Showing posts with label Forgiveness Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgiveness Prayer. Show all posts

June 24, 2020

Forgiveness Prayer to Shirdi Saibaba

1.    Dear Saibaba, you are my God, my Sadguru, my Saviour.  Baba I Love you, I honour you and I put my complete faith in you.  With utmost humility and total surrender, I place my completely shattered and bruised ego at your divine feet and pray for your help and guidance in my day to day life situations. 

2.    I have fully understood that whatever I am facing in my life, is my own creation.  I take full responsibility for all my actions.  Today I confess and accept that I have committed millions of sins and errors and have hurt innumerable souls across various lifetimes through my own actions, words and thoughts. In the process, I have entangled myself with countless souls who have suffered because of my thoughtless blunders.  Now, I find myself trapped in my own self-created web and am unable to come out.  I am in agony because  I am unable to bear the burden of huge pile of rinanubandhs (karmic debts) that have been following me since various past lifetimes.  The grief and insecurity is excruciatingly painful. Only you can help me Baba.

3.    Today I am ashamed of all my countless wrongdoings, that I do not even remember.   I repent each and every one of my sinful actions.  Whatever I did, it was because of my own faulty judgement made out of my swollen  pride and hollow ego.  Saibaba, I am guilty and unable to face you.  With deep regret in my heart, I beseech you in desperation and seek your help.  Baba please forgive all my misdeeds, whether done knowingly or unknowingly.  I did everything foolishly, without understanding its effect in the lives of others, and most of all its consequences in my own coming births.  I caused pain to others and today I am deeply hurt as I am repaying for the same.  

4.    I know that today all my failures, sufferings, pain and grief are a result of my reckless behavior in the past and yet I am continuing to incur more and more errors in my present life too.  The stock of my bad karma continues to pile into an enormously huge mountain under whose burden I feel helpless and crushed. I regret I caused hurt, I instigated hurt, I approved and supported actions causing hurt.  I admit I judged each and everyone around me and forgot that all are the creations of God and that all are right in their own perspective.  I forgot your teachings that nothing moves unless God wills it.  I prided on my intelligence and thought that things will move only when I will do something.

5.    Time and again I have been taking credit and doer-ship forgetting that Only God is the Doer.  I did wrong and, therefore, today I stand before you with folded hands and sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart.  Baba, kindly forgive me and promise to protect me and my family always, life after life.

6.    I am an ignorant, bewildered and lost Soul.    But, I am your child Baba.  Right in this moment,  I offer and surrender myself to you with all my imperfections.  My body, mind and Soul is clouded by Maya all around me.  I cannot find my way within or the way out.  Please help me focus my attention on truth and bring clarity to my thoughts.  Kindly take mercy on me.  Help me stay in peace, contentment and in your gratitude forever.  

7.    Today I know that you have always looked after my welfare even without my asking.  No words can express my gratitude and thanks to you.  Thankyou Baba for disconnecting me from the turbulence of outside world and bestowing me with courage to open my heart out to you.  My permanently restless mind is finally at peace in your presence.  With my eyes cast down, and hands folded, I request you to forgive all my negative actions, of past and present.  Saibaba please watch over me and my family and bless us with ‘abhaydaan’ (fearlessness).   

8.    Let fellow humans forsake me, but my Sadguru Saibaba, please promise to be by my side always.  I have no other place to go.  I am lost without you.  Baba bless me with your divine vision, unconditional love and wisdom.  Make me caring, compassionate and detached.   Only you know what is best for me.

9.    Baba, keep the feet of this sparrow tied with the strings of your love and protection.  Continue holding my hand in your old, ancient firm grip and don’t let me wander away.  Be strict with me and scold me but please Keep me on right path.  Shower me with your divine grace and humility so that I can foresee my own faults and stop myself from hurting any living being with my thoughts, words or action.  Give me strength and courage so that I do not repeat any of my old mistakes again.  Stop me from making any new mistakes.  Never leave me alone.  I am forever dependent on you Baba.  Work on me internally.  Help me, balance my energies, heal my body, mind and soul and make me healthy and fit for rest of my life here on earth and also thereafter.  Kindly Help me, HELP MYSELF so that I always remain your worthy devotee. 

10.    Dear Sai, I seek shower of your divine grace to feel and experience my own divinity so that I may be connected to Thine Bliss.  Reveal thyself to me Baba.  Very humbly, lovingly, I invite you to come and be seated permanently, on the throne, in the Shrine, deep in the depth on my heart.  Baba kindly Bless and oblige me & my Home with your pious presence.

Vandana Mulchandani
June 16, 2020

During this lockdown, I am in company of my Sadguru Saibaba.  I am thankful that there are no useless worldly duties to be done.  Morning, afternoon, evening and night, its all Saibaba.  When my Baba is with me, then no lockdown can lock me down.  I am myself after so so very long.  I am free and flying in my Baba’s glory.  Stay Home Stay Safe and Remember Saibaba.