Showing posts with label Teachings of SaiBaba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teachings of SaiBaba. Show all posts

March 5, 2013

Understanding Law of Karma

What are most of us doing in between Birth and Death - paying off our karmic debts, creating more karma and thereby ensuring that we get reborn again. Is this what life is all about. What is the difference between an animal and a human being. Persons seeking moksha are those who are disgusted of being caught in the cycle of birth and death and want to get out of it. We have to bear the fruit of all our actions good or bad. Even if we do all good work, we have to take rebirth to enjoy its fruits. Now that most of us in this spiritual path, know that as a soul we are eternal and cannot be destroyed, we do not end up in some trash after we die, we continue to live on in some form or the other, therefore, we have to be clear what we want after our present life - another life?(of what kind?) or enough is enough? In case we choose the first option we should know that the life between birth and death is determined by our karmas. In the later option, we need to know ways to erase our past karmic accounts and stop creating new ones with mind focussed in one final direction. As per religious scriptures, this kind of desire is over and above material desires. Lord helps to fulfil this desire provided we take the first step. In either case, understanding of the Karmic law is must because obedience to this law and using it intelligently holds the key to our future life.

How Knowledge of Karmic Laws helps us - Knowledge of Laws of Karma makes us realise that everything happening around us is not arbitrary, nothing is happening by chance.. Each and every event of our life, is due to the operation of certain natural laws, the Karmic Laws being one of them. Therefore knowledge of these laws is necessary to place our future under our control. It is simple, once we understand the law, we are equipped to use it for our advantage. This use of laws will be dependent on the amount of knowledge we have about these laws. All laws of nature are expressions of the divine nature, and we have to learn to live and move within them. Otherwise they move us as per their nature. We cannot stop working of these laws by any force. These are certain preset conditions, once we know them, we gradually learn to master them and work according to forces of nature and get the desired results accordingly. Otherwise we remain in control of these laws and move around as puppets.

There are natural laws and there are artificial laws. Artificial laws are local, variable and may have a penalty that can be escaped. These are man-made, could be enforced legally. Man likes to work within laws set by him since ancient times. Earlier Kings made laws and now we have Governments making laws which are to be obeyed in order to live in the society. However, even the King and the Government too have to in turn abide by certain higher mental and moral law, the law which acts automatically and is in nature of things as are the laws of electricity or law of gravitation which man has understood well and has learnt to use to his own advantage.

Karma is second most important universal natural law after the Law of reincarnation. Past life regressions and NDEs recorded by modern doctors are a proof of working of this law. Just because you cannot see it, it does not mean that it does not exist. We all have mobiles, laptops, satellites doing so much for us and their mode of operation is through signals. We know there are signals but have we seen them???? But they are there for sure and are connecting all of us. A mobile in my pocket receives a signal and I get a call. There is definitely an invisible world operating around us. We are mostly concentrating on visible world and what can be proved in a laboratory. Law of Karma solves mystery of rebirth and reincarnation. Karmas have a direct effect on our mind and consciousness. If we understand it well, it refines our intelligence which we can use to create our own destiny instead of becoming a mere product of destiny. Morever, it increases our faith, provides us security and makes us fearless. To know and believe that everything around us is working in order is a relief to human mind which is mostly full of doubts so far as his future is concerned.

Karmic law is a Natural Law. Natural law is a sequence of conditions, such a condition being present, such another condition will invariably follow. If you want to bring about the second condition you must find or make first condition and then the second will follow as an invariable consequence. These sequences vary when left to themselves, but if a new condition is introduced the succeeding condition will be altered. The first condition is called the Cause and the resultant second condition is called the effect. Karma is law of cause and effect. It is a natural law of justice. A person may escape getting penalty under the Artificial man made law but he cannot escape from the effect of cause it set into motion knowingly or unknowingly. Whether you put your hand in fire knowingly or unknowingly, it will surely burn your hand. So is this law. And as they say it, ignorance of law is no excuse.

Yes, natural laws are eternal, changeless, undying, everlasting, unbreakable and existing in the nature of things. As we learnt to reckon with law of gravitation similarly we have to learn to reckon with Law of Karma. And Nature can be won over only by obeying to it. It needs to be understood that people on earth may not be aware of each and every karma of a human being. But there is a natural universal force which keeps track of every thought, word and activity of each and every individual on earth. Some say it is Self judging Self and then deciding what action to be taken to pay off karmic debts in the next reincarnation. Thus, whether we are judging ourselves or some natural force is judging us, a man can control his own future in proportion to the amount of knowledge he has about the working of this law.

It is not so simple to understand the main concept of karma, 'As a man soweth, so shall he also reap'. One has to go deeper into its meaning. Karmic laws do not mean an eye for an eye always. Newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is equal and opposite reaction. Similarly, this law works on principle of Cause and Effect. Once a man sets a cause in motion, it will bring back its matching effect eventually. If you put your hand into a running fan, it will cause injury irrespective of whether you did it knowingly or unknowingly. If you helped someone you will get back the result sooner or later, though not necessarily from the same source. The result 'effect' will be as per the intention with which you 'caused' help to someone

It is not Punishment - The word Karma sounds like a punishment...because first thought that comes to mind is of fear. That I will get back what I have given out and as a human we know we have given out many negativities around us. We may have hidden our fears, insecurities and low opinion of self from the world but we cannot hide them from ourselves. And most of the human beings do not have good opinion about themselves and they love everything in the world but themselves. Inwardly, all are insecure and fearful despite being a huge success outwardly. Most of us have no relation at all with our own self. We do not have time to interact with check out what is going on inside us and what we really want. We are so very busy in life.

We as a human being give out so many things to the world. Some say Karma is interaction of our inner world with the outside world. Simply speaking means action. Action of what? Of everything...our thoughts (yes thoughts, intentions), words and activities. Thought is the foundation of it all. It is said that about 70,000 thoughts cross our mind in a day and we do not remember most of them. However, some thoughts do catch our attention. Negative or positive, if we linger longer on few these thoughts, it persists and changes our attitude accordingly and then inspires us to take necessary steps to accomplish the same. Once desired result is obtained, we find mind dwelling on another thought. when our mind is dwelling on so many thoughts simultaneously it creates stress and if desired results are not obtained the result is horrendous. Most of us do not realise the importance of monitoring our thoughts. Some thoughts we cannot see because we do not want to see them or acknowledge them. They are not gone. These thoughts get stored in our subconscious mind. For example a smoker reads the warning on cigarette pack but he doesnot want to see or acknowledge it. Where does that go....It is stored inside his mind and keeps making him guilty and produce 'not feeling good' kind of feeling within him on and off. Now this needs to be dealt with by the smoker. Brushing away the dust under the carpet doesnot help in wrong run. We need to do inner cleaning everyday but we avoid. Some of us won't even think in terms of inner cleaning because our vision is so badly covered that we feel that none knows meaning of 'morally right' better than us.

Swami Vivekananda has said that it is very difficult to live with a clear conscience. If anyone has ever lived with a clear conscience throughout his life than that person is the most successful person in the world in spiritual terms.

Each of our thoughts has energy and the moment we think, we start giving out vibrations in the atmosphere around us and draw a response from the Universe. If we continue to think same thoughts again and again and that too intensely and with emotions, the outcome manifests itself sooner or later...this lifetime or next lifetime...but could be spoken or unspoken, conscious or unconscious.

We do not abuse a person openly but if there is an intention/thought of doing so in our mind, then it is karma. We are sowing a seed and if we continue to abuse this person mentally in our mind and not conveying it thinking ourselves as holy or victim (since the person holds a strong position in our life and we are not able to retaliate) we are mistaken. Karmic laws, like any other laws are real, existing and natural. Newton found them way back when he said 'to every action there is equal and opposite reaction'. How it works? Today A buys some food for B in order to help him. B will do it for someone else, who will do it for another....and one day someone will buy some food for A to help him out. It may happen in few hours or months or lifetimes, but it will happen. A will get back what he gave out.

Karma is what is actually going on inside us and not what we am doing outside. 'Why' we are doing something is more important and relevant in karmic laws than 'What' we are doing. In karmic philosophy our outwardly activities are of least importance. The most important thing is our inner intentions and reasons of thinking, speaking or doing something. We get results based on our real intentions behind any of our actions - thoughts, words or activities. If a mother is feeding her baby thinking in her mind that 'today I am taking care of you, tomorrow you take care of me' then she is sowing a negative karma. This is not karma of service and love to baby but karma of selfishness. Many parents hit out at their small children in name of discipline without realising that they were hitting out knowing fully well that the small child is dependent on them and is unable to retaliate. The same child when grows up rebels against his parents because now he is in a position to retaliate. We normally do not hit out at person who is stronger than us, isn't, then why a child? No wonder we have elders complaining that their children do not take care of them in old age. It is result of karmic seeds sown by them. If a donation is made with the intention of getting publicity, the publicity will be got but it will be much lesser compared to result of what the person had got if the donation was made with pure heart with the intention of help. You give our help you get back help. Not necessarily from same person but from someone else, whom the Lord chooses (who owes you from some past karmic account). This is called Cause and Effect.

The karmic laws are always precise and unpartial. However there is time gap between cause and effect. For example, we plant different variety of seeds, some of them give fruit immediately, some years later and some wither away. The food of these seeds are our true intentions. We may cheat the world but we cannot cheat forces enforcing karmic laws. A Hitler will have to pay for his 'wrong intentions' this is ensured by karmic laws. None is spared. Haven't we seen good people suffering in life. It is their time to endure effect of the causes they set in force. Tomorrow it could be our time to endure the effect. Therefore we should not look down upon people who seem to be going through bad times because today it is their day, tomorrow it would be ours. To err is human and we all have made many mistakes knowingly and unknowingly. So many times we don't even realise that we have hurt someone simply because we are looking at the situation from our point of view. We do not check our intentions. Mostly we are saying and doing things as per prevalent fashion, social customs and traditions. People with strong conscience know it in their heart that they have done something which they should not have but they say ' I didn't want to do it but I had to do it despite knowing that it was wrong(as per their own conscience)'. This will give back a negative effect.

How to break free this Karmic Cycle - The Bhagvad Gita advises us to (1) do work without any desire for its fruit; and (2) do not have feeling of do-er ship in mind. Do it for God as we are instruments of God. Wise have advised us to take everything with equanimity. Offer all our thoughts words and activities to God. We create karma when we do things for 'I', my family, my relatives, my livelihood. This type of thought binds that karma to us. In order to be free, ancient scriptures have advised that we should do all our activities thinking them to be done in service of God and not for ourselves. Sai has advised us to watch the show of the world as third person. HE wants us to be the 'drishta' (the witness) of the whole drama around us where we too are playing our part due to karmic reasons.

We have to love ourselves and others too. However, being kind and sweet to all does not mean that we have to become a 'doormat'. We have to maintain our dignity, respect and love ourselves, act out in our best possible way (trusting our own inner instincts instead of taking advice from all and sundry everytime) and then leave the result to God. Maintaining a caring and helping nature does not mean that I need not be stern with wicked and manipulative people. God doesnot want us to cross a busy traffic signal with eyes closed. God wants us to use our own mental faculties, follow our heart and keeping wise intentions carry out our day to day activities. Each one of us have different level of intellect, we have to act according to our own intellect if we are convinced that it is correct. We may seek advise in case of doubt but ultimately decision has to be ours because it is our karma and therefore our responsibility. None else is responsible for my karma. Whatever is happening in my life is my own responsibility and shirking from it and blaming someone else will not help. Laws are Laws and ignorance of law is no excuse. However, a mentally challenged person will suffer less for a negative karma compared to the same karma performed by a person of normal intelligence because he chose to ignore reasoning.

For this reason only, Lord Buddha said ' Believe nothing, no matter who said it, not even if I said it, unless it agrees with your own reasoning, your own common sense'. Karmic laws pay accordingly. A blind person did not see a frog in grass and stepped over it and killed it while a person with perfect eyesight saw the frog and still stepped over it. If he immediately regretted, he might get less severe return but if he shows no remorse, he is likely to pay back strongly for causing suffering to the frog. Whether we knowingly or unknowingly put our hand in fire, it will burn our hand. So is the working of karmic accounts. The karmic accounts are settled no matter what. If you helped someone unknowingly, you get help back from a person who did not actually intend to help you. If you harmed someone unknowingly, you will be harmed similarly.

Swami Sadanand said that "Intense tapas(austerity), samadhi(spiritual absorption), mantra sadhana(repetition of name), the (obtaining) grace of God, selfless service, satsanga(company of saints, sages, pious people) create a powerful positive karma in a short period of time and this can neutralise the effect of previous negative karmas". These include Sanchita Karma(accumulated ) and Kriyaman Karma(potential). However it is difficult to get rid of 'sticky karma', the Prarabdha(active karma) which are like arrows already in flight and will get exhausted only after we bear them.

All Spiritual Masters of the World teach us the same thing.  Even our own Ascendent Master Sadguru Saibaba of Shirdi has tried to explain the same thing to us.  If we follow and practice words of Holy Masters, they can help us invisibly and transcend us from all the Karmas and free us from the karmic bonds. In an instance in Sri Sai Satcharita, Sai gave an assurance in this regard by effecting a gift of 'dhotar' to his dearest devotee. We too are his devotees. However, it is our choice what we want. Do we want better circumstances in our next birth or we want no rebirth at all but want complete freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Sai has said that his treasury is full and he can give so much but people do not want liberation instead they want worldly comforts and thereby they get stuck up in the cycle of birth and death. If like Arjuna, the seeker, we neither want to enjoy pleasures of this world nor do we crave for honor of the heaven, Sai just wants two pice of Faith and Patience to take us out of this Cycle.

Sri Sai Satcharita is full of incidences where in the above aspects of laws of karma are contained. Saibaba often advised his devotees that to do karma is in your hands but the fruit is not in your hands. Give up the feeling of Doership because wire puller is some other higher force....the SELF which lives in each of us. As human we could be lacking in the Will Power to use karmic laws to our own advantage. Sai has advised his devotees to leave aside the cleverness and just remember him. 'Sai Sai' mantra will help us wherever we are. The story of Chenbassapa and Veerbhadra is a proof how Sai came to help Basappa (frog) from the jaws of Veerbhadra(snake). But we have to do our part of being a good devotee. What can Shirdi do if 'devotee is sleeping indolently' and not following and practicing the advise of his/ her chosen Sadguru, who is always working on us and changing us internally.

Knowledge backed with intelligence should be practiced while performing duties of the various stations of the life. When faith and patience is added to it, then the devotee is totally under the protection of Sadguru Sainath (spiritual master) for he loves us unconditionally. No doubts about that.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani


July 19, 2011

Understanding Shirdi SaiBaba Philosophy

Shirdi Sai Baba is a very noble and highly developed Divine Spirit of God WHO took a human form more than 100 years ago and dwelled amongst ordinary souls in order to help them out of their meaningless existence. HE made his philosophy very simple so that ordinary mortals can work upon themselves and get their ultimate salvation. Shirdi Sai Baba is a pure 'Avatar' (perfect soul) who could have had anything but he chose ‘fakiri’(mendicancy) and through his conduct and adopted lifestyle taught ordinary folks the art of loving, living, giving, sharing, caring, enjoying and achieving purpose of taking human body without being selfish. He taught us how we can be in this world and yet be detached from it and still achieve the purpose of taking human birth.

He came to GIVE and SPREAD message of universal LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD transcending all kinds of man-made boundaries which separate human from human. GOD is ONE. God is beyond religion. The God was manifest in his form. He called himself Messenger of God.

Hinduism considers the 'Brahman' (universal life force, energy, prana, chi) as the ruler of all, the ultimate One. Sai explained it easily – Barring your body and name, what is left is that feeling of being alive – this consciousness, awareness is You, the SELF. He advised the Believers to work on themselves. Meditate on the SELF (the consciousness) which existed in HIM and everyone alike in order to make them realise that we are not separate but ONE. Says the Advaitin, “ Is not everything Brahman(energy) when the name and form have been removed from it?” “Is not He, the Lord, the innermost Self of everyone?” says the Vishishtadvaitin.

Thus God and Guru are One. Swami Vivekananda has explained it so well, “When any God or other beings are worshipped in and for themselves, such worship is only a ritualistic karma, and as a Vidya(Science) it gives us only the fruit belonging to that particular Vidya; but when the Devas or any other beings are looked upon as Brahman and worshipped, the result obtained is the same as by the worshipping of Ishvara (Supreme Divine)” Shirdi SaiBaba told us to destroy this wall(of ignorance) that separates US(the mortals) from HIM(the immortal Self) that exists within each tiny cell, atom around us.

Saibaba advised his devotees to pursue single pointed devotion.  Worship and Believe in only One God.  Look to your chosen deity as God.  There should be no difference between the Lord you worship and the Supreme.  See your deity in all and all in your deity.  All objects of this world should be looked as the different forms of the Lord we worship. 

He loved people of all religions equally and never interfered with their practices and religious sentiments.  All he wanted that we should 'hold on' to the 'bolster' - the Lord we worship.  Have firm faith and conviction that your Lord is the Lord of Lords.  Respect all but stay stuck with your deity.  This attitude makes things easy for us and takes us on right path of Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion and Love).  He always uttered 'Sabka Malik Ek' meaning there is only ONE God that people call with different names.

SaiBaba taught renunciation as means to make life simple. This renunciation is nothing but simply offering all the actions to GOD. Leaving off our cleverness and logic and wait and trust HIM for due results.

All the donations Sai received during day, he distributed the same throughout the day and by the end of the day his karma balance was zero. His attachment was NIL.

To achieve the prime object of life, HE advised us to develop Shraddha(Faith) and Saburi(Patience) in ourself, so that we can be free from the clutches of delusion(Maya) of this materialistic world which is holding us back life after life – separating us from our Source – the Creator – the Brahman.

Sai teachings were simple and yet so comprehensive - Perform the duties of the station of your life sincerely. Leave aside worry. Surrender yourself completely to the God and trust HIM with results. Have firm faith in God/Guru and wait patiently. Whatever happens is ultimately for our good because DOERSHIP is not in our hands. HE knows what is good for us. Thus he is telling us that spiritual life is to be pursued over physical life.

His message still continues and though he is no more in human body but his spiritual existence and power is still being felt by millions. His followers are growing in numbers unceasingly. His following eleven promises/ assurances still hold good provided his followers ACTUALLY believe and REALLY follow them with unshakable FAITH and PATIENCE.

1. No harm shall befall him, who steps on the soil of Shirdi.

2. He who comes to my Samadhi, his sorrow and suffering shall cease.

3. Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect my devotees

4. Trust in me and your prayer shall be answered.

5. Know that my spirit is immortal, know this for yourself.

6. Show unto me he who has sought refuge and has been turned away.

7. In whatever faith men worship me, even so do I render to them.

8. Not in vain is my promise that I shall ever lighten your burden.

9. Knock, and the door shall open, ask and it shall be granted.

10. To him who surrenders unto me totally I shall be ever indebted.

11. Blessed is he who has become one with Me.

Sai Philosophy is so very deep, the deeper we dive into it, the sweeter the nectar we receive as Blessings and Bliss.

Vandana Ritik


February 4, 2011

Understanding Free Will??

I don’t know what is God’s Will, its all mystery to me. I do not have enough developed faculties to understand His ways. Only He knows all. Sometimes I feel God wants me to be happy no matter what the situation is. Like a wise parent, God wants me to learn and he gives me his free hand but I have to function within my limits. Now what are my limits? The moment we try to find answers to such queries, we are said to be acting from our ‘ego’ . Wise have advised us to let go off EGO. When ‘E..goes’ than ‘HE’ comes. Paramahansa Yogananda has said that our Will Power is the God within us.

Sadguru Saibaba, my Ascendant Master, has clearly advised his devotees not to take ‘doership’ in their hands. God almighty is the ‘Doer’. Man suffers because he takes doership on himself and thus creates pain and suffering for himself. To over come this defect, all the Masters have time and again advised us to surrender to the Will of God. SaiBaba called it ‘sarvasva sharanagati’ i.e., constant remembrance of Lord’s name.

We have to carry on with our worldly duties but inwardly we must always be aware of who we really are ( Soul ) and offer all our thoughts & deeds to our chosen Guru/God with firm belief that I am a mere instrument, HE is the DOER. Detach yourself from your physical body and watch the show of this world without creating any feeling or emotion. Our inner state must be at peace even when the world is going topsy and turvy.

This way no karma is created. Man suffers because he lives in body consciousness and is thus always thinking of himself as body and identifies himself with the name of his body whereas body, name and the ruler of the body all are separate. In such a state of ignorance, when a man takes doership in his hands and takes credit or discredit of any of his actions, he creates karma. This happens because he thinks himself as body forgetting his true nature (that he is a pure and eternal soul). Such a man has to come back again on earth to reap the seeds of karma he sowed in his previous lifetime in the state of body consciousness.

I have come to understand that man lives in bondage when he is in human body. He is not completely free. He has certain limitations. He can transcend his limits when living in this body he uses his free will to remember constantly 24X7 that he is not this body but much more and is always aware that he is Soul in reality. This makes his ‘bhav’ (intentions) pure and no further karmic seed is sown.

I believe, I am accountable for my inner intentions (bhav) for carrying out any action. I believe that God is always taking into account ‘why’ I am doing something rather than ‘what’ I am doing. And if I am constantly thinking of my true nature, my intentions would always be pure. It is my freewill to choose from which level I want to operate – Soul or Body. If former is chosen than I am working as per God’s free will and the results would be God’s responsibility and thus result would be in my own highest and best interest. However, if I choose to operate from later state, than I create karma and become accountable for my deeds – good or bad – and have to pay for it myself. How can God intervene in the later case because I never thought of him before start of that action.

It is a fact that when we choose to operate from state of soul consciousness than we have to strictly exercise the principle of Shraddha(Firm faith) and Saburi(patience) advised by SaiBaba. Simply because God’s timing cannot always be same as Man’s expected timing. Man has to accept the result as Will of God and is ultimately for his own good.

SaiBaba has advised his devotees to carry on with their worldly duties wisely but always remember HIM and think of HIM. By this he was not referring to his human body and physical form. Baba said that barring your body and name what is left is me. Meditate(think) on that state of being alive(Self) which is present in each and every creation of this Universe. Man was given his freewill to do just this. Once a man does this, the God(knowledge) is revealed to him and he becomes Master himself who then goes out to help others still living in the state of ignorance for innumerable lifetimes.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

November 10, 2010

Understanding Shirdi SaiBaba Philosophy on Faith (Shraddha) n Patience (Saburi)

    Saibaba advised his devotees to have Shradha and Saburi always.

    Sadguru Shirdi SaiBaba often said that ‘Shraddha’(Faith/Trust) and ‘Saburi’(Patience/ Endurance) are mines of virtues. If his devotees could develop these virtues in themselves, they will cross this ocean of worldly existence without the least trouble and easily.

We are devotees of Saibaba. Have we ever truly introspected to check whether we have been able to develop these twin virtues of ‘Faith’ and ‘Patience’ in us?

I often thought that I had Shraddha but I lack in Saburi because I have an impatient personality. But as I introspected, I realized, I did not have true faith either.

Thinking deeply I realized that these two mines of virtues are very deep and what they contain is beyond value. Faith and Patience together hide the formula for our Freedom. If we practice both, we will experience what we came to experience on earth, our aim of taking human birth – the ultimate Sat-Chit-Anand.

Getting intellectual meaning of these two words is easy. We all understand what these words mean. BUT DO WE REALLY PRACTICE? Do we trust SaiBaba like a child trusts his parents and relaxes completely?

If we trust SaiBaba, it means we believe that he will take care of all our problems and help us out of all our so called troubles. We should become completely stress free. Having placed our Faith in SaiBaba means, we are now free from worry, fear, guilt, anxiety, our as well as security of our family, social position etc. Why? Because we have faith in SaiBaba and he is taking care of us. However, we still worry, feel stress, get confused, feel inner conflict, feel out of control, get angry and annoyed.

If we REALLY have Faith in Saibaba than why do we behave like this? These problems should not be bothering us. Isn’t Saibaba taking care! Here is the Catch. Either we do not trust Saibaba or our faith in him is only namesake.

SaiBaba advised his devotees to do all the duties of the respective stations of their lives with honesty and not to bother about the results because these are in the hands of Almighty. Lord takes action impartially. He is kind and compassionate and takes care of all without any discrimination. Even when we feel abandoned, He is still there. If we cannot see or feel him, it is because we are focusing on what is going wrong and not what is going right. If only we could focus on what we still have rather than what we lost.

If there are some tough times, God must have given them to us to help us grow in strength and character. None likes to pass through tough times, faith shakes, we want to know, how Saibaba helped my friend in trouble but not me in the same situation. Only Saibaba knows the answer to this. If I believe in Him and Trust him fully, I should be confident that He will take care of me at the most appropriate time. Now when will this ‘appropriate time’ come, only HE knows. I don’t have to worry about it. I place my request before him and let him do what he wants to do. I don’t have to repeat my requests everyday to remind him. He hears me the first time itself. I have to practice Saburi here.

When there is a delay from his side, we want to find out the answer and get restless and miserable. We fret, we pray out of fear(which is just a formality), we consult astrologers to find out when and how our bad phase will end and why did this happen to me only. When SaiBaba is our helmsman than why are we worried and running here and there? Where is our Shraddha? Where is our Saburi?

Wise men say that sometimes it is better not to know than to know. Ignorance is Bliss. Why are we trying to find out the reasons if we have genuine ‘Shraddha’ in SaiBaba. We should feel gratitude that we are devotees of the One who knows All. Why not accept what he does with our lives with all peace and calm? Have we not placed our Faith in him. We should not love Saibaba only for what He can do/has done for us but we must love him for what He Is. Faith is always unconditional. Through our faith, God checks whether we trust HIM in our ‘not knowing’ reasons for all things going wrong in our life and our environment. If we knew answer to everything happening in our lives, we won’t need a Sadguru.

SaiBaba said ‘Cast your burden on to me and I will bear it’. If we have cast our burden on SaiBaba with faith, why are we feeling burdens in our daily lives. Why do we get stressed, depressed, tense, insecure and fearful everyday. Our diabetes, BP, heart problems, headaches, upset stomachs are results of stress we have kept in our lives and we are not even aware of it. SaiBaba told us to do our duties to the best of our abilities but he never told us to worry and fret.

Saibaba referred to ‘Saburi’, as sister of ‘Shraddha’ who go hand in hand. Why? By this He is trying to teach us that once we have placed our unshakable and firm faith in our Sadguru, we must be patient enough to wait for the results because some results may be to our liking and some may disturb us. Only God knows what is good for us. Did not Das Ganu get this lesson from maid in Kakasaheb’s house? Whatever happens in our life is ultimately for our own good. Therefore, we should be patient enough to accept it, endure it and overcome it without disturbing our peace of mind. Be happy no matter what the circumstance is because trust in God is answer to all the problems we have. Once I have placed my faith in God, I should stop asking reasons for things not happening as to my liking.

We are in a hurry to have things happen our way. But God has his own ways. He knows what is good for his devotees. He may not be telling us but we should have firm belief that he is taking care. World may go topsy turvy but my faith should not shake. If we did not get what we wanted than it was not meant for us. What is ours, comes to us. What is not ours, why bother at all. We are free to feel joy and peace in our lives despite problems once we have put our trust in God. Now we have to wait patiently for God to take appropriate action with belief that it will be for our benefit. We feel doubtful if we do not have answers to our problems. It is at this time the sincerity of our faith and patience are tested.

A true devotee who has Trust in Him will wait Patiently with the firm belief that He will take care when the time is right. We have to learn to do right things even when the results may turn out to be ‘wrong’. As they say “Do your Best. God will do the Rest”. Only He know why things are happening the way they are happening. Our job is to act wisely as per the voice of our conscience and then feel free because HE is in control. This is what ‘sarvasva sharanagati’ is all about.

A true devotee practicing faith and patience knows that Saibaba will always provide a way out of tough situations at the right time for only He knows what time is right for each and everyone. Some may get results fast, some may have to wait for years. We have to stop finding answers to problems that only God can answer.

Trust sets us free from everything – worry, past mistakes, addictions, bondage, what people think about me, promotion, money, security, fears, expectations, strained relationships, diseases, grief, pain, loss of a loved one etc. When we trust we are free from botheration of finding out why this is happening to me, my family or to the society. Patience gives wings to this freedom, adds joy to the peace, gives strength of character, and connects us to the ultimate source of power.

God loves us unconditionally, when we feel pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, mine and others, we create barriers between us and God. When we think we are separate from God and others, we suffer. Shraddha and Saburi are those virtues which will dissolve these barriers. When there will be no wall of separation, we will be able to feel presence of our Sadguru SaiBaba around us always, we will be able to see HIM face to face and understand how much He loves us.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

November 8, 2009

Sai Satcharitra on Duty towards family

In Sri Sai Satcharita many instances have been recorded where SaiBaba has advised how a householder – male as well as female should conduct himself or herself. A few of them are as under:

1. First give bread to the hungry and then eat yourself. Do not make the habit of eating alone. Share it with those around you. Always remember God every time you take food. Before the senses, mind and intellect enjoy their objects, first God should be remembered. He who feeds the hungry, be it human or animal or bird or plant, serves God. See God in all beings. SaiBaba disapproved of fasting and said that God cannot be found on an empty stomach. He advised moderate eating i.e, neither starving nor over-eating.

2. Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away but receive them well, and treat them with due respect. Give water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, clothes to the naked and your verandah to strangers for resting. If anybody wants any money from you and you are not inclined to give, do not give but do not bark at him like a dog. It is on account of Rinanubandh (former relationship) that we have come together, let us love and serve each other and be happy.

3. Duty of feeding sanyasi is of householders due to Panchasoona – five sins and their atonement. In order to prepare food stuffs and meals the householders have to go through five actions or processes viz pounding, grinding, washing pots, sweeping and cleaning and lighting hearths. These processes involve destruction of a lot of small insects and creatures and thus the households incur an amount of sin. To atone of this these shastras prescribe 6 offerings viz - Offerings to Brahman, study of the Vedas, offerings to ancestors, offerings to Gods, offerings to beings, offerings to men or uninvited guests. If these are duly performed it leads to purification of mind and helps them in getting knowledge and self realization. Baba in going from house to house reminded the householders of their sacred duty.

4. No body should take the labour of others in vain. The worker should be paid his dues promptly and liberally.
5. For spiritual progress of householders, Baba advised that God is One- Ram and Rahim are one and the same, why should their devotees fall out and quarrel among themselves. It is not good to dispute and argue. So don’t argue, don’t emulate others. Always consider your interest and welfare. The lord will protect you. If anyone does any evil unto you do not retaliate. If you can do anything do some good unto others.

6. To reach God, surrender of self to Sadguru is a must. This surrender has to be combined with two virtues of Faith and Patience. We should turn all our attention towards Him and avoid the company of atheists, irreligious and wicked people.

In short, a householder – male or female - should always engage in good actions, do duties of their respective stations in life and surrender themselves, heart and soul to Him. This is enough to achieve the aim of taking a human body.

Vandana Ritik,
Heritage of Shirdi Sai
New Delhi

August 4, 2009

Only God is Truth

Truth or ‘Satya’ means ‘being’ i.e, anything that exists in its actual form is truth. Only God exists and will continue to exist. Rest is all perishable and illusion. God has been, is present and will continue to be present till eternity. Existence of God is beyond comprehension of Human mind. Ultimately God will remain. That is why we say Truth represents God or Truth is God.

Mostly people think of truth as ‘merely speaking truth’ whereas it is a wider term. We have to be truthful in thought, action and belief. There has to be no cover up of I-ness or My-ness. Pursuit of truth is pursuit of God.

Whatever we do for God is true and will bear the fruit. Whatever we do for ourselves and our family will be fruitless. Because ‘We’ are nothing. It is only God. ‘We’ become the truth only when we merge with God. This state is called 'I AM' or 'I AM THAT'.

The crux of The Bhagvad Gita appears to be that a human should offer all his actions, thoughts, feelings and speech to God i.e, even if we are doing some work for our family, we should think we are doing it for God – for the truth.

SaiBaba would often say that cause of suffering is feeling of Doership. When we think of ourselves as ‘karta’ (Doer) we are going away from truth and are thus in misery. To experience the joy surrender all that you are at the feet of Lord. Nothing belongs to you. By not keeping any possession(s) during his lifetime, Saibaba himself has demonstrated this fact.

SaiBaba (also all messengers of God) consider whole universe as one form of that ultimate truth. He did not differentiate between his devotees and non devotees. He always said ‘Sabka Malik Ek’ (God is ONE) because ultimately there is only one truth. Saibaba has advocated single minded devotion towards one’s chosen deity with faith and patience because Devotion is a method of pursuing truth, finding and reaching the truth – the State of Peace and Joy.

Where there is truth, there is God.
Where there is God, there is Knowledge
Where there is knowledge, there is Bliss

This ultimate truth is called Sat-Chit-Anand (Knowledge Existence Bliss). We have taken this human body to experience and embrace this truth because ultimately, this human body made of five elements will perish, only Truth will prevail.

Vandana Ritik
Heritage of Shirdi Sai
New Delhi

April 13, 2009

Path of Four Yoga and views of Shirdi Saibaba

Yoga means ‘to join’. The ultimate union of our soul with the God is called Yoga. We all feel pain and a feeling of deep inner loneliness because we have separated from our Source. All Yoga aim at re-establishing our contact with our Source – the SELF. The union cannot be achieved as long as we are caught in the matrix of life and death due to our Karma. Union with the God/ Brahma / Supreme power implies that the soul has broken free of the cycle of birth and death. The soul will not have to take birth after birth to work out its karma. We call it by name of Nirvana/ Moksha/ Salvation. Every soul has to reach this level of perfection. It is said that at this stage soul gets enlightened and can recall all its past, present and future. The soul can create anything it wants. The soul becomes Spirit. It attains the state of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss.

Some souls reach this state fast in few births only and some take hundreds of births and still wonder what’s the aim of getting human birth. Shirdi SaiBaba often said that we get human body as a result of our good karma so that we can work out for our own salvation/ moksha/ nirvana. Every human being has to take steps towards self realization and ultimately God realization – i.e., first to learn that he is soul and not body. Ultimately realize and let his soul merge with the Divine Holy Spirit (GOD).

We can come across someone (Guru / Guide) who will remind us of the purpose of taking human birth. However, the one, who has already achieved self realization & God realization and strives to help others to achieve the same is known as Sadguru (ascendant master or Perfect Master). Shirdi SaiBaba is one such Sadguru. He may not be physically visible to us anymore but his holy spirit is still guiding and helping many of his devotees towards self realization and God realization.

As per Hindu scriptures, there are mainly four routes to reach this ultimate destination – Karma Yoga (Work), Jnana Yoga(Knowledge), Raja Yoga (Power) and Bhakti Yoga(Devotion). Though during his lifetime, Shirdi Saibaba has thrown light on all forms of Yoga. As per ancient Hindu scriptures, consistent practice of either Love, Work, Knowledge or Psychic control help us achieve Yoga. These four routes that take us our ultimate destination called Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga respectively. In the final stages all these routes overlap each other and become same. SaiBaba was Yogasampanna (full of Yoga). He has given practical demonstration of all these Yogas by his conduct, action and preachings during his physical lifetime on earth.

Shirdi Saibaba has also given discourses on all these Yoga practices to his devotees as per their needs and qualifications. To be able to learn and master either of these Yogas to reach our final destination needs grace of God which further depends on qualification of the receiver. A student of class fourth cannot be given knowledge of class eighth. Baba would often say that people keep asking him for worldly comforts but do not ask HIM to give them what HE wanted them to give out of his full treasury.

Bhakti Yoga
This is path of pure extreme love and single minded devotion. Devotee (Bhakta) places his trust in his ascendant master and loves him unconditionally thinking him to be Brahma/ Universe. The Master looks to the qualifications and preparedness of the seeker, works on the mind, thoughts and feelings of the devotee and gently but surely guides him towards path of self realization.

Saibaba had placed such unconditional faith in his Guru and waited patiently for his blessings. He advised his devotees to do the same. Saibaba maintained that though Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Love) is difficult but if one has a guide than this route becomes the most easiest path to follow. The only condition is that for treading this path the devotee has to surrender himself completely (sarvasva sharanagati) to his deity with firm belief that his perfect master will take him safely across the worldly ocean existence. SaiBaba often asked people to offer HIM two pice of Shradha and Saburi, if devotee wanted HIM to become their guide. Bookish knowledge is for intellectual learning. For spiritual learning a capable Sadguru is needed who is pure love incarnate, doesnot care for monetary benefit and is himself self realized. Shirdi SaiBaba was all this and more.

A Bhakti Yogi has to surrender himself to his Sadguru – his personal God. SaiBaba once told a devotee (who was following some other Guru) to hold on to his own ‘bolster’ and not leave his Guru. Baba advocated that we should have faith in our Sadguru, we should assimilate his teachings and follow them with patience without any doubt. So many times SaiBaba appeared as Ram, Krishana, Vithala etc to his devotees to confirm their faiths in their respective personal Gods. He sent Shama to Vani to fulfil his mother’s vow made to their family’s personal God.

Karma Yoga
A karma yogi has to perform all his activities with disinterest and offer them to God. A karma yogi is detached and does not yearn for worldly desires like wealth, progeny and fame. A karma yogi lives to serve the world. Shirdi SaiBaba gave a practical demonstration of being a perfect Karma Yogi during his lifetime. He had no family, desires or wants. He had pure love for humanity. He kept ‘Dhuni’ burning day & night. Every day he would go out for bhiksha (mendicancy) round(s). He did not store money. He did not care for expensive gifts offered to him by his devotees. He was dispassion incarnate and had no attachment with any thing of this world. He only cared for the welfare of his devotees in every possible way he could. So many times he took over his devotees’ pain /sufferings on to him for giving them relief. Many of his devotees got cured by his blessings.

Saibaba always looked after the welfare of his devotees. Rich and poor all were treated similarly and once they surrendered themselves to Baba, their problems became Baba’s problems. SaiBaba took human form for the sake of his devotees, to serve mankind, to sort out wide differences between Hindus and Muslims at that time.

The famous snake and frog story rendered by Baba is a perfect example of how karma performed with attached brings our downfall. Baba would often say we get what is ours and we lose what doesnot belong to us. Our karma determines what we deserve.
Saibaba advised us to practice self restraint, be loving, truthful, unselfish, develop good character, resist evil thoughts.

Jnana Yoga
A rich gentleman had visited Baba to get brahma gyana(secrets of universe). Baba gave him an extensive intellectual insight into Brahma and explained how and why it is difficult to understand this knowledge. So many things are to be surrendered for gaining knowledge of Brahma. This jnana can only be given to those who have attained certain qualifications to receive the same. Further it requires the grace of Guru/ God without which nothing can be made out the theory. Jnana Yogi has a very highly developed ‘vivek’ and can easily distinguish between Real and Unreal – Maya/ Illusion. Baba has explained about working of Maya to his devotees. Baba would often say that God pervades everything. Only God is real rest is illusion. Life would be easy if we can understand this. Baba advised his devotees to watch the show of their life as a bystander and detach themselves so that they do not feel pain. Baba’s most famous phrase ‘Sabka Malik Ek’ is symbolic of a Yogi who has realized universality of religion. A jnani knows that at the highest levels of all religions - all is one. Baba wanted the whole humanity to understand this.

Raja Yoga
This Yoga requires practice of psychic control, control of inner unseen world. Visualisation of God /Universe within through meditation etc. Sai Baba is ‘antaryami’ Baba had full knowledge of inner and outer world of his devotees. He could read devotees inner most thoughts and desires. He could manifest himself at places other than Shirdi. He identified himself as one with other saints and even proved it to so many of his devotes through many such manifestations. He could control fire, rain and other natural phenomenon. Raja Yogi is required to do some physical yogic exercises to keep body fit and Saibaba excelled at such practices like Khanda Yoga and Dhauti. Like a Raja Yogi he had control over his food habits. His tongue knew no taste. He disapproved of fasting preached moderation in eating. Baba’s teaching regarding how he met his Guru who helped him in introvert his outgoing tendencies and making him feel bliss supreme is a perfect Raja Yoga practice. A Raja Yogi can control natural elements like Baba could control the raging fire or stop the storm. Baba knew deepest inner thoughts of all and often said that wherever his devotee may be, HE is always with him and knows every action and thought of his devotee. Though he would be seen mixing with all his visitors, he remained in state of ‘samadhi’ internally.

From all above it is clear that non-attachment is basis of all Yogas. Destination of all the Yogas is same –union with God. So at one point all these Yoga practices start overlapping each other. Shirdi SaiBaba was master of all these Yogas- A perfect living example – of how to put such divine knowledge to practice. He said he was there to help and guide but people are more interested in worldly desires. So many times he would fulfil an earnest devotees worldly desires first to bring him on the path of Yoga later.

Like Hemadpant says it is very difficult to comprehend life of great Sadgurus like Saibaba. We can just imagine their greatness using our limited intellectual bookish learning. One has to practice and experience such yogic practices but that can be possible if we come across someone who has himself united with his SELF. We are lucky, we found our Sadguru in Shirdi Saibaba. I pray to HIM to work on me internally and change and direct my thoughts in the right, positive direction.
Saibaba help me choose my thoughts from the highest point of love.

Vandana Ritik
Heritage of Shirdi Sai
New Delhi

March 21, 2008

Meaning of Devotion

I am a simple person and at first instant I feel ‘Devotion’ is nothing but ‘Bhakti’. However, thinking seriously I feel that though ‘devotion’ sounds such a simple word but it is so profound and has such deep meaning that after looking up all dictionaries on Web, I am still not sure whether I got the true meaning of this one single & simple word namely ‘Devotion’. One could say that devotion is ‘pure unconditional love without expecting any return’ like a mother is devoted to her child, a wife is devoted to her husband and a son/ daughter is devoted to his/ her parents. And then there is devotion of a Bhakta to his/her deity. This devotion is so very different from the aforementioned devotion because a Bhakta worships his God with the belief that he exists and is taking care of him without even a single meeting with the God. I consider myself as a Shirdi Sai Baba devotee and am still trying to learn right method of devotion. To me, Devotion means - my relationship with SaiBaba which has developed over the years.

When I was a child, I had this fascination for this particular filmstar. I would leave all my work and rush to TV every time his movie or song was being telecast. I thought I was so crazily devoted to this actor. Then suddenly one day I felt disgust at my behaviour and a thought came into my mind. Why am I wasting my time, energy and thoughts on a person I don’t know and haven’t even met. Simultaneously, I thought that if I could be even half as crazy for God Almighty, as I am for this actor, then I would be so lucky.

I remember as a kid, I had to accompany my parents to Shiva temple everyday which I did not like. But today I am very thankful to them for showing me the right path at such an early age. When I got married my husband would take me to Saibaba Lodhi Road temple. I would bow my head down before Baba and silently talk to him ‘Baba I don’t know anything about you. I am coming here to you because my husband is coming here. If I could know something more about you and your Leela’s then things would be different’. Luckily, after few days, we had guests in our home who spoke about Baba so lovingly and also discussed their experiences of reading ‘Sai Satcharita’. Internally, I wanted to have this book. Lol! I found one brand new Sai Satcharita in our home library itself. I read it in seven days and my life changed altogether thereafter. This was Baba’s first response to my sprouting ‘devotion’.

I felt myself drawn towards Shirdi Sai Baba. I felt Shiva, Krishna, Durga, Ganapathi, Hanuman – all are in Sai and Sai is in all. I understood meaning of ‘Oneness of Gods’. I became ‘devoted’ to Sai and started visiting Baba temples, read material available on him. I just started loving Baba. Once I saw a beautiful Saibaba murti left by a devotee under a Peepal tree outside the temple because it was slightly damaged ( one portion of middle finger was broken and base of stone on which Baba was sitting was slightly chipped off). I just could not stop myself. I picked up the Murti, hugged it and brought home and kept it in my temple. If I were to suffer a fracture my family won’t discard me. So what one devotee discarded as inauspicious became a very auspicious blessing for another devotee. Does devotion has different meaning for different devotees. I am blessed that Murti is still in my home and I can feel the change. Earlier Baba’s face looked grim but over the years, the murti has got luster and smile on face. I am very attached to that Murti. I feel immense peace when I hug this Murti in my good as well as bad times. I talk to Murti as if Baba were alive in this Murti. Today it is placed at a prime place in my living room because I consider Saibaba as a family member- the head of the family. Sometimes I wonder if this is devotion or a crazy act.

One day I wanted to visit Saibaba temple very earnestly and requested my elder son to take care of his younger brother for atleast one hour so than I can go to temple. He agreed but also added ‘SaiBaba is in your Home Maa. Why do you need to go to temple’. Something hit me that day in those innocent words. I thought my ‘devotion’ towards Baba was actually ritualistic. Baba is inside me I just have to look inward and I’ll find Shirdi & Baba all inside me. I am also part and parcel of that ‘Oneness of Universe’. Thus Baba was working on me internally.

And Why not, even Baba has said that there is no distinction between God, Guru and Devotee. Now ‘devotion’ had another meaning for me – True love for Baba and considering whole creation as Baba. I soon realized it was easier said than done. Though I could now compose and sing Baba’s Bhajans, participate in his Satsang but internally I was still expecting response from Baba in some form or the other. Not that Baba was not responding. Baba always responded but sometime when I did not understand this response I would feel Baba is not looking at me. All in all I was expecting Baba’s response in return of my devotion. I was praying to God, thanking him but was also seeking favours in return because I always felt that I was a good devotee - going to God in good times and not bothering him during my bad times. I was exercising choice, discrimination in my ‘devotion’ to Baba. But still my internal communication with Baba continued. I conversed with Baba almost most of the day. I always felt him beside me and I was so satisfied in this feeling that I thought with Baba around me nothing can go wrong. Baba is the protector. Afterall, I was not seeking ‘big’ favours from him anymore. I thought I may not be the best devotee of Saibaba but still I was a good devotee.

Then came the biggest jolt in my life, a real test of my devotion, an eye (internal) openor. I lost my older son (18 years) in a sudden road accident. Few days before his passing Baba had appeared in my dream lying on the ground with a white cloth covering his body. I found my son’s lifeless body in similar position in AIIMS mortuary. What was Baba trying to tell me? Suddenly, I felt my whole devotion had gone for a toss. It was so very painful for me. I could think of nothing but my lost son and my feeling of utter despair at my big loss. Where was my ‘devotion’? I was complaining. Why did Baba not save him?.

And did Baba respond? Yes. All the way. I feel him much more closer to me now. I started reading material available on afterlife, NDEs, ADCs etc. As I got more and more insight into my tragedy I felt foolish for blaming Baba for this mishap in my life. Sai Satcharita is full of stories about Prarabdha and now I was actually understanding their meaning. Practical was absolutely different from theory. This ‘pain’ and ‘separation’ from my son awakened me to entirely new understanding of soul (me), spirit (Baba) and spirituality which I had understood only at intellectual level till now. Baba gave me answers to all my queries through so many methods including visions and dream visits. I was seeing my life in bits and pieces while Baba knew all past and future. Baba, very kindly, made me realize and understand that my son was with him – all safe, sound, happy and blissful. What more can a mother ask for? Baba gave to my son after his 18 years of earthly life what I have not been able to gain even after 40 years.

Nine months down my tragedy, I seem to have understood a new meaning of word devotion. Now, devotion to me is loving SaiBaba, no matter what happens in my life, with complete faith and trust and without any expectation and return at all. Devotion springs from Love and complete confidence in God. Devotion is my relationship with SaiBaba. I pray that Baba keeps holding my hand all the time for the fear that if I hold his hand, I might lose my grip when faced with sudden upheaval in life. But SaiBaba will never let go of this grip.

Idol worship, visiting temples, reading religious books, performing religious ceremonies are some acts of Devotion. Complete devotion could be something like - continuous offering of the whole of you – mind, thoughts, actions – with supreme love to the God who is creator of all animate and inanimate things. I cannot offer parts of my life to God. I have to offer all my past, present and future - my entire being & existence to God. I cannot measure Devotion. All the time I feel something is lacking in my devotion. That others are more devoted than me. That I still have to refine my devotion towards my Baba. I have to live for Saibaba while simultaneously fulfilling all my worldly duties and responsibilities efficiently. I have to believe and follow all the words that SaiBaba ever spoke. Only SaiBaba knows what is my qualification in his Darbar.

Devotion could mean anything to anybody. To me, Devotion means my relationship with SaiBaba. As this relationship evolves, so does my devotion to Baba and it continues to evolve. I have no idea where this relationship is going to end for I have surrendered all my intellectual and spiritual learning at the holy feet of SaiBaba. I feel that I don’t know anything. My Sadguru SaiBaba knows everything. He has taken care of my son, sorry his own son, in heaven. He will take care of me and my family too on earth as well as when we cross over. But I have to continue to strive, to strengthen my devotion to SaiBaba. How? SaiBaba will grace me with his holy guidance from time to time as and when HE wills it for he alone knows what is suitable for an ignorant person like me.

Vandana Ritik
Heritage of Shirdi Sai
New Delhi

September 14, 2007

How God (SaiBaba) helped in passing over of my son

The hit and run accident and on the spot passing over of my 18 year old son, Ritik (Honey) on 14th Feb, 2007 - Valentine day at a Flyover in Delhi left me in a state of shock. In fact, when I was rushing to the hospital after hearing about accident of my son I was sure nothing would have happened to him. But I was totally in for a shock when I found his body in the mortuary at AIIMS Hospital. First words that came out of my sobbing husband were ‘Woh chala gaya. Tere SaiBaba jhoote nikle’ (He's gone. Your Saibaba turned out to be a liar).

I could not believe how could Baba do this to me as I was always so devoted to Baba not only during crisis but even during happy times, I always chatted with him as if I were talking to a friend. I was always thankful and grateful to him and always felt that I must have done something very nice in my previous birth to deserve this kind of happiness. After looking at lifeless body of my dear son, I hated Baba. What was the use of so much of devotion, belief and faith in Baba when he could not save my son’s life. People who did no such thing were much better and happy. Maybe I was worshipping the wrong God. I was content with whatever I had, I did not crave for more but still Baba gave me this pain which was so unbearable. Was there any Baba at all or not? If I have to suffer for consequences of my karma, in any case, what was the use of praying to Baba. How can he help me. He could not save my son’s life. May be ‘meri bhakti mein shakti nahin’(My devotion is not effective/ powerful enough). I don’t know what type of devotion do you want, I asked Baba. If you do not like my way of devotion then I will not worship Baba or anybody, I resolved in my mind and was also vocal about it to other Baba devotees.

Everyone coming to us for condolences was also wondering how could somebody who was religious, worshipped and had so much faith in Baba had to suffer like this. I also asked Baba how he was feeling - ‘tumhari badnami ho rahi hai’(you are getting defamed). In fact, I had sent a letter to Baba on the day of this accident itself through my friend (incidentally called Shama and a true Sai Baba devotee) who was going to Shirdi with a request to call me, my husband and our two sons to Shirdi. But my son passed over even before the letter reached Shirdi. My friend got my SMS when she reached Shirdi. She informed that this was the first time she forgot to take sweets for Baba with her from Delhi as was her normal practice. So she went to Samadhi mandir(Holy Temple where Shirdi SaiBaba's body rests) without sweet and she said Baba was looking sad that day. I knew I was crying and so was Baba.

Later on, when I was little more composed and I reflected back at happenings few months before my son’s physical departure on 14th Feb, 07, I could sense what all things Baba had been doing for me. I was grieving loss of my son and was just not controllable enough to understand. I was wailing all the time as to why Baba did not save him. My son could have been hurt badly but he need not have left us forever like this. How will I worship Baba after this. But something in me was telling me that even Baba was shedding tears with me. But still my faith was shaking. Shradha(faith) and Saburi(patience) were just looking meaningless to me and I did not want to believe in any God for it was looking useless to me now.

When I joined my duties in office, I took out my diary where I write down some important happenings of my life. The last note I had written was on 18th Aug, 06 which caught my eye instantly. As per my note, on previous day i.e, 17th Aug, 06, a fibre murti(idol) of sitting posture of Saibaba (one of the two murtis I have) which I had been worshipping for a long time was hit by a ball from my younger son accidentally and it fell off. Even though it was made of an unbreakable material, it broke very badly. The head of Baba was severed off from rest of the body and I was shocked badly. I had recorded this in my diary note and written ‘what problem of mine have you taken on yourself Baba?' Incidentally, my elder son (who is not physically present with us now) went with us to Yamuna river banks to drown the murti properly in the running river water while all the time I was feeling so sorry at what had happened and kept asking for forgiveness. As time passed, the memory of this mishap faded.

I was reminded of this mishap only after my Ritik departed from this earth in Feb, 07. It struck to me that Baba had perhaps given extension of life to my son by giving his head but still I was not so sure about it. But it did make sense somehow because my son had also succumbed to his head injuries. For the six months after breaking of ‘murti’ both my husband and me were spending lot of time with our elder son, Ritik, without realizing that he was to pass over soon while Baba knew this all and how he did this:

My husband holds a senior post in a central PSU. During Aug, 06 end, he had some altercation with top most level following which he was suddenly transferred, posted and relieved immediately to join at remote area in central India which was not even a family station. He left and joined there but after few days he fell sick suddenly. He said he never ever felt sick like this before.

My elder son, Ritik, went all alone (on his first trip) by a late night train to give support to his sick father. One week later, both of them returned to Delhi and my son told me not to send his papa back to that remote station as there was no work at all for him there and also that if he goes there he will fall sick. So in 25 years of his service, my husband was on leave four months and stayed at home with his late son day and night. To give moral support to my husband I also took leave in between and stayed at home. All along my late son gave us his moral support. He would encourage his father to quit Govt job and join some MNC instead. "Do not be scared of anyone Papa", he said.

All efforts to reverse these transfer orders, either politically or even administratively, were failing and we were wondering why this simple problem was not resolving. I used to pray to Baba to do whatever he feels is good for us and also to make us strong enough to withstand this professional crisis of life. Those days my prayers to Baba had increased manifold. All the time I was doing ‘naam jaap’(continous chanting of God's name). I could not sleep properly, so at night also, I would keep looking at Baba’s picture in my bedroom and ask him what and why this was happening. My intensity had increased so much that I could now compose and even sing Baba’s bhajans(hymns) with zeal all the time sure that something will work out and my husband will ultimately join his duties only we should have Shraddha and Saburi(unshakable faith and patience). Baba knows what is good for us and why he is doing this for he only knows the whole plan of our life while we only see our life in bits and pieces. Our life had come to a standstill.

Both my husband and I were on leave, so we would go to various malls etc and everytime we would end up purchasing for my elder son only. His clothes, his shoes, his belt, his gloves etc. At home, I would end up cooking his favourite food etc. Obviously, Baba had given us time to spend with our son. My son who did not believe in God earlier, began going to Gurudwaras(Place of worship for Sikhs) with full devotion on every Sunday. He even changed password of his computer to ‘saibaba’. He visited Saibaba temple also with us on New year i.e, 1st Jan, 2007. He said, he did that to make me happy. He became so attached to me in last few months that he began discussing everything under the sun with me, his smoking, his girlfriend and his after college activities. I was so happy at this special bond that we made with each other in his last few months. And to think today that Baba was behind all this.

My son, Ritik, became so religious, calm, mature, helpful, compassionate and understanding in his last months. Baba was doing all this. Internally, changing all of us and keeping us together in that extension of life that he gave to our son. With Baba’s blessings, my son had developed so much of wisdom that he knew how, when and where he will passover. Of course, we came to know these details only after he crossed over to the spiritual world leaving us crying behind him. His favorite rock band is named ‘Nirvana’. I have placed his small picture in lap of Baba’s ‘murti’ in my home because I know he is in Baba’s light now. And how do I know this. Three things happened in gap of one month each.

1. During mourning period of 12 days, I was so upset that I would tell everyone that my praying to God always did not help in saving my son’s life so I have stopped believing in God. One unknown lady came to meet me especially in those days and told me that though she did not know me she wanted to meet me and tell my that my son was in a very happy and blissful state and that I should not mourn his passing over as he had been called to God’s home for his further higher spiritual education. She referred to Yogananada’s Gita and some of its extracts that she had brought with her. I felt a bit comfortable and when she left I saw a SaiBaba sticker on the rear glass of her car and I thought how kind of Baba to have sent her to me for comforting.

2. One month after this, Once when I was alone, I wept bitterly in front of Baba’s murti and prayed from the depth of my heart. I asked Baba, ‘why did you not save my son Baba. He could have been hurt but not gone. Where were you? Unless you give me reply to this Question yourself I will not believe anyone. I compared myself to his devotee ‘ the doubting Hari Kanoba’ mentioned in Sri Satcharita(containing life and teachings of Shirdi SaiBaba - a Bible for Saibaba devotees). Half an hour later, my husband came and suggested that we see the SaiBaba serial on Starplus. I said that the serial must be over and I don’t want to see it anyway. But he insisted that we’ll see last scene atleast. So the TV was switched on. The scene was where Bhagat Mahalsapati ( a very close devotee of Saibaba when he was alive physically) is forced by Baba to go home and when he reaches there reluctantly, his young son dies in his arms singing Baba’s aarti(prayer). Everybody around is surprised as to why Baba could not save his favourite devotees’ son’s life. SaiBaba tells Mahalasapati that even Krishna, God himself, could not save Pandavas sons. Your son was meant to be with you for this much time only. This all ‘lena dena’ ( give & take) is due to our ‘renanubandh’(dues carried forward from previous births). Therefore, one should not grief. If Baba had not sent him home, he would not have been able to meet his son in last time. Similarly, Baba had arranged circumstances in such a way that my husband spent his leave period with his son during his last six months. Not to mention that my husband was lucky he kept away from that controversial posting because later on various enquiries were ordered and my husband was saved as he was on leave. Thanks to Baba.

In the same serial SaiBaba had referred to a premonition about passing away of his son to Mahalsapati. In dream Yama(God of death) had entered Mahalsapati’s house and wanted to eat something as he was very hungry. Without looking up and without realizing, Mahalsapati, who was busy writing something, permitted Yama to eat whatever was there in house. Few days later, his only son passed away, This reminded me of dream that I had around one week before my dear son passed away. In my dream, I saw pictures of mostly all the Gods – Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Bhagawati etc – but SaiBaba’s sitting posture statute was lying on the floor with a white cloth all over it. Only the forehead was partially visible so that I could recognize, it was SaiBaba. I could not understand this dream and I asked my dear friend Shama (referred to above) as to why I could see faces of other Gods while Baba’s face was covered with white cloth. What did this mean. Even she could not figure out, She felt that it meant that I had blessings of Baba and that Baba is with me. However, one week later when we went to mortuary to identify my son’s body, I saw a similar white cloth on his body. Only his forehead was partially visible and as he had long gold tinted hair, I could identify my son immediately. I feel that dream was Baba’s message to me about my destiny.

3. One month after this, during meditation in garden, I had a beautiful vision. I was meditating in my living room at home. Suddenly, my late son walked in wearing a red Nike T-shirt and asked me ‘why are you sleeping Maa(mother)’. I replied that if I opened my eyes, he would go away. He said that he will not go away and that I should get up. As I opened my eyes I saw him standing there and he pointed towards, Sai Baba who was standing next to him. I was totally choked and cried, ‘you have brought SaiBaba for me’. Then I bent & bowed down at Baba’s feet and thanked him so much. I could distinctly feel Baba’s off-white thick clothes. Baba said ‘Now you can see that your son is with me. You were unnecessarily crying’. I thanked Baba and requested him to give my son what he wanted. Baba asked ‘What’. I said ‘Give him Nirvana’. Suddenly, SaiBaba produced a flame shaped bright light. My son walked into it and spread his arms in happiness once he was inside it and said ‘Thankyou Maa(Mother)’. The vision was over. I realized I was in garden still meditating.

Today, even my husband also believes that Shirdi SaiBaba had actually given my son an extension of life for few months. What was predestined had to happen and it happened ultimately. But by this vision, Baba showed me that my son was with him. Of course, being mother, I feel the pain of losing my teenaged son but I am thankful to Saibaba for taking him in his light. I am sure that my son has ultimately got his Sadgati(Nirvana - merged with God), thanks to Baba. I feel blessed. My son, you are indeed very very lucky. Maa loves you forever and till eternity.
My Valentine, RitikSai merged with Universal Valentine on Valentine Day, 14th Feb, 2007. On his inspiration I started writing in name of Vandana Ritik.

Vandana Ritik

Heritage of Shirdi Sai

New Delhi

September 25, 2006

Believer of Shirdi Sai Baba

I was introduced to Sai baba by mother when I was very young. I saw his morning bath and kakad aarti in Shirdi. . We purchased rings, Baba's murti etc. Then I forgot all about it.

I worshipped Lord Shiva as my father is his staunch devotee. But after my marriage, while reading Shiv Purana I read that wife should worship the same God as husband. So when my husband took me to Lodhi Road Mandir, I asked Baba - I don't know u. Who are u. I want to know about u.

Within a week some guest came to our home and over dinners told us the miracle of reading Sai Satcharitra in one week. It fulfils your wishes.

Few days later I saw Sai Satcharitra in my in-laws room. My son had become very adamant and had refused to go to School those days when he was in Class II all of a sudden. I was upset. I decided to read the book with the wish that he stops doing this. And lo! he stopped before the week was over. He told me why he did not want to go to School -due to a teacher- I went to School spoke to Father - and my problem was solved.

I got to know about life story of Shirdi Sai Baba and started liking his teachings which were very down to earth and easy to follow. Sai Baba thus came into my life.