June 11, 2008

What is Goodness

Badness is like filthy smelly gas that spreads easily, quickly and covers a vast area space. In today's world, people are more attracted towards this smell which fills every nook and corner of their lives. All media reports cover negativity in the most elaborate possible manner. Be it gruesome murder, tragic natural disaster whatever. The focus is mostly on how things are not working or wrongly working because it is considered as a effective marketing technique and also brings 2 minute fame for the persons involved. Next day people forget the wickedness because a brand new negative incident/ accident is ready to be reported for further postmortem by viewers/ readers. One gets a feeling that world is most unsafe and horrible place to live in and if we are surviving, it is nothing short of miracle. But hang on.
Goodness is like a refreshing fragrance that spreads slowly and is able to cover only short distance. Not all can see, read, think or notice it. One has to be sensitive enough to catch this fragrance, to feel its essence because negativity is so widespread it completely blocks this delightful perfume from reaching us. The world is surviving today because of this widespread goodness. And this is a Good News.
Thankyou God and Thanks my angels. I pray that you make us sensitive enough so that we can feel and inhale this beautiful refreshing natural essence of Goodness and become a part and creator of more Goodness. Let us come together and spread more goodness through positive intentions, actions and above all POSITIVE THOUGHTS. Amen.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi


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  2. What a great moment of reading blogs.
