June 24, 2020

Forgiveness Prayer to Shirdi Saibaba

1.    Dear Saibaba, you are my God, my Sadguru, my Saviour.  Baba I Love you, I honour you and I put my complete faith in you.  With utmost humility and total surrender, I place my completely shattered and bruised ego at your divine feet and pray for your help and guidance in my day to day life situations. 

2.    I have fully understood that whatever I am facing in my life, is my own creation.  I take full responsibility for all my actions.  Today I confess and accept that I have committed millions of sins and errors and have hurt innumerable souls across various lifetimes through my own actions, words and thoughts. In the process, I have entangled myself with countless souls who have suffered because of my thoughtless blunders.  Now, I find myself trapped in my own self-created web and am unable to come out.  I am in agony because  I am unable to bear the burden of huge pile of rinanubandhs (karmic debts) that have been following me since various past lifetimes.  The grief and insecurity is excruciatingly painful. Only you can help me Baba.

3.    Today I am ashamed of all my countless wrongdoings, that I do not even remember.   I repent each and every one of my sinful actions.  Whatever I did, it was because of my own faulty judgement made out of my swollen  pride and hollow ego.  Saibaba, I am guilty and unable to face you.  With deep regret in my heart, I beseech you in desperation and seek your help.  Baba please forgive all my misdeeds, whether done knowingly or unknowingly.  I did everything foolishly, without understanding its effect in the lives of others, and most of all its consequences in my own coming births.  I caused pain to others and today I am deeply hurt as I am repaying for the same.  

4.    I know that today all my failures, sufferings, pain and grief are a result of my reckless behavior in the past and yet I am continuing to incur more and more errors in my present life too.  The stock of my bad karma continues to pile into an enormously huge mountain under whose burden I feel helpless and crushed. I regret I caused hurt, I instigated hurt, I approved and supported actions causing hurt.  I admit I judged each and everyone around me and forgot that all are the creations of God and that all are right in their own perspective.  I forgot your teachings that nothing moves unless God wills it.  I prided on my intelligence and thought that things will move only when I will do something.

5.    Time and again I have been taking credit and doer-ship forgetting that Only God is the Doer.  I did wrong and, therefore, today I stand before you with folded hands and sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart.  Baba, kindly forgive me and promise to protect me and my family always, life after life.

6.    I am an ignorant, bewildered and lost Soul.    But, I am your child Baba.  Right in this moment,  I offer and surrender myself to you with all my imperfections.  My body, mind and Soul is clouded by Maya all around me.  I cannot find my way within or the way out.  Please help me focus my attention on truth and bring clarity to my thoughts.  Kindly take mercy on me.  Help me stay in peace, contentment and in your gratitude forever.  

7.    Today I know that you have always looked after my welfare even without my asking.  No words can express my gratitude and thanks to you.  Thankyou Baba for disconnecting me from the turbulence of outside world and bestowing me with courage to open my heart out to you.  My permanently restless mind is finally at peace in your presence.  With my eyes cast down, and hands folded, I request you to forgive all my negative actions, of past and present.  Saibaba please watch over me and my family and bless us with ‘abhaydaan’ (fearlessness).   

8.    Let fellow humans forsake me, but my Sadguru Saibaba, please promise to be by my side always.  I have no other place to go.  I am lost without you.  Baba bless me with your divine vision, unconditional love and wisdom.  Make me caring, compassionate and detached.   Only you know what is best for me.

9.    Baba, keep the feet of this sparrow tied with the strings of your love and protection.  Continue holding my hand in your old, ancient firm grip and don’t let me wander away.  Be strict with me and scold me but please Keep me on right path.  Shower me with your divine grace and humility so that I can foresee my own faults and stop myself from hurting any living being with my thoughts, words or action.  Give me strength and courage so that I do not repeat any of my old mistakes again.  Stop me from making any new mistakes.  Never leave me alone.  I am forever dependent on you Baba.  Work on me internally.  Help me, balance my energies, heal my body, mind and soul and make me healthy and fit for rest of my life here on earth and also thereafter.  Kindly Help me, HELP MYSELF so that I always remain your worthy devotee. 

10.    Dear Sai, I seek shower of your divine grace to feel and experience my own divinity so that I may be connected to Thine Bliss.  Reveal thyself to me Baba.  Very humbly, lovingly, I invite you to come and be seated permanently, on the throne, in the Shrine, deep in the depth on my heart.  Baba kindly Bless and oblige me & my Home with your pious presence.

Vandana Mulchandani
June 16, 2020

During this lockdown, I am in company of my Sadguru Saibaba.  I am thankful that there are no useless worldly duties to be done.  Morning, afternoon, evening and night, its all Saibaba.  When my Baba is with me, then no lockdown can lock me down.  I am myself after so so very long.  I am free and flying in my Baba’s glory.  Stay Home Stay Safe and Remember Saibaba.

June 19, 2020

Meaning of Shraddha & Saburi

    Saibaba advised his devotees to have Shradha and Saburi always.

    Sadguru Shirdi SaiBaba often said that ‘Shraddha’(Faith/Trust) and ‘Saburi’(Patience/ Endurance) are mines of virtues. If his devotees could develop these virtues in themselves, they will cross this ocean of worldly existence without the least trouble and easily.

We are devotees of Saibaba. Have we ever truly introspected to check whether we have been able to develop these twin virtues of ‘Faith’ and ‘Patience’ in us?

I often thought that I had Shraddha but I lack in Saburi because I have an impatient personality. But as I introspected, I realized, I did not have true faith either.

Thinking deeply I realized that these two mines of virtues are very deep and what they contain is beyond value. Faith and Patience together hide the formula for our Freedom. If we practice both, we will experience what we came to experience on earth, our aim of taking human birth – the ultimate Sat-Chit-Anand.

Getting intellectual meaning of these two words is easy. We all understand what these words mean. BUT DO WE REALLY PRACTICE? Do we trust SaiBaba like a child trusts his parents and relaxes completely?

If we trust SaiBaba, it means we believe that he will take care of all our problems and help us out of all our so called troubles. We should become completely stress free. Having placed our Faith in SaiBaba means, we are now free from worry, fear, guilt, anxiety, our as well as security of our family, social position etc. Why? Because we have faith in SaiBaba and he is taking care of us. However, we still worry, feel stress, get confused, feel inner conflict, feel out of control, get angry and annoyed.

If we REALLY have Faith in Saibaba than why do we behave like this? These problems should not be bothering us. Isn’t Saibaba taking care! Here is the Catch. Either we do not trust Saibaba or our faith in him is only namesake.

SaiBaba advised his devotees to do all the duties of the respective stations of their lives with honesty and not to bother about the results because these are in the hands of Almighty. Lord takes action impartially. He is kind and compassionate and takes care of all without any discrimination. Even when we feel abandoned, He is still there. If we cannot see or feel him, it is because we are focusing on what is going wrong and not what is going right. If only we could focus on what we still have rather than what we lost.

If there are some tough times, God must have given them to us to help us grow in strength and character. None likes to pass through tough times, faith shakes, we want to know, how Saibaba helped my friend in trouble but not me in the same situation. Only Saibaba knows the answer to this. If I believe in Him and Trust him fully, I should be confident that He will take care of me at the most appropriate time. Now when will this ‘appropriate time’ come, only HE knows. I don’t have to worry about it. I place my request before him and let him do what he wants to do. I don’t have to repeat my requests everyday to remind him. He hears me the first time itself. I have to practice Saburi here.

When there is a delay from his side, we want to find out the answer and get restless and miserable. We fret, we pray out of fear(which is just a formality), we consult astrologers to find out when and how our bad phase will end and why did this happen to me only. When SaiBaba is our helmsman than why are we worried and running here and there? Where is our Shraddha? Where is our Saburi?

Wise men say that sometimes it is better not to know than to know. Ignorance is Bliss. Why are we trying to find out the reasons if we have genuine ‘Shraddha’ in SaiBaba. We should feel gratitude that we are devotees of the One who knows All. Why not accept what he does with our lives with all peace and calm? Have we not placed our Faith in him. We should not love Saibaba only for what He can do/has done for us but we must love him for what He Is. Faith is always unconditional. Through our faith, God checks whether we trust HIM in our ‘not knowing’ reasons for all things going wrong in our life and our environment. If we knew answer to everything happening in our lives, we won’t need a Sadguru.

SaiBaba said ‘Cast your burden on to me and I will bear it’. If we have cast our burden on SaiBaba with faith, why are we feeling burdens in our daily lives. Why do we get stressed, depressed, tense, insecure and fearful everyday. Our diabetes, BP, heart problems, headaches, upset stomachs are results of stress we have kept in our lives and we are not even aware of it. SaiBaba told us to do our duties to the best of our abilities but he never told us to worry and fret.

Saibaba referred to ‘Saburi’, as sister of ‘Shraddha’ who go hand in hand. Why? By this He is trying to teach us that once we have placed our unshakable and firm faith in our Sadguru, we must be patient enough to wait for the results because some results may be to our liking and some may disturb us. Only God knows what is good for us. Did not Das Ganu get this lesson from maid in Kakasaheb’s house? Whatever happens in our life is ultimately for our own good. Therefore, we should be patient enough to accept it, endure it and overcome it without disturbing our peace of mind. Be happy no matter what the circumstance is because trust in God is answer to all the problems we have. Once I have placed my faith in God, I should stop asking reasons for things not happening as to my liking.

We are in a hurry to have things happen our way. But God has his own ways. He knows what is good for his devotees. He may not be telling us but we should have firm belief that he is taking care. World may go topsy turvy but my faith should not shake. If we did not get what we wanted than it was not meant for us. What is ours, comes to us. What is not ours, why bother at all. We are free to feel joy and peace in our lives despite problems once we have put our trust in God. Now we have to wait patiently for God to take appropriate action with belief that it will be for our benefit. We feel doubtful if we do not have answers to our problems. It is at this time the sincerity of our faith and patience are tested.

A true devotee who has Trust in Him will wait Patiently with the firm belief that He will take care when the time is right. We have to learn to do right things even when the results may turn out to be ‘wrong’. As they say “Do your Best. God will do the Rest”. Only He know why things are happening the way they are happening. Our job is to act wisely as per the voice of our conscience and then feel free because HE is in control. This is what ‘sarvasva sharanagati’ is all about.

A true devotee practicing faith and patience knows that Saibaba will always provide a way out of tough situations at the right time for only He knows what time is right for each and everyone. Some may get results fast, some may have to wait for years. We have to stop finding answers to problems that only God can answer.

Trust sets us free from everything – worry, past mistakes, addictions, bondage, what people think about me, promotion, money, security, fears, expectations, strained relationships, diseases, grief, pain, loss of a loved one etc. When we trust we are free from botheration of finding out why this is happening to me, my family or to the society. Patience gives wings to this freedom, adds joy to the peace, gives strength of character, and connects us to the ultimate source of power.

God loves us unconditionally, when we feel pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, mine and others, we create barriers between us and God. When we think we are separate from God and others, we suffer. Shraddha and Saburi are those virtues which will dissolve these barriers. When there will be no wall of separation, we will be able to feel presence of our Sadguru SaiBaba around us always, we will be able to see HIM face to face and understand how much He loves us.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

April 28, 2020

Covid19 and loss of a loved one

What a painful time for all those who are losing their innocent family members and loved ones to Covid19 all over the world.  

Losing a loved one is a very painful experience and this single word cannot describe how devastating such a loss is.  Your whole world collapses.  The life as we knew, changes permanently.  There are no doctors to help you handle such a blow.  Its individual journey of enduring, accepting and overcoming.

None can replace our loss. People ask one to move on but that never happens.  One gets stuck up, in life before them and after them.

The pain doesn't go away and it takes unspecified time to be able to hide the pain without showing it. The pain and hurt can be felt anytime. Anything can trigger it.There is no time limit for grief.  We manage to handle it with passage of time depending on our own individual capacity.

Nothing can bring them back who have shed their body garment and their divine soul has left for the real HOME.  So all we do is learn to cope with the grief in best possible way. 

Faced with such a huge loss and emptiness, we start searching for answers like 'why me' etc. We find lots of books etc available. Knowledge of the way things work in nature is very helpful. Learning about unseen world beyond what we see tells us that your loved one is not dead after all. They are alive but now in some other dimension. 

We realise, we can meet them one day so we learn to accept our loss peacefully. Moreover,  in between they send us signs of their 'aliveness' by sending ADCs, signals, subtle hints etc. Life becomes liveable to know that all is not lost. 

Faith in Supreme is the key here. Love for self is another key. Know and believe that you are special child of God. God knows and is sad to see u in pain. God loves you. You have not been punished at all. This is result of soul agreement u had with them before birth. You made that agreement for special reason which you do not understand right now. And you are feeling lost and hurt. But when that reason would be revealed to you one day, you would be surprised.   One day you would be hugging them soul to soul and rejoicing that you fulfilled such a big mission successfully.  You will be blessed by God for your great courage.

Sacred books of all religions that I have read so far, say the same thing but in different style, actual meaning is the same. This loss you suffered has a reason behind it. No death is an accident. The time of birth and death are fixed even before birth. 

Take care of yourself. Spend time with mother nature. Feel your connection to nature. Write a diary note to your loved one every night before sleeping. All your thoughts will be received by them.  In their world, there are no speeches.  The soul understands all human feelings, thoughts and emotions and communicates through thoughts only.  Try to understand their subtle messages. 

If you  feel or sense some response from him, trust your instincts and believe it to be from them only. In your vulnerable state you unawares open yourself to subtle universal signals from mother nature. 

Avoid company of people who do not understand you or leave you hurt in any emotional way. We lose lot of 'fake' friends' after such big loss. Pass through this pain. Let it flow through u. This is part of your big learning. One won't make such tough soul agreements without special reason. Trust yourself. 

Read NDEs, Brian Weiss books, books on afterlife to get a new perspective  etc. Love lives on, it never dies.   Knowledge of afterlife can make you see things in clear perspective and you don't feel the sting.  You survive through it and come out as winner.

Discuss your loved one often.  Don't shun and be open to discussing the life and time of your loved one you lost.  Its healing to discuss them often otherwise you are suppressing and adding on to depression.

Vandana Ritik

April 27, 2020

Covid19 lessons learnt during India lockdown

Its Covid19 lockdown time for human beings and lessons to be learnt as there is positivity in this negative situation.

Each day we are learning new lessons from lockdown.  Its as if we are being re-educated once again and being turned into better human beings - fit for the coming better times. 

400 billion people around the globe are caged in the sanctity of their homes.  The whole world has come to a complete standstill.  Man has taken a back seat.  All man created pollution/noises have stopped.   Sky is clear.  The Nature is happy and singing its best melody.  There is complete peace and silence all around us.  However, this stillness is speaking volumes. Are we listening?   

No human activity means that it is time for other lesser intelligent life forms to step out of their hiding, move around fearlessly, and bask in the glory of beautiful creation all around.  The nature is breathing, healing and is on a self correction course.  What a wonderful time.  For the first time after so long, human being is starting to notice other things, besides himself - the beauty of natural flora and fauna, the vastness of sky, the freshness in the air.  What had we done to our beautiful home – the Mother EARTH.  

Who would have thought that our modern advanced world will come to this stage. These are definitely unprecedented times.  It is modern scientifically advanced Age and so are our and new war weapons. This war is without weapons  causing huge devastation to human life. But the biggest REAL war this time is ‘war with inner enemies’.  We thought we knew everything but God is proving to us that we know NOTHING.  How selfish, and abusive human being had become in name of progress.   Many of us on Godly spiritual path were aware, praying and seeking God’s help for improvement but still Knowingly or unknowingly we all had become co-conspirators, culprits in this crime against self, against nature. Majority of People had become completely out bound and had stopped enjoying their own company.  Today human is scared to be alone which is so unnatural.

Mankind had gone totally out of control and this virus turned out to be the final trigger to stop any further damage.  Its time to check and correct the chaos.  The Supreme Power, the Divine God appears to have kept his promise to come and intervene in order to restore the balance of earth. And for this His most powerful creation, the Man, will have to take a backseat for the time being.  Work on Self and come back stronger and be better human beings.  LESSON IS TO BECOME SELF RELIANT EMOTIONALLY TOO

Its time for human to  go within and try to evaluate and assimilate whats happening and Why? .  It is time to introspect as to why powerful and mighty human being is caged inside his own home, hiding, shielding and fighting for his own survival from attack of an invisible tiny virus.  Isn’t this the ultimate lesson in humility?  Each and everyone of us has been brought to the same ground playing level.  Suddenly all are equal and goal is same. The moment we are disconnected from influence of outside world, we realise that our needs are just basic essantials.  We had been hoarding unnecessary stuff just to look better than others.    We are no longer part of rat race.  Comparison and Competition is zero.  Adrenaline rush is under control. Now our Desires are checked and Needs are limited.

WE are fully aware that our Self control, Self contentment, and Self care is key to survival and our growth.   

It appears that God has set the RESET button to regulate/ discipline his entire creation and put each and every of HIS creation out of misery.  Human being,  the most intelligent of his creation had brought the entire world to a state of chaos at all levels – be it International, national, environmental, natural, domestic and most of all himself.  For the first time human being actually started to understand that he cannot control anything.  THAT THERE IS A HIGHER SUPREME POWER that has always been incharge of everything.  

Vandana Ritik
27 April 2020

April 7, 2020

Covid19 Lessons learnt during India lockdown

How lockdown started in India and how it affected its people.

Media sells negativity these days and hence I avoid starting my day with news.  Yet information about this new Corona Virus trouble in China was reaching my ears from other sources.  

People thought that like its earlier versions SARS, Covid19 will be contained.  Afterall, human being is so intelligent and science is so advanced.  Man will come out with some antidote but then news started trickling in about its devastating spread in Italy and then Spain.  

However, in India, it was noted that it was coming from people who had just returned from abroad.  So I heard people discussing about medical screenings and checking of each passenger at airports.  People were being told to avoid going to public places.   

On March 14th, my three friends came home to celebrate my birthday and we realised that Indians had already started going out due to cover 19 scare.  The metro train was all empty.  There were very few people in market.  There was lesser traffic on road.  Now it started to sink in that going out was not safe.  We all decided to stay home thereafter.

On 20th March, our Prime Minister addressed nation, requested us not to panic and stay home for our own safety and ordered a one day lock down on 22nd March 2020 and thereafter on 24th it was a complete lockdown across the country for 21 days to prevent spread of Corona Virus, the COVID-19.  We had to maintain social distance, isolate ourselves.  Stay Home, Stay Safe was the Call.

Initially, it hardly mattered to me, since for last 10 years, I have mostly been at home, after taking voluntary retirement from my safe and secure Govt job.  I had been feeling too tired of my hectic life and needed to slow down, take a breather. I was enjoying being at home.

However, this was completely unprecedented because now everyone was at home not only my family, but also my neighbourhood, my entire Apartment complex, the whole city, the whole Nation.  WOW!  And my Facebook friends across South America, Australia, Europe, USA……all were at home.  The whole world was fighting this invisible virus by staying in the safety net of their abodes.   It certainly was not normal.  

It felt very strange and eerie on the morning of the very first day of lockdown as I stepped out on my 10th floor terrace over looking a beautiful park.   The usual everyday morning buzz of joggers, walkers, yoga exercisers was all missing.  The huge park was all empty.  The Sun was out, air was cool,  the birds were chirping unmindful of what had happened.  But not a single human being.  

As there was no rust to go out, I felt relaxed and over my morning cup of tea, I started to enjoy the beautiful morning.  Felt delighted to listen to various tunes and melodious bird songs.  In the complete silence of morning, it was very refreshing and soothing not only to my ears but also to my mind, body and Soul.   How come I was not so aware of this earlier. 

It felt good but I cannot deny feeling that fear lurking at the back of my mind.   Is this onset of an apocalypse?  Is this the start of end of this world that we have known.  We had been anticipating a IIIrd World War/ Nuclear attack/  Tsunami/ Earthquake etc …something that will wipe out this world but never had anticipated this.  The new, tiny, invisible virus had brought the whole mighty intelligent humanity to its knees.  

Suddenly each and everyone had come to a same level playing field.  All have become equal but untouchables.  Each fighting for own survival and this time all alone.  Of course your family is with you but what if you touch them or they touch you…..phew…If you Love someone, maintain  distance for their safety.   How very frustrating.  I couldn’t go to see my 80plus parents because in their Apartment complex someone had tested +ive and they had closed the doors for any entry or exit besides essential items.  Yes that creepy fear was gently tapping me.   Is this really happening in this current modern world.  

With none allowed inside home, meant no luxury of any helper which meant I had to do all my work at home myself.  Chopping, cooking, dishes, dusting mopping, washrooms, clothes. But my Mom pulled me up saying that if she could do all at her age then why can’t I.  Inspired,  I pulled myself up.  If I had to do it anyway then better do it happily.  

There were reports of how wildlife was  seen roaming around in city - varieties of deers, antelopes, elephants and they spotted a leopard too in the city.  Felt like humans had encroached their space.  Stray Dogs in the park were wondering where had all the human beings gone.  I could hear their cries through day and night.  Some of them could be starving too

On day 1 of the lockdown Prime Minister had requested whole nation to step on door steps and clank  bells of any kind at 5 pm in evening to cheer for doctors and other people risking their lives to provide us with daily needs and security in comforts of our home.  While on 9th day, at 9pm turn off lights to burn a candle for 9 minutes to show solidarity.  Astrologically,  its supposed to be a crucial time due to critical planet placement at that moment. I must say, we all enjoyed doing both the tasks.  Could feel solidarity of the whole country.  What an incredible leader we have.  When he speaks on TV, all look upto him and listen to him.  

So first 10 days passed getting used to doing all household work,  exchanging whatsapp messages and jokes about this sudden change in our lifestyle besides huge gossip and rumours of the mighty virus.   It was not difficult for me but for many it was getting boring.  

Watching TV news and bad conditions in Italy, Spain, England and USA was starting to worsen our state of mind.  So we decided to watch news only twice and avoid reading or send virus related messages.  Suddenly none wanted to discuss the big V.   

Its been peaceful and relaxing generally .  Lot of introspection going on during those moments of Silence.  Grateful and Lucky to be Comfortable  at home.  But yet cannot get rid of the thoughts about all those who cannot afford safety and solace of home, have no access to food, are caught up in transit or are far away from their loved ones.  No words for people who lost their loved ones or themselves fighting with this big V.

Decades back, during war times, those black out moments at the start of a loud siren, we were told to hide in dug up holes out of our homes.  But this ‘war’ with V, we are locked up within confines of our homes in the company of our loved ones whom we have to protect by distancing ourselves.

This big V has shaken up the whole world out of its ‘slumber’ in flat one month of March, 2020. 

Lockdown has been extended till May 3rd, 2020 because cases have started rising.  India has huge population and therefore this catastrophe has to be avoided at any cost.  Whole Nation has been looking unto and listening to the Prime Minister.   He surely knows how to lead and now even his opposition is following him.  He surely indicated that we need to change our way of thinking and our lifestyle drastically.  

Vandana Ritik 
April 6, 2020

January 7, 2020

Understanding Law of Karma Part II

My understanding of Law of Karma  - Mind,  Intellect and Impressions (of life experiences  and learnings of each individual) don't  die when soul sheds a body.

So when soul decides to take another body garment, it uses this MIS to work out blue print for next lifetime.  There are  two reasons to choose suffering in any life time.  Either repayment of some negative karma or to grow out of suffering and learning higher lessons i.e, either for better next lifetime or going out of birth n death cycle called Nirvana.

It is our own  individual  responsibility.  God is no where in picture.

Sounds neutral to me.

We are reporting our acts to ourselves just like making confessions.  One grows based on status and condition of one's  own MIS,  within Universal/ spiritual Rules.  Left to God, none would be suffering.

In soul form we are fair, impartial  and just and could plan a major blueprints of life which we forget as soon as we take birth.  We may escape courts and punishments of this  world but we cannot hide from our own consciousness.

I feel what we refer to as God is this consciousness  ( the feeling of being alive) which is same and hence one in all.  Saints etc are messengers n helpers  who try to make us understand and experience   this consciousness.

I think world would come to end if everyone was either happy or everyone was only suffering.  It takes both, yin and yang to survive.  Balance  of is both joy and suffering is the key.

Also Our intentions are key to creating new causes. Wise teach us to be mindful of our thoughts as persistent  thoughts create our destiny which catches with us life after life unless that desire or intention is fulfilled.

We are God ourselves then.

If I cannot understand  reason for someone suffering with my limited earth intelligence, I leave it at that.

Here some questions remain unanswered.  Our persistent intention   to find answers will ultimately  reveal the secret to us.  No wonder God is called as Supreme Knowledge.

When all answers are revealed to you, you know answers to all questions, you become Buddha yourself.  There is nothing  left to learn.  Till then we would all be discussing  with our limited earthly intelligence  I guess.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

September 25, 2019

What is Law of Karma Part I


There are certain presumptions for understanding the Law of Karma and how it works.  Two most important of these are, believing in Law of Reincarnation and Secondly, believing that We are a Soul(carrying impressions from our past lifetimes) experiencing human life.  If you don't believe in reincarnation and journey of the soul, then this is not meant for you.

Even if you believe in these, there is lot of confusion about how law of karma works.  Many people think that our current actions create our karma.  Whereas, the book Science of Karma published by Dada Bhagwan Foundation clearly explains the secret behind Law of Karma which is so precise, perfect and absolutely fair and Just.  Courts of this world may acquit a person as non guilty, but if someone has wronged somebody even in thought, then Law of Karma will definitely bring such a guilty person to justice either in this lifetime itself or in the next Lifetime (when people may wonder why such a good person is suffering).

The Book explains in detail that the World is being operated by Scientific Circumstantial Evidences.  Yes, nothing is happening in a hap hazard way.  There is a Law of Cause and Effect, a Rule, behind each and every happening in our life and all around us.  Nothing is by chance.  Things are happening automatically in a precise and exact manner as it should.  There is no partiality, no preference.  Pure Justice.  The principle is same, what we give out, we get back.  We reap what we sow.  Majority of human beings discount the fact that thinking intensely about something is as good as actually doing it.  It creates a definite karma.  Karma is very subtle.  It is not just action, but actual thought and intention behind that action, that is karma.  

what we are undergoing in this lifetime is result of action we did in past lifetime.   We gave exam in last lifetime, in this lifetime we are seeing and undergoing the result of that exam.   And while facing this result, what we are thinking and opining deep within is the new Cause we are setting in motion for which we will  get result in this lifetime (effect of effect) or in next lifetime.   So if someone hits me, it is the result of past enmity this soul had with me  in a previous lifetime - fruition of manner in which that soul had wanted to hurt me and couldn't do for some reason.  Now when we met in this lifetime, perfect circumstantial evidences were created that fulfilled the pent up wish of this Soul. Now what we both are thinking about this hit will set a new karma, the fruit of which we will get in this lifetime(effect of effect) or the next.  My subtle thought would instantly create a new karma if I  wanted to hit back that person which I will, either in this lifetime itself or in the next.  

This is the principle of Cause(action) and Effect(Result).  Action is not what we do with our hands.  Action is what we think, how we judge, our belief behind any outward action.  This cause is our inner intention (bhav) behind any action.  Action is visible but intention behind that action is not.  It is this intention behind our each visible action that binds karma which brings out result in next life time.  What we see is result ( of past karma, i.e.,   the intention)  what we think while undergoing the result is New Karma(new cause set in motion).   And this is definitely in our hands.  

If all is predestined then we need not do anything? -- It definitely doesn't imply that if all is result of past intentions, then we should take in all in the name of  justice.  No way.  Simply because we do not remember our past intentions.  Do we?  Therefore,  we need to take all necessary steps to do a job, take all required precautions to accomplish that job without causing any hurt /loss to anyone - with pure intention.  If despite all this, things go wrong, then know deep within that its result of our past karma.  Do your best till the last moment and yet if you fail, apply the keys of this spiritual knowledge to pacify your heart that it was not meant to be.  This way it doesn't hurt.  Book gives a simple example.  You cannot cross a traffic light with your eyes closed.  Look around carefully, if all is safe then cross.  Now if something happens, then its your destiny as ordained by you in a previous lifetime.

What is Intention?  It is the thought/belief/opinion/judgement that goes behind our each action.  Intention is so very subtle, intangible.  None can see our intention.  Only we know it.  and sometimes even we are not aware of it.  Because we act fast, without even thinking.  For example when we see a beggar and give some money, we think we are helping the beggar.  But actually we are helping ourselves.  We give because it makes us feel good/ happy. We feel less guilty that we have so much.........Think deeply.   

This intention is in our hands, our free will.  This intention creates our destiny.  'Why' we do something.  Our strong beliefs.  The label we give to certain actions .........  All our actions are aimed at helping ourselves only.  Even when we are doing service to others, we do it because it makes us feel good.  Isn't????  If we just do the charity and stay indifferent then its Okay (you will not create a new karma).  New karma is created the moment we mentally take credit for this service.   understand that what we are spending today is due to our strong intention to give set in motion in last lifetime.  Have you heard of those stories where family complained that the father gave away so much in charity without any reason.  Well what he did in this lifetime is call he made in his previous lifetime but couldn't do so for some reason.  He is doing it now.  

For example two persons may be giving 100 dollars in charity One, with the intention of getting praise while other person may be giving the same amount but intention is just to help quietly and move on.  For same actions our intentions could be  different.  Result would definitely be different.

I understand Law of Cause and Effect in this way.  That there is something like a A Universal Super Computer that is automatically recording each and every intention (cause which will bring effect in future lifetime) we set in motion through our deep imbedded intentions behind every action we are being made to do today (effect of causes set in motion in previous lifetime).  It notes down my intense opinions and view points about everything this I encounter.  In other words, the way I am judging others. ( No wonder we are told not to judge others lest we be judged. ). Then in next lifetime it places a person with related persons, in one place, experiencing their judgements about each other until one understands how wrong they were.........

In their previous lifetime both thought how wonderful it is to use one's position to make easy money.  So in this lifetime, both will get chance to make easy money.   One person may take bribe and feel good about it while the other is taking(as a result of his past intention) but internally repenting about not being able to correct himself.  Effect/result of different new intention is different.  This is where our free will comes in.  The one feeling good would be getting bribe again but we all know what is the result of such an action when caught.  While the person repenting will not  find himself in such a tricky situation again.  Nature will keep him away from this kind of life because he has set a new karma of positive life.

Natural Laws are perfect and Just.  Whatever happens is Justice.  Since we do not remember our past, we often feel injustice.  But it is not so, Because law of cause n effect takes note of each and every subtle conversation going within us.  None is controlling these Natural laws. Its working, just the way Law of gravitation is working.   If we understand this Law, we can use it to our own advantage. Here, its been referred to as  Scientific Circumstantial Evidences.  At appropriate time, all evidences come together and an event happens.  Humans take credit for it which is a total blunder.  We are mere one instrument in grand scheme of things.  but we can make an important change.  We have power to change our future.  We are also part of this nature, made up of energy.  We have advantage of intellectual faculty which other species like anima ls do not have.  They understand love, are smart but their intelligence level is not as high as human.   Our thoughts are so very powerful.  If only we could correct ourselves, the moment we linger longer on a negative thought.  But are we so mindful all the time.  

A human can think and check and control his thoughts and intention.  But off late we see many humans stopping to use their intellect and sense of discrimination and going on sense less killing and other crimes.  Their behaviour goes down to animal level.  They could escape from  courts of this world but natural laws ensure that they pay for their wrong doing.  Payment is heavier if crime was done willfully and without remorse.  Little less if it was not   done willfully and happened accidently.  But payment is heavy for sure..   As per this book these are sticky karma you cannot escape even if you are in different body garment now.  This is a very deep science and cannot be explained properly in few lines.  In all the above discussions my view is simple...no argument...no disputation with views of others here.....I AM OK, YOU ARE OK.


Vandana Ritik Mulchandani