So many times we are faced with such situations where we cannot decide what we should do. We call up our friends, relatives, colleagues to find solution for us. We do not realize that we are the best judge of every event or problem in our life. No one knows me better than myself. My inner-self (which we also call as Higher Self is the Charioteer of my body) knows so much more than my conscious mind. My body is not just flesh and bones. It is much more. Every human on earth has four dimensions - Body, Mind, Emotions and the divine energy called Soul. Ideally, a Soul has to be in control of the first three. But in the modern busy world it is other way round. The result is imbalance all around us. None seems to be listening to the his/her own Soul. Our Soul has to be in the driver’s seat of our life but we have dumped it in some rear corner and have forgotten all about it.
Our soul is always in communication with us. It is always telling us what we should do for our own good. This voice is nothing else but voice of our own inner consciousness / Soul which is connected with the Universal Power/ Higher Spirit / God/ Infinity. God is not some separate individual sitting high above beyond solar system or galaxies. God is present around us in seen as well as unseen world.
God/ Sadguru / Jesus/ Saibaba (whatever name we use to refer to the Supreme Power) is operating from within us through our Soul. When we are in tune with our Soul, we can listen to the voice of this Supreme Divine Power within us. This voice is voice of truth. If we listen to it and follow its command we can experience eternal peace and joy.
Our soul is always talking to us, guiding us and telling us what we should be doing in given situation. Usually this voice is the first guidance we instantly notice whenever we are to take some important decision in life. It is our soul which first oversees our problem even before its onset. It puts thought in our mind to take necessary preventive action. We feel gentle whisper of this voice in our heart. This whisper tells us what we should do in the given circumstances. We often refer to it as our gut feeling. So many times we follow our gut feeling even though it may not seem right to us at that time but somehow we are drawn to do things which we never meant to do if we were using our mind. This is called following our heart which is always speaking language of love.
If we do not listen to this voice instantly, our mind takes over and starts analyzing the situation and offers us other attractive and easy alternatives. Thus we are prompted to do things which others are normally doing in given circumstances even when our heart knows it is not right thing to do. Listening to and following the command of our own Inner Voice means carrying out the Will of the God in the interest of all.
Our soul is always in communication with us. It is always telling us what we should do for our own good. This voice is nothing else but voice of our own inner consciousness / Soul which is connected with the Universal Power/ Higher Spirit / God/ Infinity. God is not some separate individual sitting high above beyond solar system or galaxies. God is present around us in seen as well as unseen world.
God/ Sadguru / Jesus/ Saibaba (whatever name we use to refer to the Supreme Power) is operating from within us through our Soul. When we are in tune with our Soul, we can listen to the voice of this Supreme Divine Power within us. This voice is voice of truth. If we listen to it and follow its command we can experience eternal peace and joy.
Our soul is always talking to us, guiding us and telling us what we should be doing in given situation. Usually this voice is the first guidance we instantly notice whenever we are to take some important decision in life. It is our soul which first oversees our problem even before its onset. It puts thought in our mind to take necessary preventive action. We feel gentle whisper of this voice in our heart. This whisper tells us what we should do in the given circumstances. We often refer to it as our gut feeling. So many times we follow our gut feeling even though it may not seem right to us at that time but somehow we are drawn to do things which we never meant to do if we were using our mind. This is called following our heart which is always speaking language of love.
If we do not listen to this voice instantly, our mind takes over and starts analyzing the situation and offers us other attractive and easy alternatives. Thus we are prompted to do things which others are normally doing in given circumstances even when our heart knows it is not right thing to do. Listening to and following the command of our own Inner Voice means carrying out the Will of the God in the interest of all.
Therefore, some time of the day, we have to shut off the world and sit in silence to listen to this inner guidance. Some call it concentration, some call it meditation. But it is a fact that this stillness speaks. Most of us are afraid of sitting in silence because we are so terrified and just do not have courage to face ourselves.
This voice of truth is so soft and subtle that unless we are fine tuned to listen to it, our physical mind using its analytical faculties makes it completely inaudible and avoidable. When we work with decisions taken by our mind, our life goes topsy turvy and we wonder where we went wrong. We can always sense a feeling of uneasiness and emptiness whenever we have acted as per directions of our Mind and not Heart. Why??
This voice of truth is so soft and subtle that unless we are fine tuned to listen to it, our physical mind using its analytical faculties makes it completely inaudible and avoidable. When we work with decisions taken by our mind, our life goes topsy turvy and we wonder where we went wrong. We can always sense a feeling of uneasiness and emptiness whenever we have acted as per directions of our Mind and not Heart. Why??
Answer is - We ignored to listen and follow the voice of our inner consciousness. Our mind, body, and emotions are controlling our life. Our pure Soul is not on the seat of driver.
We have to understand that If Lord Krishna is the charioteer than no Arjuna of this world can ever go wrong.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
We have to understand that If Lord Krishna is the charioteer than no Arjuna of this world can ever go wrong.
Vandana Ritik
New Delhi