I have to realize that I am that big ONE and that big One is 'I'. I have to understand and experience the Oneness of the Universe that 'I am the Spirit and the Spirit is I'. Ultimately, everything is illusion(Maya) except the only truth I AM THAT
May 21, 2009
I am That
I have to realize that I am that big ONE and that big One is 'I'. I have to understand and experience the Oneness of the Universe that 'I am the Spirit and the Spirit is I'. Ultimately, everything is illusion(Maya) except the only truth I AM THAT
May 12, 2009
Meditation - What and How ?
The Bible says “Kingdom of God is within Ye”. Meditation is the principal method to see God, face to face. But then people say that there is no God. We must admit that whatever we see around us – the nature, the air, the beauty as well as the beast – are someone’s creation. After all, a thing can’t come out of nothing. It was created out of God as waves are created from, the ocean, ornaments from gold cloth from thread and pot from clay – the world identified with God. The effect and cause are one. The world has emerged from God and merges into him.
Lord Krishna says in The Bhagvad Gita “Turn thy back on heaven, remember me for my sake, so that you become free from birth & death and thus obtain immortality”,
“When free from all desires which had root in his heart the mortal even here becomes immortal and reaches Brahman” – The Katho-Upanishad VI-4,
“Occupy the mind with me, be devoted to me, sacrifice to me, bow down to me, thou shall reach myself; truly do I promise unto thee, (for) thou art dear to me” (The Bhagvad Gita XVIII 69)
So how do we see the God. Great Sri Sankara’s famous hymn ‘Bhaja Govindam’ says,
Sing the Gita, the thousand name of God
Continuously meditate on Lakshmi’s Lord,
Turn the mind to the company of the Good,
Give away your wealth to Needy
Trust yourself wholly to the lotus feet of Teacher
Freedom from the shackles of Sansara (world)
With your sense and mind controlled in this manner
You will see the God residing in your heart.
Meditation is a discipline to achieve the state of ‘God Realisation’. It is like a ‘journey from self to self’. By doing meditation one can slowly uncover the veils of ignorance and reveal the eternal truth and thus one can become one with the eternal Supreme –Soul.
“Not in the clamour of the crowded street
Not in the shouts and plaudits of throng?
But in ourselves are triumph and defeat” (Henry Longfellow)
Sacred Hindu text The Bhagvad Gita describes the method of meditation as –
“Shutting out external objects,
Steadying the eyes between the eyebrows,
Restricting the even currents of prana and Apana inside the nostrils
the sense, mind and intellect controlled with Moksha (Liberation) as the supreme goal, free from desire, fear and anger,
such a man of meditation is verily free forever”
Thus meditation can be summarized as deep reflection by – bringing to bear all our mental power and activity on a given subject with a view towards acquiring the right knowledge of the subject concentrated - that is, God.
Spiritual or transcendental meditation is based on how much one’s consciousness is detached from this world and is focused on or absorbed in the thoughts of God.
How to meditate - Think of God as a star of light amongst the similar other brilliant stars in the soul world ( of which you are one such star) and let thoughts come to the mind that he is emanating love, peace, bliss and knowledge in form of a glowing golden divine light onto you. The star of your soul is sitting in silence in HIS glory and slowly absorbing the Lord’s glow. Circle of your own glow around your star like body is now expanding and you are feeling all love, peace, bliss and joy. You reach a stage where your glow and God’s glow merge into each other and become One and it is all PEACEFUL and STILL. Experience this beautiful, blissful and divine state in your mind.
Our thoughts can take us where our body cannot go and it is rightly said that where mind goes we follow. Feel the bliss during meditation. Make it part of your ongoing emotions. Forget everything of the world for those few moments and soak in the bliss. What we feel and ultimately experience is added to our sanskars/impressions that are imbibed by our soul permanently. This way we nourish our soul by positive thoughts and get done with our karmic debts. This is the way of meditation which nourishes our soul, fills us up with divine energy which none can snatch and people around us start to wonder how come this person is looking so blissful despite problems in life.
Meditation is a method of setting wings of thoughts and feelings free, so that one day soul may attempt, “the immortal flight of the Alone to the Alone” and become forever one with the spiritual life (Clara M Codd)
Initially, the mind would not have the perfect stability but persistently contemplating with intense love, the meditation will take the form of concentration and then you can realize who you are, the One with the Universe. You get answer to so many questions. It is said that universe contains all the knowledge. When we are in a state of meditation we can access this knowledge. This explains how saints can tell a person his past, present and future. They are so much attuned to the Universal knowledge that they do not have much to do get the required information. So many discoveries and inventions were found when the persons concerned could tap the universal knowledge on the subject. As a common man we can meditate to find peace in the present chaos.
“Truly if you can have faith, and don’t doubt, you can do things like this, much more you can say to this Mount of Olives, Move over into the ocean and it will move. You can get anything you ask for in prayer – if you believe. ( Mathew)
Saint Janabai of Maharashtra used to sing-
I eat God
I sleep God
I breathe God
I feel God
I speak God
I give God and
I take God
The state of human body during deep meditation can be compared with that of hibernation of animals who survive the harsh weather with bare minimum oxygen and metabolism. Similarly, with meditation a human mind can survive the hard and long journey of life with ease, calm and comfort.
April 28, 2009
How to listen to our Inner Voice?
Our soul is always in communication with us. It is always telling us what we should do for our own good. This voice is nothing else but voice of our own inner consciousness / Soul which is connected with the Universal Power/ Higher Spirit / God/ Infinity. God is not some separate individual sitting high above beyond solar system or galaxies. God is present around us in seen as well as unseen world.
God/ Sadguru / Jesus/ Saibaba (whatever name we use to refer to the Supreme Power) is operating from within us through our Soul. When we are in tune with our Soul, we can listen to the voice of this Supreme Divine Power within us. This voice is voice of truth. If we listen to it and follow its command we can experience eternal peace and joy.
Our soul is always talking to us, guiding us and telling us what we should be doing in given situation. Usually this voice is the first guidance we instantly notice whenever we are to take some important decision in life. It is our soul which first oversees our problem even before its onset. It puts thought in our mind to take necessary preventive action. We feel gentle whisper of this voice in our heart. This whisper tells us what we should do in the given circumstances. We often refer to it as our gut feeling. So many times we follow our gut feeling even though it may not seem right to us at that time but somehow we are drawn to do things which we never meant to do if we were using our mind. This is called following our heart which is always speaking language of love.
If we do not listen to this voice instantly, our mind takes over and starts analyzing the situation and offers us other attractive and easy alternatives. Thus we are prompted to do things which others are normally doing in given circumstances even when our heart knows it is not right thing to do. Listening to and following the command of our own Inner Voice means carrying out the Will of the God in the interest of all.
This voice of truth is so soft and subtle that unless we are fine tuned to listen to it, our physical mind using its analytical faculties makes it completely inaudible and avoidable. When we work with decisions taken by our mind, our life goes topsy turvy and we wonder where we went wrong. We can always sense a feeling of uneasiness and emptiness whenever we have acted as per directions of our Mind and not Heart. Why??
We have to understand that If Lord Krishna is the charioteer than no Arjuna of this world can ever go wrong.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
April 25, 2009
How to learn from problems in life ????
It is said that nobody crosses our path in this life without any spiritual connection or reason. All people that we meet, all situations that we come across in life are in accordance with laws of nature which are perfect, impartial and flawless. All obstacles and hurdles we face in our life are for our growth. It is a fact that biggest growth in our personality takes place when we cross over challenges of our life. When we are through those tense situations when we were feeling all helpless, we realize how much we have grown in our wisdom, character and personality. Knowledge cannot be learnt through book reading. Knowledge is best imbibed through experiencing what we have heard and read. A diamond gets its brilliance after being crushed, rubbed and polished. Prior to this, it was just an ordinary luster less stone. Similar is human being.
All the famous people around us have been through challenges. Spirituality goes beyond fame. In spiritual terms a successful person is not who is famous. A successful person is the one who has never given up. A true successful person is the one who has looked at hurdles in life as a passage and not as an obstacle. A positive person will not change route when faced with difficult situations. A wise person will not run away from a relative, friend or boss etc with whom he is not being able to get along with well. How does he manage this? It is here that spiritual wisdom helps. And how?
Steps towards learning our lesson - First step is acceptance and acknowledgement of the problem, situation or person.
Next step is to understand that the given obstacle will not change - I will have to change.
Next step is to identify which of my inner belief system is being disturbed. What aspect/ fear of my personality this person/hurdle is hitting at? Now I have to try to change my perception and look at the problem in an altogether different way. Example: instead of saying that my husband/wife is very difficult, we can say my husband/wife is very special. The moment I replace ‘difficult’ with ‘special’, I start to feel better mentally, emotionally and physically.
Next step would be to look at problem not as an obstacle but as a ‘way’ to personal and spiritual growth. I have to understand that this situation or this person has come into my life to teach me something which I lack. Truly, our so called enemies are our true spiritual friends. They constantly remind us of our wrong traits and fears which we have to get rid of. If a person ridicules me in front of others and I feel insulted it means I have very low opinion about myself. I have to work on increasing my self worth in my own eyes if I do not want this to happen again. Respect cannot be asked for, it is commanded by our own behaviour. Learn to respect yourself before anyone else.
Example : If person you are helping is not returning your help in your time of need again and again. It means that same is the problem within your personality. If you look inwards honestly you will realise that you also have the same tendency of not helping the people who help you the way they want. Change yourself inwardly and problem will be resolved automatically. Either that person will start to help or someone else will come to help you in his place.
Often we feel threatened by a situation or a person because it reminds us of our own similar weakness or fears which we do not want to acknowledge leave alone admit it. Universe knows our internal unresolved issues and time and again brings us face to face with our own reality until we learn our lesson and move on. If I am not getting alongwith my boss, it means I have inner fears regarding use of power which I have to let go. We get a mirror image of our own self in the person we believe we hate. Our normal reaction is to blame such person or situation as something coming in way of my joy, happiness, success and peace. So we either give up, change our path or avoid the person or situation altogether without realizing that real problem is not outside but inside us. This is the time to go inside us and find out which of my trait, character, habit or belief is being threatened. What is this person hitting out at? What is causing me hurt? Once it is identified, it is time to let go of it.
We have to understand that nobody has power to hurt us. It is us who are choosing to feel hurt ignoring the reality. It is us who are attracting such situations/ persons because we have to work on our own similar fears. Let them go away from life and Grow in your spirit.
The spiritual person knows his own true nature i.e, soul - which is light, love and peace -rest is all illusion. Wisdom means knowing that I am powerful and eternal soul – kid of the God and So are others. All of us are on different levels of understanding and have to learn different lessons with the help of others around us.
A spiritual person will not blame other person or the outside world but will remain steadfast and smiling even in tough situation because he knows he has to work on himself. Once that problem is over he has learnt his lesson and this situation will never repeat itself again.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
April 13, 2009
Path of Four Yoga and views of Shirdi Saibaba
Some souls reach this state fast in few births only and some take hundreds of births and still wonder what’s the aim of getting human birth. Shirdi SaiBaba often said that we get human body as a result of our good karma so that we can work out for our own salvation/ moksha/ nirvana. Every human being has to take steps towards self realization and ultimately God realization – i.e., first to learn that he is soul and not body. Ultimately realize and let his soul merge with the Divine Holy Spirit (GOD).
We can come across someone (Guru / Guide) who will remind us of the purpose of taking human birth. However, the one, who has already achieved self realization & God realization and strives to help others to achieve the same is known as Sadguru (ascendant master or Perfect Master). Shirdi SaiBaba is one such Sadguru. He may not be physically visible to us anymore but his holy spirit is still guiding and helping many of his devotees towards self realization and God realization.
As per Hindu scriptures, there are mainly four routes to reach this ultimate destination – Karma Yoga (Work), Jnana Yoga(Knowledge), Raja Yoga (Power) and Bhakti Yoga(Devotion). Though during his lifetime, Shirdi Saibaba has thrown light on all forms of Yoga. As per ancient Hindu scriptures, consistent practice of either Love, Work, Knowledge or Psychic control help us achieve Yoga. These four routes that take us our ultimate destination called Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Raja Yoga respectively. In the final stages all these routes overlap each other and become same. SaiBaba was Yogasampanna (full of Yoga). He has given practical demonstration of all these Yogas by his conduct, action and preachings during his physical lifetime on earth.
Shirdi Saibaba has also given discourses on all these Yoga practices to his devotees as per their needs and qualifications. To be able to learn and master either of these Yogas to reach our final destination needs grace of God which further depends on qualification of the receiver. A student of class fourth cannot be given knowledge of class eighth. Baba would often say that people keep asking him for worldly comforts but do not ask HIM to give them what HE wanted them to give out of his full treasury.
Bhakti Yoga – This is path of pure extreme love and single minded devotion. Devotee (Bhakta) places his trust in his ascendant master and loves him unconditionally thinking him to be Brahma/ Universe. The Master looks to the qualifications and preparedness of the seeker, works on the mind, thoughts and feelings of the devotee and gently but surely guides him towards path of self realization.
Saibaba had placed such unconditional faith in his Guru and waited patiently for his blessings. He advised his devotees to do the same. Saibaba maintained that though Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Love) is difficult but if one has a guide than this route becomes the most easiest path to follow. The only condition is that for treading this path the devotee has to surrender himself completely (sarvasva sharanagati) to his deity with firm belief that his perfect master will take him safely across the worldly ocean existence. SaiBaba often asked people to offer HIM two pice of Shradha and Saburi, if devotee wanted HIM to become their guide. Bookish knowledge is for intellectual learning. For spiritual learning a capable Sadguru is needed who is pure love incarnate, doesnot care for monetary benefit and is himself self realized. Shirdi SaiBaba was all this and more.
A Bhakti Yogi has to surrender himself to his Sadguru – his personal God. SaiBaba once told a devotee (who was following some other Guru) to hold on to his own ‘bolster’ and not leave his Guru. Baba advocated that we should have faith in our Sadguru, we should assimilate his teachings and follow them with patience without any doubt. So many times SaiBaba appeared as Ram, Krishana, Vithala etc to his devotees to confirm their faiths in their respective personal Gods. He sent Shama to Vani to fulfil his mother’s vow made to their family’s personal God.
Karma Yoga – A karma yogi has to perform all his activities with disinterest and offer them to God. A karma yogi is detached and does not yearn for worldly desires like wealth, progeny and fame. A karma yogi lives to serve the world. Shirdi SaiBaba gave a practical demonstration of being a perfect Karma Yogi during his lifetime. He had no family, desires or wants. He had pure love for humanity. He kept ‘Dhuni’ burning day & night. Every day he would go out for bhiksha (mendicancy) round(s). He did not store money. He did not care for expensive gifts offered to him by his devotees. He was dispassion incarnate and had no attachment with any thing of this world. He only cared for the welfare of his devotees in every possible way he could. So many times he took over his devotees’ pain /sufferings on to him for giving them relief. Many of his devotees got cured by his blessings.
Saibaba always looked after the welfare of his devotees. Rich and poor all were treated similarly and once they surrendered themselves to Baba, their problems became Baba’s problems. SaiBaba took human form for the sake of his devotees, to serve mankind, to sort out wide differences between Hindus and Muslims at that time.
The famous snake and frog story rendered by Baba is a perfect example of how karma performed with attached brings our downfall. Baba would often say we get what is ours and we lose what doesnot belong to us. Our karma determines what we deserve.
Saibaba advised us to practice self restraint, be loving, truthful, unselfish, develop good character, resist evil thoughts.
Jnana Yoga – A rich gentleman had visited Baba to get brahma gyana(secrets of universe). Baba gave him an extensive intellectual insight into Brahma and explained how and why it is difficult to understand this knowledge. So many things are to be surrendered for gaining knowledge of Brahma. This jnana can only be given to those who have attained certain qualifications to receive the same. Further it requires the grace of Guru/ God without which nothing can be made out the theory. Jnana Yogi has a very highly developed ‘vivek’ and can easily distinguish between Real and Unreal – Maya/ Illusion. Baba has explained about working of Maya to his devotees. Baba would often say that God pervades everything. Only God is real rest is illusion. Life would be easy if we can understand this. Baba advised his devotees to watch the show of their life as a bystander and detach themselves so that they do not feel pain. Baba’s most famous phrase ‘Sabka Malik Ek’ is symbolic of a Yogi who has realized universality of religion. A jnani knows that at the highest levels of all religions - all is one. Baba wanted the whole humanity to understand this.
Raja Yoga – This Yoga requires practice of psychic control, control of inner unseen world. Visualisation of God /Universe within through meditation etc. Sai Baba is ‘antaryami’ Baba had full knowledge of inner and outer world of his devotees. He could read devotees inner most thoughts and desires. He could manifest himself at places other than Shirdi. He identified himself as one with other saints and even proved it to so many of his devotes through many such manifestations. He could control fire, rain and other natural phenomenon. Raja Yogi is required to do some physical yogic exercises to keep body fit and Saibaba excelled at such practices like Khanda Yoga and Dhauti. Like a Raja Yogi he had control over his food habits. His tongue knew no taste. He disapproved of fasting preached moderation in eating. Baba’s teaching regarding how he met his Guru who helped him in introvert his outgoing tendencies and making him feel bliss supreme is a perfect Raja Yoga practice. A Raja Yogi can control natural elements like Baba could control the raging fire or stop the storm. Baba knew deepest inner thoughts of all and often said that wherever his devotee may be, HE is always with him and knows every action and thought of his devotee. Though he would be seen mixing with all his visitors, he remained in state of ‘samadhi’ internally.
From all above it is clear that non-attachment is basis of all Yogas. Destination of all the Yogas is same –union with God. So at one point all these Yoga practices start overlapping each other. Shirdi SaiBaba was master of all these Yogas- A perfect living example – of how to put such divine knowledge to practice. He said he was there to help and guide but people are more interested in worldly desires. So many times he would fulfil an earnest devotees worldly desires first to bring him on the path of Yoga later.
Like Hemadpant says it is very difficult to comprehend life of great Sadgurus like Saibaba. We can just imagine their greatness using our limited intellectual bookish learning. One has to practice and experience such yogic practices but that can be possible if we come across someone who has himself united with his SELF. We are lucky, we found our Sadguru in Shirdi Saibaba. I pray to HIM to work on me internally and change and direct my thoughts in the right, positive direction. Saibaba help me choose my thoughts from the highest point of love.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
January 20, 2009
How to meditate ?
Make it a point to request God for protection from evil before initiating the meditation. This is done to prevent distracting thoughts from bothering you during meditation. You can start your meditation seeking reply to some question bothering you presently. You will get reply/guidance to the same either during meditation or in next one or two days. Universe will respond to your query in some way or the other.
I have understood that not each person can get benefits of meditation through a single method. Therefore,
discover your own way to meditate- whatever gives you peace and joy. Try and you will find soon.I think through out the day we are mostly doing things for everyone around us so why not find sometime for just ourselves? Meditation is diet for our soul which always stays connected to the divine universal power only we do not have time to listen to it as worldly noise is too loud. And we are too busy to find any time for meditation.
In short, Constant remembrance of God in mind, whether consciously or unconsciously, is Meditation. While Prayer means talking to God, Meditation means listening to God. When you have said your prayers don’t you want to listen to what God has to say to you? Don’t miss out on this divine bliss for once you have experienced, it becomes addiction. You want to go further and further. Don't worry, it doesnot take you away from your family and world. In fact, it enhances your relations and makes you a better equipped to handle your life issues. Meditate, feel blessed, feel complete and become addicted to it.Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
January 16, 2009
Feeling Angry ? You dislike yourself.
All our life we are trying to correct others but do not try to correct ourselves, not accepting the fact that this is the only thing we can do something about. Rest is not in our hands. In universe, always two opposing factors are operating at any give time. Every time we face a hurdle in life, there are two options. We have been given free will to be able to exercise enough discrimination to make the right choice to enhance growth of our soul otherwise our soul will grow as per our preplanned blueprint of our current lifetime and it will take ages and many lifetimes to learn and master so many important and positive lessons of life.
We get angry when things do not happen as per our desire, people do not respond to us the way we had perceived, someone insults us etc. At that time we feel things are not working rightly. We always end up blaming others for wrong happenings in our life and all around us. Thing is that most of the time we spend our time analyzing in our mind the reasons for various events in our life and around us. Our analyzing is limited by amount of knowledge we have acquired so far. Therefore, for a given single situation, we come across different view-points simply because everyone does not have same level of knowledge and its understanding.
This blame game does not sort out the situation permanently. We have to realize that we are angry because our desires are not being met. We are not angry at people, events or world around us. We are upset because we are not stable within. In a state of anger, we just cannot think and act wisely. Every happening generates volumes of thoughts which in turn create feelings, and emotions within us, which if left unchecked, create havoc within us and ultimately our life. Our response to any situation is outcome of those inner conflicts. If we become aware of this process, we can make our inner observant self smart enough to over power this self generated conflict otherwise we will feel negative, talk negative, expect negative and make our environment negative. Our human senses are sufficiently sensitive to catch such negativity in atmosphere. Have we not tried to avoid talking to a certain person, going to a particular place etc? Even though we may not be aware of the reasons but our senses do smell negativity and try to keep us away from that – physically as well as mentally.
When we are angry at others, we are actually angry at ourselves. When some one uses foul language with us, it is our choice whether to feel insulted, get angry & stoop down our own level and return the remark with our own foul language OR just smile, laugh away, sympathize with person with such bad manners and walk away leaving negative person and his negativity behind us once and for all.
Next time, when we feel angry, we will take a pause, observe our current thoughts, try recalling our earlier experiences, our present / future expectations. We get angry because our thoughts are not in sync, our expectations are not being met, our desires are unfulfilled. It’s our choice if we want to feel hurt and miserable and cause pain to our self. We are angry at our self. Lets not give powers to others to disturb our peace of mind at their whims and fancies. The reins of our peace of mind should always be in our own hands. It is our choice. If we want to feel peaceful, we cannot take insults and strife seriously. We should react when its absolutely necessary and we just cannot do without it. However, we should react sparingly because both - giver and receiver of angry reaction - lose their peace of mind.
We should understand that we are angry because of our own selfish reasons. So instead of getting angry why not be assertive to get our point across. Wise people have advised that when we are really getting angry, we should try to keep quiet or walk away for some time. Later when we are feeling calm and are in total control, assess the situation that caused us anger. Was it really worth invoking our anger and disturbing our peace of mind? If someone has been unfair, unjust and stupid with you, you cannot be the same with them. If you want to be same, then go ahead, nothing’s stopping you. But will it ensure that the situation will not come up again. Many people get angry at same thing again and again. Situation keeps repeating itself and so does their anger. This happens because one does not try to find our the basic, real and hidden root cause behind the anger.
If someone irritates you too much then be sure you also have the same trait in yourself only you are not admitting it to yourself. A situation making us angry gives us an opportunity to evaluate ourselves. That situation is nothing but a mirror reflecting our own image to us. If someone is not paying attention to you despite your best effort it indicates you are not paying attention to yourself, you feel you are lacking in something and you will feel good only when someone else says so. This indicates our own lack of confidence. It is not fault of the other person we are getting angry at.
So far as anger management is concerned, our first step would be to become aware immediately that we are starting to feel angry. Once we are aware, half the battle is won. You know losing temper is not healthy and helpful in any case so now make efforts to keep speech in check (difficult part), take yourself away from that place, and isolate yourself from that situation. Let some time pass. Suppressed anger creates more problems than solutions. When feeling peaceful, think about the event again and possible peaceful options to deal with it and act accordingly. Also try to understand that everything just cannot be under our control. We can control our anger and deal with it positively. We cannot control other people and their reactions. The more we try to do that the more frustrated, angry and miserable we will be.
The fact is that once we are not able to control our anger, our mind stops thinking rationally & logically and we end up doing lot of things which were totally uncalled for and we regret it later. But by that time it is too late. An angry outburst is like an arrow out of the bow. Once it has hit its target at right intended spot, its all over. It takes much time and effort to reverse the damage and sometimes even that cannot be done. It takes years to build a relationship but one angry and unthoughtful outburst is sufficient to destroy it forever. Self discipline and self control is necessary to control the anger. If we cannot control ourselves, how can we think of controlling and changing others?
Therefore, we should regard people who offend us the most as our greatest teachers. For they give us opportunity to look within, work on our thoughts generating harmful emotions and feelings within us and make us better human beings. Forgive them, Bless them and Feel better.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi