When we are on earth, time to time, God sends unseen as well as living Angels to help us fulfil our purpose of coming to the earth. These angels surround us during times of distress. They offer us their shoulder to take respite in times of trouble and make us mentally strong to be able to cope with our stress. Our parents are our first living angels. They stand by us unconditionally. A true and loving angelic parent will always put the needs of its child before own needs. They understand the mood and nature of their child and accept them as they are and do not complain. They thank God for sending such a beautiful child in their life and continue to lend their unconditional support to their child through out their lives without asking anything in return. God bless our parents who always understand our woes even before we could utter a word to them. They standby and support their child like a grand shield through thick and thin. I am truly lucky to have such parents in my life for whom I am the centre around which their whole life and existense revolves. Their main aim in life is see that their child - their God given responsibility - is happy and content and God bless them they do not ask me to do anything for them in return. I cannot ever imagine if this debt can ever be repayed.
June 13, 2008
Living Angels
When we are on earth, time to time, God sends unseen as well as living Angels to help us fulfil our purpose of coming to the earth. These angels surround us during times of distress. They offer us their shoulder to take respite in times of trouble and make us mentally strong to be able to cope with our stress. Our parents are our first living angels. They stand by us unconditionally. A true and loving angelic parent will always put the needs of its child before own needs. They understand the mood and nature of their child and accept them as they are and do not complain. They thank God for sending such a beautiful child in their life and continue to lend their unconditional support to their child through out their lives without asking anything in return. God bless our parents who always understand our woes even before we could utter a word to them. They standby and support their child like a grand shield through thick and thin. I am truly lucky to have such parents in my life for whom I am the centre around which their whole life and existense revolves. Their main aim in life is see that their child - their God given responsibility - is happy and content and God bless them they do not ask me to do anything for them in return. I cannot ever imagine if this debt can ever be repayed.
June 11, 2008
What is Goodness
June 10, 2008
Thanks my Angels
Sometime ago, I read a book by Dr Doreen Virtue on Angel Numbers and was hooked to it. Suddenly, it was making sense. So very often I had seen a car pass by with licence plate no. as 4444, 7777 etc. I would look at clock suddenly and would see time 11:11. I now began to understand that this way my angels were speaking with me. By showing me these nos. they were trying to get my attention to them. Every no. had a different meaning and message from my angels. I just had to fine tune in to understand the message and the significance it had in my present life. As time passed, the puzzle became easy to solve.
As a human being, we see and believe only those things which are visible to us, about which we have learnt and read in books, scientifically proven otherwise we do not believe in them. But after losing my elder child, I understood something different. My sixth sense was communicating with me. In one of my dreams I heard a message from a voice that said 'Just because you cannot see, it doesnot mean that it doesnot exist'. Yes these Angels exist. My own conscience lets me know that I am getting communication from that unseen side. And I am sure I am not going nuts.
Everyone comes into this world and creates own reality. Each and every experience opens another level of understanding in us. Tougher the experience, higher the understanding. Loss of my son, awakened me to understanding why I was suddenly felt some sort of energy around me in the room even when it was not visible. Everything would be perfectly fine and working and suddenly the ceiling fan in the room would stop for a second (without anyone touching the switch) and would start revolving again on its own. In earlier days, I used to take it as voltage fluctuation but no more. How come my computer, TV and everything was working fine. Why did other electronic system did not react to voltage fluctuation, if it did happen. I felt that this energy around us can easily manipulate the energy of electronic items. The more I understood this and started thanking my Angels (my departed son, SaiBaba, God - the spirit), the more it started happening.
My husband would get a call from me on his mobile and when he would call back, I would be surprised that I did not even touch my mobile at that time and when he would again check up his mobile he would not find any missed call from me. But it did happen. So who did it?????
I realised that more I muttered a 'thanks' to my Angels for doing this to us, the more it happened. Noticing so many triple and master nos. and time everyday was one of them. It is just a matter of learning to first believe, then understand and later to communicate with our unseen angels. I believe they respond only when asked or requested for otherwise they leave us alone and come up to communicate with us only when we are in a state of shock or grief because at that time a human being is totally in awe and in surrender to this Universe. Afterall, I noticed my angels only when I was in grief. But why wait for grief if one can learn to communicate with them during times of happiness. Have you ever noticed that you were thinking of some song lyrics and when suddenly you turn on the stereo or switch on the TV, that very same song is being played or telecast and you attribute it to your intuition.
One has to experience it to believe it and for that one has to be sensitive enough to notice these paranormal things happening in our daily lives everyday - things which do not have any logical explaination. In another dream, I got another message 'Universe is full of knowledge, you just have to access it' . This gave me a validation that I was on right track. Universe was offering me so much information. I had just to tune in my conscience frequency to try, decipher and understand the hidden message.
I would stand in front of this Plumera flower tree in my backyard and request my unseen Angels to drop a flower right in front of my eyes. I waited but it did not happen. Next day I gave it five minutes of time to let the flower drop on its own. It did not happen I went inside home and had to come back later due to some work in that area. I was looking at the tree and it happened. The plumera flower fell on its own and there was no breeze at all. I thanked my angels and learnt to give them time to fulfil my wish. One year later, now everytime I stand under this tree, Plumera drops on its own. Universe has heard my silent wish and is fulfilling the same just the way I wanted it. I understood that between making a wish and manifestation of that wish there is a time gap sometimes it is very short and sometime its longer but every wish a human makes does manifest itself in totality. And I never forget to thank my Angels for taking note of my every wish.
Till date, Angels have heard so many of my prayers and fulfilled so many of my tiny, silly wishes regarding my personal, materialistic and spiritual needs that I am absolutely sure that there is an unseen power in this universe which takes note of all my actions, intentions and thoughts (yes angels communicate easily through thoughts). I am important in this Universe and I am being taken care of and being loved by those beautiful angels out there. I thank my angels for making their presence known to me.Vandana Ritik
New Delhi
PS: Angels are all those loving souls which may or may not be visible to human eyes. They are God's we worship. As Hindu, my angels or ascended masters are SaiBaba, Hanuman, Ram, Durga, Krishna, Shiva, Parvati, Ganpathi. Our departed loved ones also become our Angels and look after us from that side. As we are not spiritually grown enough, angels communicate mostly through symbols, signs, numbers, manipulating or co-inhabiting with nature, animals(pets), electronic items and above all through 'thoughts'. All Angels understand us what we are actually. They know our past, present and future and work in unison with Universe for our own Good.