August 18, 2011

How does Karmic law works?

Whatever is happening to us in this lifetime is 'effect' - outcome of 'causes' set by us through our inner intentions in our previous lifetime(s). 

All our outer actions, which are visible, our sufferings, traumas, enjoyments, riches or poverty, career, status, fame and fortune and even the food that we eat all are result of our inner intentions (causes) set in motion by us, consciously or unconsciously in previous lifetimes.  Negative thoughts bring negative results while positive thoughts bring out positive results.

Now while enjoying or suffering these effects, what we are feeling and thinking, is creating our new set of causes which will bring out their effect in next lifetime.  Anything unexplanable happening in your life is result of a past karma which you do not remember now.  Good or bad events, all are outcome of our own karmic accounts which are now being settled.

Wise men have, therefore, advised us to face good or bad times in life, in a detached manner.  We should not feel elated or feel pride if we succeed in our endeavors.  Likewise we should not feel depressed or sad if we are faced with calamity in life.  Face all with equanimity - in a state of calmness and self control. 

Know in your heart why this is happening.   Since it is not in your control right now, face it, pass through it.    However, be careful of what you are thinking now because it is charging a new karma.  It is here that we have a free will, to decide how we are going to face the situation and ultimately make our destiny.

Remembering God all the time, while passing through ups and downs of life,  is a perfect way of creating a positive and good karma.  You get what you focus on eventually.

Vandana Ritik

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