April 28, 2020

Covid19 and loss of a loved one

What a painful time for all those who are losing their innocent family members and loved ones to Covid19 all over the world.  

Losing a loved one is a very painful experience and this single word cannot describe how devastating such a loss is.  Your whole world collapses.  The life as we knew, changes permanently.  There are no doctors to help you handle such a blow.  Its individual journey of enduring, accepting and overcoming.

None can replace our loss. People ask one to move on but that never happens.  One gets stuck up, in life before them and after them.

The pain doesn't go away and it takes unspecified time to be able to hide the pain without showing it. The pain and hurt can be felt anytime. Anything can trigger it.There is no time limit for grief.  We manage to handle it with passage of time depending on our own individual capacity.

Nothing can bring them back who have shed their body garment and their divine soul has left for the real HOME.  So all we do is learn to cope with the grief in best possible way. 

Faced with such a huge loss and emptiness, we start searching for answers like 'why me' etc. We find lots of books etc available. Knowledge of the way things work in nature is very helpful. Learning about unseen world beyond what we see tells us that your loved one is not dead after all. They are alive but now in some other dimension. 

We realise, we can meet them one day so we learn to accept our loss peacefully. Moreover,  in between they send us signs of their 'aliveness' by sending ADCs, signals, subtle hints etc. Life becomes liveable to know that all is not lost. 

Faith in Supreme is the key here. Love for self is another key. Know and believe that you are special child of God. God knows and is sad to see u in pain. God loves you. You have not been punished at all. This is result of soul agreement u had with them before birth. You made that agreement for special reason which you do not understand right now. And you are feeling lost and hurt. But when that reason would be revealed to you one day, you would be surprised.   One day you would be hugging them soul to soul and rejoicing that you fulfilled such a big mission successfully.  You will be blessed by God for your great courage.

Sacred books of all religions that I have read so far, say the same thing but in different style, actual meaning is the same. This loss you suffered has a reason behind it. No death is an accident. The time of birth and death are fixed even before birth. 

Take care of yourself. Spend time with mother nature. Feel your connection to nature. Write a diary note to your loved one every night before sleeping. All your thoughts will be received by them.  In their world, there are no speeches.  The soul understands all human feelings, thoughts and emotions and communicates through thoughts only.  Try to understand their subtle messages. 

If you  feel or sense some response from him, trust your instincts and believe it to be from them only. In your vulnerable state you unawares open yourself to subtle universal signals from mother nature. 

Avoid company of people who do not understand you or leave you hurt in any emotional way. We lose lot of 'fake' friends' after such big loss. Pass through this pain. Let it flow through u. This is part of your big learning. One won't make such tough soul agreements without special reason. Trust yourself. 

Read NDEs, Brian Weiss books, books on afterlife to get a new perspective  etc. Love lives on, it never dies.   Knowledge of afterlife can make you see things in clear perspective and you don't feel the sting.  You survive through it and come out as winner.

Discuss your loved one often.  Don't shun and be open to discussing the life and time of your loved one you lost.  Its healing to discuss them often otherwise you are suppressing and adding on to depression.

Vandana Ritik

April 27, 2020

Covid19 lessons learnt during India lockdown

Its Covid19 lockdown time for human beings and lessons to be learnt as there is positivity in this negative situation.

Each day we are learning new lessons from lockdown.  Its as if we are being re-educated once again and being turned into better human beings - fit for the coming better times. 

400 billion people around the globe are caged in the sanctity of their homes.  The whole world has come to a complete standstill.  Man has taken a back seat.  All man created pollution/noises have stopped.   Sky is clear.  The Nature is happy and singing its best melody.  There is complete peace and silence all around us.  However, this stillness is speaking volumes. Are we listening?   

No human activity means that it is time for other lesser intelligent life forms to step out of their hiding, move around fearlessly, and bask in the glory of beautiful creation all around.  The nature is breathing, healing and is on a self correction course.  What a wonderful time.  For the first time after so long, human being is starting to notice other things, besides himself - the beauty of natural flora and fauna, the vastness of sky, the freshness in the air.  What had we done to our beautiful home – the Mother EARTH.  

Who would have thought that our modern advanced world will come to this stage. These are definitely unprecedented times.  It is modern scientifically advanced Age and so are our and new war weapons. This war is without weapons  causing huge devastation to human life. But the biggest REAL war this time is ‘war with inner enemies’.  We thought we knew everything but God is proving to us that we know NOTHING.  How selfish, and abusive human being had become in name of progress.   Many of us on Godly spiritual path were aware, praying and seeking God’s help for improvement but still Knowingly or unknowingly we all had become co-conspirators, culprits in this crime against self, against nature. Majority of People had become completely out bound and had stopped enjoying their own company.  Today human is scared to be alone which is so unnatural.

Mankind had gone totally out of control and this virus turned out to be the final trigger to stop any further damage.  Its time to check and correct the chaos.  The Supreme Power, the Divine God appears to have kept his promise to come and intervene in order to restore the balance of earth. And for this His most powerful creation, the Man, will have to take a backseat for the time being.  Work on Self and come back stronger and be better human beings.  LESSON IS TO BECOME SELF RELIANT EMOTIONALLY TOO

Its time for human to  go within and try to evaluate and assimilate whats happening and Why? .  It is time to introspect as to why powerful and mighty human being is caged inside his own home, hiding, shielding and fighting for his own survival from attack of an invisible tiny virus.  Isn’t this the ultimate lesson in humility?  Each and everyone of us has been brought to the same ground playing level.  Suddenly all are equal and goal is same. The moment we are disconnected from influence of outside world, we realise that our needs are just basic essantials.  We had been hoarding unnecessary stuff just to look better than others.    We are no longer part of rat race.  Comparison and Competition is zero.  Adrenaline rush is under control. Now our Desires are checked and Needs are limited.

WE are fully aware that our Self control, Self contentment, and Self care is key to survival and our growth.   

It appears that God has set the RESET button to regulate/ discipline his entire creation and put each and every of HIS creation out of misery.  Human being,  the most intelligent of his creation had brought the entire world to a state of chaos at all levels – be it International, national, environmental, natural, domestic and most of all himself.  For the first time human being actually started to understand that he cannot control anything.  THAT THERE IS A HIGHER SUPREME POWER that has always been incharge of everything.  

Vandana Ritik
27 April 2020

April 7, 2020

Covid19 Lessons learnt during India lockdown

How lockdown started in India and how it affected its people.

Media sells negativity these days and hence I avoid starting my day with news.  Yet information about this new Corona Virus trouble in China was reaching my ears from other sources.  

People thought that like its earlier versions SARS, Covid19 will be contained.  Afterall, human being is so intelligent and science is so advanced.  Man will come out with some antidote but then news started trickling in about its devastating spread in Italy and then Spain.  

However, in India, it was noted that it was coming from people who had just returned from abroad.  So I heard people discussing about medical screenings and checking of each passenger at airports.  People were being told to avoid going to public places.   

On March 14th, my three friends came home to celebrate my birthday and we realised that Indians had already started going out due to cover 19 scare.  The metro train was all empty.  There were very few people in market.  There was lesser traffic on road.  Now it started to sink in that going out was not safe.  We all decided to stay home thereafter.

On 20th March, our Prime Minister addressed nation, requested us not to panic and stay home for our own safety and ordered a one day lock down on 22nd March 2020 and thereafter on 24th it was a complete lockdown across the country for 21 days to prevent spread of Corona Virus, the COVID-19.  We had to maintain social distance, isolate ourselves.  Stay Home, Stay Safe was the Call.

Initially, it hardly mattered to me, since for last 10 years, I have mostly been at home, after taking voluntary retirement from my safe and secure Govt job.  I had been feeling too tired of my hectic life and needed to slow down, take a breather. I was enjoying being at home.

However, this was completely unprecedented because now everyone was at home not only my family, but also my neighbourhood, my entire Apartment complex, the whole city, the whole Nation.  WOW!  And my Facebook friends across South America, Australia, Europe, USA……all were at home.  The whole world was fighting this invisible virus by staying in the safety net of their abodes.   It certainly was not normal.  

It felt very strange and eerie on the morning of the very first day of lockdown as I stepped out on my 10th floor terrace over looking a beautiful park.   The usual everyday morning buzz of joggers, walkers, yoga exercisers was all missing.  The huge park was all empty.  The Sun was out, air was cool,  the birds were chirping unmindful of what had happened.  But not a single human being.  

As there was no rust to go out, I felt relaxed and over my morning cup of tea, I started to enjoy the beautiful morning.  Felt delighted to listen to various tunes and melodious bird songs.  In the complete silence of morning, it was very refreshing and soothing not only to my ears but also to my mind, body and Soul.   How come I was not so aware of this earlier. 

It felt good but I cannot deny feeling that fear lurking at the back of my mind.   Is this onset of an apocalypse?  Is this the start of end of this world that we have known.  We had been anticipating a IIIrd World War/ Nuclear attack/  Tsunami/ Earthquake etc …something that will wipe out this world but never had anticipated this.  The new, tiny, invisible virus had brought the whole mighty intelligent humanity to its knees.  

Suddenly each and everyone had come to a same level playing field.  All have become equal but untouchables.  Each fighting for own survival and this time all alone.  Of course your family is with you but what if you touch them or they touch you…..phew…If you Love someone, maintain  distance for their safety.   How very frustrating.  I couldn’t go to see my 80plus parents because in their Apartment complex someone had tested +ive and they had closed the doors for any entry or exit besides essential items.  Yes that creepy fear was gently tapping me.   Is this really happening in this current modern world.  

With none allowed inside home, meant no luxury of any helper which meant I had to do all my work at home myself.  Chopping, cooking, dishes, dusting mopping, washrooms, clothes. But my Mom pulled me up saying that if she could do all at her age then why can’t I.  Inspired,  I pulled myself up.  If I had to do it anyway then better do it happily.  

There were reports of how wildlife was  seen roaming around in city - varieties of deers, antelopes, elephants and they spotted a leopard too in the city.  Felt like humans had encroached their space.  Stray Dogs in the park were wondering where had all the human beings gone.  I could hear their cries through day and night.  Some of them could be starving too

On day 1 of the lockdown Prime Minister had requested whole nation to step on door steps and clank  bells of any kind at 5 pm in evening to cheer for doctors and other people risking their lives to provide us with daily needs and security in comforts of our home.  While on 9th day, at 9pm turn off lights to burn a candle for 9 minutes to show solidarity.  Astrologically,  its supposed to be a crucial time due to critical planet placement at that moment. I must say, we all enjoyed doing both the tasks.  Could feel solidarity of the whole country.  What an incredible leader we have.  When he speaks on TV, all look upto him and listen to him.  

So first 10 days passed getting used to doing all household work,  exchanging whatsapp messages and jokes about this sudden change in our lifestyle besides huge gossip and rumours of the mighty virus.   It was not difficult for me but for many it was getting boring.  

Watching TV news and bad conditions in Italy, Spain, England and USA was starting to worsen our state of mind.  So we decided to watch news only twice and avoid reading or send virus related messages.  Suddenly none wanted to discuss the big V.   

Its been peaceful and relaxing generally .  Lot of introspection going on during those moments of Silence.  Grateful and Lucky to be Comfortable  at home.  But yet cannot get rid of the thoughts about all those who cannot afford safety and solace of home, have no access to food, are caught up in transit or are far away from their loved ones.  No words for people who lost their loved ones or themselves fighting with this big V.

Decades back, during war times, those black out moments at the start of a loud siren, we were told to hide in dug up holes out of our homes.  But this ‘war’ with V, we are locked up within confines of our homes in the company of our loved ones whom we have to protect by distancing ourselves.

This big V has shaken up the whole world out of its ‘slumber’ in flat one month of March, 2020. 

Lockdown has been extended till May 3rd, 2020 because cases have started rising.  India has huge population and therefore this catastrophe has to be avoided at any cost.  Whole Nation has been looking unto and listening to the Prime Minister.   He surely knows how to lead and now even his opposition is following him.  He surely indicated that we need to change our way of thinking and our lifestyle drastically.  

Vandana Ritik 
April 6, 2020