means to get rid of this excess baggage for it is wise to travel light coz the journey is long. We have to understand that nothing belongs to us.

If we go deeper, the society we live in carries the burden of its collective karma which it has to endure in next life time and so on. That is why wise men say that we should check our company. For company we keep affects our mental makeup and vice versa.

This world has been called the play of God’s Maya (illusion). What we see, hear, feel, smell or taste with our five senses is not all that this world is comprised of. Universe encircles many phenomenons which are beyond comprehension of our five senses. A spiritual person has to first learn to discriminate between real and unreal. Choosing to stay with the real and detaching oneself from unreal. Only God is real, rest is unreal. We do our karma and then wait for its result/ outcome/ affect. If it is not as per our expectations we start to find fault and get into blame game. This is not detachment.

I am not talking to you, keeping away from you and not meeting you. This does not mean I am detached from you. I would be detached from you, if you’re being out there in this world or anywhere does not affect me in any way. I should not have any kind of love or hate feelings for you. I should feel comfortable as well as neutral in your company. If your being in the same room as me invokes feeling of excitement or jealousy or ill will or hatred, it is attachment. We are attached when we feel like or dislike for some person, place, object or event.

We are supposed to do our karma as per dharma based on stations of duty of our life disinterestedly, just like a witness. The outcome of our karma should not bother us. Prescribed dharma is what we find in religious scriptures as well as in our own inner consciousness depending upon the level of development of our soul in this lifetime. If we act this way and offer what we did along with its outcome – whether to our liking or not – to God, we are said to be detached and free from any karma bondage. Our karma burden in lighter. This is said to be the first step.

In the next step, if we continuously stay detached from our karma and remain connected with the God/Universe, feeling calm and peaceful amidst ups and downs of our life, staying unruffled, we will be able to break through this unreal cycle of birth and death (where we stay entangled life after life) and find the real - attain Nirvana – will become masters of Self and need not be born again.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

July 6, 2008

Karma with Dharma

Any idea, intention, thought or deed is Karma i.e., the Act. If you look at it closely you will realize that majority of our karma is creation of our thoughts and ideas that keep invading our mind again and again. Every such karma(cause) embraces within, its hidden fruit(effect). This means karma and its fruit cannot be separated for any individual. Breathing, eating, sleeping, walking, talking etc all are karma. Thinking is the biggest karma. When we get a thought in our mind the universe starts to receive and starts working towards it. If that thought persists in our mind it becomes reality but if we start having doubts about result of that thought, it fails.

Karma can be classified into Sanchit (past accumulated Karma), Prarabdh(karma being experienced in present lifetime) and Kriyaman(karma which will bear fruit later). Thus karma consists of all our actions or thoughts not only in this birth but also all previous births put together. Karma cannot be erased. Karma cannot be avoided or changed. It can be exhausted only by experiencing it. You pay your past debts and be free.

No karma can produce absolutely good result and no karma can produce absolutely bad results. An action can be good for one person and at the same time it may be having a bad impact somewhere else in this universe. We should try and perform that type of karma which produces maximum good result and minimum bad result. It is here Dharma comes into picture. Karma performed with Dharma will do the trick.

Dharma is said to be the righteousness which results in maximum benefit for the person concerned as well as the society. Human beings have to live collectively and perform day to day karma. Therefore, Dharma-Karma would be that action, thought, idea which gives benefit to the subject as well as to the society in general. This means that we will have to keep a watch over all our thoughts.
Controlling of mind - If the thought is not positive, we have to discard it immediately otherwise it will start to manifest itself. Mind cannot remain idle. It has to think and think which is its very natural function. Wise men have said that we should focus our thoughts on God. Chanting God's name is well known in our scriptures but we always feel that in modern society having beads in our hands and chanting god's name does not go with our social image. Also we feel that this kind of activity should be done in old age, after retirement. But NO! NO! NO! What will be left of our life at that age.
Why not we start and do it today with little modification. Everytime we find we are bit free (that's the time mind starts to play), we should mentally start chanting God's name (any God we believe in). This way our mind will get a direction and its energy will be channelised positively and keeping with your modern image the outside world will not even know what your mind is doing. The biggest benefit is that no negative thought will cross your mind because mind is already busy in something of greater value. After some time, when you start feeling the benefits of channelising your mind like this, you will not even bother what the world thinks and your life will reap the benefits of positive thoughts.
It is true that the quality of our external life depends upon how healthy we are internally. And our internal health depends upon our basic thoughts. Thoughts are the starting point for any event, incidence and happenings in our life. We thus create our own reality.
If we follow Dharma before performing a Karma, life would be on right track. For following Dharma we have to make our thoughts as well as ideas very pure. We have to understand that every thing pervading this universe has emanted from one source and We all are children of that one same divine source or energy which we call God. In fact, that tiny spark of God is within each of us. It is very difficult to understand this if we do not have proper guidance. But if we are keen, our inner divine consiousness itself takes us in right direction, right place and at right time. Our thoughts create our reality.
Therefore, if in our thoughts we have sought guidance and help from God and repeatedly we are seeking it with full faith and are waiting patiently to receive it, the universe will set out in motion to bring the same to us when we are ready and fit enough to receive it. Why do we have to wait to get old to receive it. Why not now? Once we imbibe this in our day to day life all our Karma will be in accordance with Dharma and everything will happen just the way we( the God) willed it.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

June 11, 2008

What is Goodness

Badness is like filthy smelly gas that spreads easily, quickly and covers a vast area space. In today's world, people are more attracted towards this smell which fills every nook and corner of their lives. All media reports cover negativity in the most elaborate possible manner. Be it gruesome murder, tragic natural disaster whatever. The focus is mostly on how things are not working or wrongly working because it is considered as a effective marketing technique and also brings 2 minute fame for the persons involved. Next day people forget the wickedness because a brand new negative incident/ accident is ready to be reported for further postmortem by viewers/ readers. One gets a feeling that world is most unsafe and horrible place to live in and if we are surviving, it is nothing short of miracle. But hang on.
Goodness is like a refreshing fragrance that spreads slowly and is able to cover only short distance. Not all can see, read, think or notice it. One has to be sensitive enough to catch this fragrance, to feel its essence because negativity is so widespread it completely blocks this delightful perfume from reaching us. The world is surviving today because of this widespread goodness. And this is a Good News.
Thankyou God and Thanks my angels. I pray that you make us sensitive enough so that we can feel and inhale this beautiful refreshing natural essence of Goodness and become a part and creator of more Goodness. Let us come together and spread more goodness through positive intentions, actions and above all POSITIVE THOUGHTS. Amen.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

May 30, 2008

What is Prarabdh (our Destiny)

Soul - A soul has to take on a body made up of five elements to come to this earth. It is said that soul has to take birth to learn and to experience each and every aspect of human emotion without forgetting its original state i.e, purity, love and bliss. It is through this human life that a soul can finally merge with the holy divine Supreme from which it was separated millions of years ago. In every birth, the soul strives to reach the perfection so that it can get enlightened and become aware of the truth about oneness of the universe i.e., ALL IS ONE. All souls are the tiny part of that Supreme Divine Power thereby implying that all souls have that tiny spark of Supreme Spirit within. However, after taking human birth, in ignorance, the soul cannot recall its original state, gets entangled in the earthly enjoyments and forgets its mission of self realization and subsequently the God realization.

Karma - In its human form the soul cannot sit idle. It performs various karmas to get on with the life, becomes attached to materialism over and above spiritualism. Whether the karma is ‘good’ or ‘bad’, it is immaterial. The universal law takes note of all the actions a soul performs to carry out its earthly existence. It is said that all such karmas accumulate and become Sanchit Karma(Accumulated Karma). It is said that all our karmas are recorded and stored in our Akashic records. A soul cannot merge with the spirit unless it has worked out the cause and effect of its Karma because universal law functions flawlessly and impartially. When the soul is reborn again, it brings with it some portion out of this Sanchit karma to work out in the present birth. This portion of karma is called Prarabdh. It is said that seventy five percent life of a soul is preordained and a soul has no say in it. Soul has to bear it whether it brings wordly happiness or worldly sadness. For the balance twenty five percent life the soul can use its God given freewill which creates Kriyaman Karma(Active Karma). These kriyaman karma also result in accumulating more Sanchit karma.

Prarabdh - Outcome of Prarabdh are those happenings in the souls earthly life which happen without any or little effort. Soul feels happy when it gains materialistic comforts, pleasures and position in life but it gets totally baffled when it loses the very same possessions unexpectatedly, without any explainable reason. Soul does not realize that this is the fruit or effect of cause of its Prarabdh in this lifetime. For example, we find a good human being doing all the best for the world but yet suffering from a deadly disease, a selfish person getting success in almost any activity it undertakes. All this is happening due to Prarabdh of these souls

Imagine how it could be when different souls come together in a lifetime and form a family. Each soul has its own Prarabdh and its own individual journey. But universal law is perfect. It arranges the soul groups so affectively that one soul’s Prarabdh matches with the Prarabdh of other souls. Thus souls living in a family life not only perform their respective earthly duties but also work out their Prarabdh together. This way they keep coming back on earth again and again, learn their lessons and help each other to work out their balance karmas till their last earthly desires has been fulfilled. The soul discards its human body once its Prarabdh of current lifetime is worked out completely. However, Maya plays such a strong role that it takes ages for an ignorant soul to work out all its karma and realize that the Supreme Divine Power is nowhere else but within.

How to work out Karma - The biggest question is how can the effect of Karmas be effaced? Man's actions or karmas are the manifestations of his thoughts. Karma is any action, thought, feeling, emotion generated by mind of a Man. The mind, by projecting thoughts to sense-organs, enjoys pleasures. It, more or less, identifies itself with these thoughts and pleasures. At that time, it does not think of any thing else. In actual, the earthly thoughts and impulses should be converted into the zeal for securing internal bliss and happiness after attaining a perfect balance between materialism and spiritualism. In simple terms, soul must perform duties required to be performed in its earthly lifetime with a sense of detachment i.e, without feeling sad about losses and without feeling elated about gains. But then it is easier said than done.

Meditation - Meditation is one way for the soul to connect to the higher self. Shirdi SaiBaba advised mankind to look inwards. The soul should find a quiet place, close eyes and meditate. The purpose is to withdraw all the five sense inwards, make them inactive because these senses have been given to the soul to see, hear, taste, touch and enjoy the external world only. The practice of meditation in solitude consists in reverting and raising internal spark of the soul to try to reach the high self. It is said that the seat of that spark is at midpoint behind the eyes called Third Eye or Krishna / Christ Consciousness. When such a condition begins to supervene to some extent, as a result of performing the meditation practices, the working of Karmas, both internally and externally, is automatically enfeebled. On getting some bliss and joy internally, and on witnessing the love, grace and mercy of the Supreme Being, the meditators’ mind is, of itself, detached from the world and its pleasures. The pleasures of the world become insipid. The situation is the same, however, its effect on the meditators mind changes. The soul finds peace in all the situations it finds itself in whether good or bad, it doesnot matter anymore.

After this, the longing for progress in meditation, and higher and higher bliss, goes on increasing. Worldly desires are curtailed. The soul always gives priority to the will, grace and mercy of the Supreme Being in whatever he does. It subordinates its desires to the will of the Supreme Being. Thus the soul is entangled in Kriyaman(active) Karmas very little or not at all. This cuts short the chain of its Karmas.

Prarabdh Karmas, which are unfolding in this very life will be very much mitigated by the grace and mercy of the Divine Spirit. This way the soul is able to withdraw from the eyes, it goes on getting detached from the body and the world. In the wakeful state, the seat of the spirit is behind the eyes. It is here that pains and pleasures are felt and Karmas are performed. Therefore, as the spark of soul is withdrawn from here with the help of spiritual exercises, pains and pleasures cease to be felt. In this way, the effect of Prarabdh Karmas is lightened.

As to the Sanchit Karmas, that are stored in Akashic records (mind-sky/ collective universal consciousness) in the form of seed-impressions. They will fructify in a future life. As the soul penetrates these records in its ascent to higher regions, the Sanchit Karmas appear in the form of thoughts and impulses. They come into play for a short while only and are obliterated and finally the Sanchit karma are also cleared off.

If one has the grace of Sadguru (special messengers of God like Jesus or Saibaba), it will not take long for a soul to achieve the desired results. With Guru/ God’s grace, the soul realizes that meditator, object of meditation all are ONE.

Bhakti (devotion) - As per Sai Satcharita (book containing life and teachings of Shirdi SaiBaba) taking the road of devotion ( towards any one particular God of your choice) is the easiest way to get free from the Karmas. A mind cannot sit idle but if we give it some wise thought, say, chanting ‘Sai Sai’ (you can substitute this with name of God you believe in) always, get rid of feeling of doership and surrender all our actions, thoughts and ourselves to our God, we have taken our first step towards working out our karma fast. Saibaba(God) will work internally and remind the soul of its purpose of taking human birth. This doesnot mean that the soul will not have to work out the Prarabdh. Saibaba(God) will not come in the functioning of the universal law but will make the soul strong enough that it will not feel the effect of Prarabdh i.e, soul will not be ecstatic when it gains and will not feel depressed when it suffers. God or spirit guides and angels will grace us with strength necessary to work out our Prarabdh easily. This is what we mean when we say that God works out the karma of devotees. But then are we willing to work for ourselves, absolve ourselves of our Prarabdh the way Baba(substitute with the name of God you believe in) has advised us.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi