Everyday in our day to day life we come across different kinds of people, events and situations. It is upto us to whether we are going to let these people, events and situations bother us, disturb us, shake up our peace of mind.
When disturbed we often exclaim, Oh! Where is God? Well I have realized God has got nothing to do with these things troubling us. It is our monkey mind which analysis everything and enjoys or gets disturbed. We get pain and pleasure when we associate ourselves personally with these people, events and situations. If someone says something nice about me I am happy, if its rude comment, I feel bad and get mad at that person. Actually it is my mind which is prompting me to like or dislike anything. If I become aware of working of mind and how it affects my emotions and feelings, it will be very easy to handle any volatile situation. We just cannot let our feelings go helter and skelter. If we do that, we will get stress and restless. If this adds on day by day since life is ever flowing, it affects my blood pressure, my body, my sleep.
I have to understand that I cannot control majority of people, events or situations around me. I just cannot let these steal my peace of mind. How?
I have to learn to believe in God i.e., all around me, the universal laws which are impartial and flawless. I have to learn to accept everything around me as PERFECT. Whether it is to my liking or not is irrelevant. God has made everything Perfect. His creation is in a perfect matrix where each and everyone is linked to each other in perfect balance. Whosoever is in my life, has connected to me with some universal purpose. Nothing is happening here by chance. There is a reason. We are all trying to balance our energies by helping each other either through relations, friendship, job circle, society, nation etc. etc.
When I 'see' some imperfection in someone, this is just an illusion. Why? Because what I am perceiving as wrong is not imperfection for the person concerned. For example, if my boss is not happy with my work he thinks he is right while I think that he is wrong because he is not seeing my side of the story. Well none is wrong. The boss and me, both are perfect in our own way. We are merely perceiving each other through colored glasses and looking at the situation just the way we want to. And the way we look at it affects us because we attach emotions to everything. It is our ego, which gets hurts. Who has seen this ego? None. So basically it is illusion.
When I trust God it implies I trust and accept all the happenings in my life – to my liking or not – as gift from God. For what we get is what we give out. If not from the same person but may be from someone else. e.g. I buy you a cup of coffee today, you may buy it for another and that person buys it for someone else. A time will come when someone will buy me a cup of coffee – could be you or someone else. But I will get back what I gave away. Similar thing happens when you give love to someone or reverse it. When you give hate to someone. You get it back not necessarily from the same source but it will come back to you with double impact. That is why we say we create our own reality. We make our destiny. God is our witness. God is impartial. God is bothered more about our 'intentions' than our 'deeds'. 'Intentions' are subtle and cannot be seen while 'deeds are visible to everyone. Therefore understanding and keeping awareness of 'inner working' is essantial for each human being. But most of us are majorly concerned and worried about world projected outside us. No wonder real happiness eludes us.
Awareness of the Principles on which universe operates is very necessary of our spiritual and mental growth. However, our schools do not teach this kind of stuff. Some schools do have moral education but only as one of their side subjects. Our moral values make us what we are and enable us to cope with trials of life. Whatever we do, our 'intentions' should be right and honorable for Universe is keeping a record of all our invisible intentions and also speech and actions.
When I believe in unseen, the God, I accept that there is a higher authority over and above which is beyond my comprehension. On earth we have two kinds of people – believers in God and non believers in God. We may call God by different names but basic funda is we either believe in unseen power or we do not. Believers are supposed to believe in unseen and its power which gives them peace. While non believers believe in their actions and only in the seen phenomenon thus they lose their peace of mind in no time. Which category do you belong to – Believer or Non Believer?????
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
When disturbed we often exclaim, Oh! Where is God? Well I have realized God has got nothing to do with these things troubling us. It is our monkey mind which analysis everything and enjoys or gets disturbed. We get pain and pleasure when we associate ourselves personally with these people, events and situations. If someone says something nice about me I am happy, if its rude comment, I feel bad and get mad at that person. Actually it is my mind which is prompting me to like or dislike anything. If I become aware of working of mind and how it affects my emotions and feelings, it will be very easy to handle any volatile situation. We just cannot let our feelings go helter and skelter. If we do that, we will get stress and restless. If this adds on day by day since life is ever flowing, it affects my blood pressure, my body, my sleep.
I have to understand that I cannot control majority of people, events or situations around me. I just cannot let these steal my peace of mind. How?
I have to learn to believe in God i.e., all around me, the universal laws which are impartial and flawless. I have to learn to accept everything around me as PERFECT. Whether it is to my liking or not is irrelevant. God has made everything Perfect. His creation is in a perfect matrix where each and everyone is linked to each other in perfect balance. Whosoever is in my life, has connected to me with some universal purpose. Nothing is happening here by chance. There is a reason. We are all trying to balance our energies by helping each other either through relations, friendship, job circle, society, nation etc. etc.
When I 'see' some imperfection in someone, this is just an illusion. Why? Because what I am perceiving as wrong is not imperfection for the person concerned. For example, if my boss is not happy with my work he thinks he is right while I think that he is wrong because he is not seeing my side of the story. Well none is wrong. The boss and me, both are perfect in our own way. We are merely perceiving each other through colored glasses and looking at the situation just the way we want to. And the way we look at it affects us because we attach emotions to everything. It is our ego, which gets hurts. Who has seen this ego? None. So basically it is illusion.
When I trust God it implies I trust and accept all the happenings in my life – to my liking or not – as gift from God. For what we get is what we give out. If not from the same person but may be from someone else. e.g. I buy you a cup of coffee today, you may buy it for another and that person buys it for someone else. A time will come when someone will buy me a cup of coffee – could be you or someone else. But I will get back what I gave away. Similar thing happens when you give love to someone or reverse it. When you give hate to someone. You get it back not necessarily from the same source but it will come back to you with double impact. That is why we say we create our own reality. We make our destiny. God is our witness. God is impartial. God is bothered more about our 'intentions' than our 'deeds'. 'Intentions' are subtle and cannot be seen while 'deeds are visible to everyone. Therefore understanding and keeping awareness of 'inner working' is essantial for each human being. But most of us are majorly concerned and worried about world projected outside us. No wonder real happiness eludes us.
Awareness of the Principles on which universe operates is very necessary of our spiritual and mental growth. However, our schools do not teach this kind of stuff. Some schools do have moral education but only as one of their side subjects. Our moral values make us what we are and enable us to cope with trials of life. Whatever we do, our 'intentions' should be right and honorable for Universe is keeping a record of all our invisible intentions and also speech and actions.
When I believe in unseen, the God, I accept that there is a higher authority over and above which is beyond my comprehension. On earth we have two kinds of people – believers in God and non believers in God. We may call God by different names but basic funda is we either believe in unseen power or we do not. Believers are supposed to believe in unseen and its power which gives them peace. While non believers believe in their actions and only in the seen phenomenon thus they lose their peace of mind in no time. Which category do you belong to – Believer or Non Believer?????
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi