May 16, 2017

 Finding God Within 
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Volume 13  Number 19
11 May 2017

You say: “I am a devotee!” Now, the very reference ‘I’ – can you tell me whom it refers to? (Devotees: It refers to myself; ‘ātmā’.(soul)) That ātmā is God! If this is true, is there any distance between God who is remembered and ‘I’ who remembers Him? Also, tell me, who is the real God? The remembered entity is God, or the remembering ‘I’ is God?

My dear children, this is called the path of jñāna(knowledge). In the path of jñāna, there is no additional need to remember God at all!

Years back I had made some ‘classic propositions’ to God. Listen to me with attention. I gave two challenges to God. One is: “Banish me from your territory, if you can!”.  And the second is: “Exit from my heart, if you will!” And till today, ‘poor God’ has not been able to meet any of the two challenges!

Are you able to appreciate the power of Self-realization that enables me to ‘challenge Him’ like this? I am saying this because I know that He cannot do it! For, if He is able to do it, then he ceases to be God.

That is the strength of my Knowledge. Generally, none will think of God like this! This statement cannot be, or will not be, made by all; but I am making it! You have to be a Knower of Truth to say like this! When you are enlightened, when you find God so dear, you can even play with God like this. (Swamiji laughs heartily …)

There is one more thing I want you to hear from me. I tell God: “My dear God, I cannot always remember you. Do I have to? It is you who has put me into the world; I never wanted to come to this world! Now that I have to live in the world, I have to deal with other things of the world. Whatever actions and interactions I have to undergo, let me do them very well. So, I cannot always remember you. Nor do I propose to remember you always.

“Either I will remember you directly, or, I will remember you indirectly through the world, your own product. What difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. If it makes any difference to ‘you’, it is ‘your’ headache, not mine!”

My dear children, are you understanding these statements well? And is the understanding giving you some sort of comfort and consolation? So, tell me; what is preventing you from saying like this? (Swamiji pauses, awaiting response from devotees. But there is no reply.) When you communicate with God with this kind of intimacy, will not your whole personality undergo devotional transformation? Nothing will trouble you. Not only that. You will become invincible!

(Excerpt from the monthly magazine Vicharasethu published by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha.
Subscriptions to Vicharasethu are available at Rs 100 for 12 issues and Rs 1000 for 12 Years.)

August 6, 2016

Do we have Free Choice in life?

We plan our life before birth. We along with our Soul family, plan out our birth, parents, siblings, life partner, Major obstacles, events and our exit (death) plan before we even enter womb of our mother.  We plan on learning new lessons. If this will happen I will do that.  What We Plan uses up our past store of good karma. 

Once we put a blueprint of our life in motion by taking birth on earth,  we forget what we had planned.  life moves as per our plan but do we remember to act according to our planning????  Sometimes we do sometimes we don't.   

As we are acting as per blueprint of our choice, our free choice making opportunities get reduced drastically unless we had planned an option on the path. 

Major blueprints of life remain unchanged. We probably have freedom to take little detours on the way but final destination cannot be altered.  What we have come to learn on this earth school by way of experiences and its ultimate impression on our soul so that soul is elevated to higher levels, need to be learnt.  There is no turning back.

Higher  forces do not interfere and make sure we stay on course.  They are witnessing our blueprint in action and  do the work of keeping us on track by putting thoughts into our mind and affecting our intuitive abilities accordingly.  Because none has power to alter our blueprint since we made it ourselves.  Thats why our so called Gods messengers n saints etc could not alter sufferings of their loved ones or even themselves.

Our decisions are absolutely affected by external factors, genetic etcs but what about our own unique inner personality.  Ultimately its our decision n we face consequences.  We are more powerful beings then external circumstances.  Body may die but soul carries the experiences.

Best way for me is to learn the ways n means to make this blueprint better for future lives, if there is any.  This is because when blueprint is in action we understand how different it is between planning and then actually going through it.  At some points we are overcoming hurdles and learning learning while at other times we may refuse to learn and grow since the pain is so intense.  Often we have seen people stuck up in their misery.  Given up.  They don't want to improve their situation.  A lifetime goes waste.  

Key to success is our own Will Power.  While planning we are strong but when it actually happens, we are often numb and dumb due to emotional or physical pain.  

Once we master laws influencing working out of blueprints of our journey on earth, we can achieve good results  with no suffering at all n with ease n peace.   We need to learn and understand Laws of the Universe and how they work, right here, in this human body.  Once its in our psyche we cannot fail next time. 

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

October 17, 2015

Why to take birth if its suffering.

Brahma Kumaris have explained it so well. Heaven is like living comfortably on 20th floor.  And earth is ground floor.  A kid watches it from above and sees people laughing, running, playing and even fight below.  Wants to go down to play. Parents tell him he might get hurt but he is getting bored.

Goes down. ..enjoys life for sometime but then starts seeing things at closer level and he also starts getting hurt.  He  wants to go back . But has to stay till evening.  When he goes back. His elders heal him. He takes rest.

 For few days doesnot want to go down.  Enjoys drama from above.  But then again he is attracted to something and wants to go down thinking that he will be more careful this time.  He forgets his earlier resolve not to go back.  As he is on descend he again is having change of mind but now he cannot go up again.  Process has to be completed.

I think Our desires n strong attachments
bring us back.  They are pushing us down.  No one else is doing it.

On top it may be good but activity, learning, enjoyments , suffering,  yin and yang...all is on earth.  May be most people do not like monotony above, from where you can see but cannot do anything at all.  When all the perfect, what is left to enjoy and for how long.

Its like giving birth one suffers labour pain but after some time again wants a baby.  Why??   To re-capture the joy felt earlier even if it means suffering again.

Its catch 22 situation...our joy becomes our source of suffering.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

July 6, 2015

How do positive thoughts help?

It is very difficult to stay positive when things are going all wrong in our life.  When we are suffering,  how can we be positive and why should we be?  Does it help to in any way if we stay positive?

YES, it does help to stay positive during adversity.  And in atleast  three ways:

It helps us come out of state of feeling like a ‘victim’ thus reinstating our self esteem.  We don’t feel guilty. We don’t blame self or anyone for the problem.

Our new positive perspective sets Law of Attraction in motion.  We are open to positive help from unexpected sources of the Universe.

And obviously it saves us from going into depression and other interactional conflicts.

What do we mean by being positive –  It is that state of mind in which we are stable, calm and peaceful.  The mind is silent, in a state of relaxation  and not asking questions(like How could or Why did it happen to me).  A relaxed mind will automatically come out with possible alternatives to issue at hand.

How to stay positive –  If there is no solution to the issue like in event of death then By accepting the situation as it happened and adopting  the  right attitude to face the consequences of the same and adopt ourselves to the changed circumstances comfortably.  

In other cases, positivity signals our mind to start looking for any other possible alternative solution.  Thus we are be open to new opportunities and ready to face new challenges.  We do not give up if things did not work out one way.  

A positive person will look at a ‘dead end’ as a ‘turn’ to reach success via a new untested different route.

Remember WHAT WE RESIST, PERSISTS.  So we better stop resisting and be ready to do something to stabilise our inner turmoil.  When internally we are peaceful, our outward actions are always fruitful.

Possible Positive Inputs -  Spiritual knowledge helps immensely in finding a new positive outlook to face the situation as it is.  We can’t find answers to our emotional turmoil in academic books. Had it been there, we would not be disturbed. Few positive thoughts are as under:

I am responsible for my own happiness.  I cannot blame anyone else for my disturbance.  I will correct it with my own will power (by remaining positive against all odds).  Things will work out fine for me.

Whatever is happening is in perfect order and therefore just right in grand drama of the Universe.

All is subject to law of change every second and thus temporary.   Therefore circumstances will ultimately change in my favour. I will not give up.

Going may be tough as of now but there is always end to a long cold night.  Sun has to shine after the stormy days.

I am a special child of God and chosen specifically to come out stronger out of this crisis.  I am a powerful soul who chose this particular tough lesson to learn something out of it.

If some known sources are out to spoil things for you, BELIEVE that there are some unseen sources too out there working things out for you.  Have faith and patience.  Trust Universe and believe in miracles.

Count your remaining other blessings.  Natural blessings like air, water, ether etc are always around for free…to help you overcome hardships. 

When others leave us, we are never left alone.  Universal saviours, our Guardians and Angels surround us and support us invisibly.  Have you noticed feeling calm amidst the toughest time? Know that you are not alone.  Know that you are a powerful soul and you can do any thing.

Sometimes logic fails to define cause of failure.  Never mind.  Forget logic become reasonable and accept outcome without despair.  Results are never same for similar efforts.  Some gain more while some lose all under same circumstances. 

Taking responsibility does not mean finding fault in self. I means I tried earlier, I will try again too.

God helps those who help themselves and also sometimes seek help from the Universe with firm faith.

PS:  In some situations doing ‘nothing’ is also one important solution.  Under no circumstances, accepting a given tough situation can be considered as a failure by an optimist.  A loser thinks on those lines and gives up.  A winner will always accept the setback and make efforts to overcome it and find a new way out.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani


June 18, 2015

Why do we get negative thoughts during meditation????

Negative thoughts during meditation is  like stirring up still and settled sand at the bottom of a jar.

When we are not meditating our conscious mind is active  that Holds memory required for our day to day activities.  Conscious mind stores a very small percent of our total memory. Major part of our memories, thoughts and desires etc are all stored in our subconscious mind. When we are awake our subconscious mind sleeps.

But when we sit down to meditate, conscious mind slows down.  We have only 3 to 4 thoughts per minute in this area.  We are in Alpha or Theta state of brain activity. Now our sub conscious mind  starts to awaken..  The stirring begins.

First thing that comes up is the sand at the bottom of glass that looked like containing clean water from above. The water now becomes muddy n dirty.

Our trash, negative and wasteful thoughts emerge from bottom of our subconscious mind.  Our mind is full of such thoughts.  As they come up and you label them as waste, they begin to fade away.   Beginners of meditation need to understand that this is essential and part of meditation process.

As we continue to make regular efforts to meditate,  These useless thoughts start to vanish.   These are replaced by thoughts of clarity.  The peace and calm starts to set in.  We can now connect to Universal consciousness too.

The  water is now free of sand and crystal clear.

Vandana  Ritik

March 17, 2015

Do we come with a blue print of our life

Yes I too believe that major part of our life is scripted though our emotions and feelings are not part of that.  Our reactions are part of our free will.  We make an intelligent plan before coming but the moment we enter earth that memory fades and during  that period between birth and death we experience the drama of life.  We get involved in our roles so deeply.  

All saints and wise here say that we have to be Knower and observer only and not to get emotionally involved in various scenes of life.   But for many it becomes very difficult especially when hit by tragedies.   Some come out of it and reinvest in life While for some remaining life becomes a burden especially if we are very sensitive. I think, Being overly sensitive is a big obstacle in our development.  Only through being vigilant and with strong will power we can come out of our emotional mess. 

 AND knowledge is the key.  Knowledge of how things work solves the puzzle called life. Here,   It is said we can understand this knowledge and find a way out  only in human body and that most of us waste it when we get entangled in pain and pleasures of this world which is temporary.

  Nothing is permanent here. All is subject to Law of Change.  Only the knower and observer within is eternal.  If only we could remain centered on this 'I' within me that is watching this show of world. But we are so lost in show itself we forget who is watching.

Vandana Ritik
17 Mar 2015 

January 11, 2015

Concept of External, is Internal

I am the SUBJECT that we refer to as 'I'.   I am not my body.  I am ALL THAT IS.  As a human, we are meant to probe within and unearth this Subject, the Source, that is seeing, perceiving and experiencing the whole Object world. 

There is no external object because the perception of all so called objects is internal.  These external world 'objects' are experiences of the Subject, within.

The idea of internal and external is made by our mind/awareness/consciousness.  This distinction is made by our mind with the help of 'I'.

Through out life this Subject within interacts with outside objects of this world.  We look at these objects with our eyes.  An images of these outside objects falls on our eye lens, mind understands and interpretes these images.  None of these objects enter in our body in any gross form.  Does it? 
Sun does not enter our body. Eyes see it, mind reads it image and our knowledge gives us information about sun.   Thus this was all an internal, subtle experience.

A.  All images are multiple but Mind is One;
B.  All reflections in mind are same as mind, since both are subtle ( we cannot see or touch either the reflection or the mind.  Both can be experienced only);
C.  All is inner experience.  These experiences / impressions add on to our knowledge.

Throughout our life, we are experiencing and gaining knowledge (memory / impressions) that is also experience.  Thus experience adds on.  All is inner experience. Perception of everything external is internal.  At our own will.  When we are sleeping. Only before wakeful person,  the world is seen, not to sleeping or dead. 

Therefore, we have to dissolve this differential assessment and have clarity.  This duality was due to senses which created multiple impressions on One Mind.  Mind is subtle and so are these images.  We see a red carpet in mirror.  Mirror does not change itself into red, does it?  Mirror stays as it is.  Mind is much more than a mirror.  

Like a mirror, many images falling on mind screen give an impression of manifold ness, multiple objects all around us.  

We have to correct / nullify/dissolve these reflections in 'waters' of mind.

We have to understand that Any reflection( that is subtle) is not different from mind(in which it is reflected). Correct the understanding(of ignorance) that world has many objects. And reach Inner Supreme Source/ presence, through process of understanding after taking this knowledge pilgrimage, which is superior to any physical pilgrimage.

The entire awareness/cognition in mind of external objects is internal.  There is no external world.


Based on Discourses of Swami  Bhoomananda Tirtha