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This intention is in our hands, our free will. This intention creates our destiny. For example two persons may be giving 100 dollars in charity - one with the intention of getting good publicity/ praise while other person may be giving the same amount but intention is just to help quietly and move on. For same actions our intentions could be different. Therefore results too would be different. The first one will get mention is some newspaper while the other will be helped when he needs it ( not necessarily by the same person he helped). But effect will always be there.
One person may take bribe and feel good about it however, the other person is taking bribe but internally repenting about not being able to correct himself. The first one will have to pay back in future because he is sowing seeds for negative result while the other person is setting up a good intention which will ultimately make him a better human one day. If these two reincarnate, in the next lifetime, the first one will have to pay back in someway for taking money where not required. He will pay and feel cheated (he caused this suffering to other and had rejoiced) while the other person will not be accepting any undue payment(he had set an intention of not taking bribe). This all is happening internally but world will say for the first 'poor fellow had to pay unnecessarily even when it was not required' for the second person response would be 'this man won't take what doesnot belong to him'.
Have you not wondered when you see, a good man is suffering despite doing all good while a wicked man is successful and not getting caught. This law explains behind the scene causes/reasons for this. However nature catches with wrong without fail. So while good man has an option to bear the effect by taking all his sufferings with internal knowledge of why it is happening. He may take all necessary action to stop his suffering which will stop the moment his account is settled. But If he cribs and complaints, he will be caught in whirlpool of suffering. Ancient Indian saints have therefore advised mankind to take all events in life with equanimity because of this reason.
No body else is doing anything to you. You are reaping result of your own actions. Since you are ignorant about working of this law you feel cheated. But once this law is clear you can check and control your inner working for a better future.
Effect of different intentions is different. This is where our free will comes in.
Our intellect is supposed to be used, to discriminate between right and wrong and take necessary appropriate action. Because law of cause n effect takes note of it. None is controlling it. We ourselves are controlling it. In fact we are one of the controlling elements in entire scene. So many things are required for any event to take place. We are just one instrument who can make an important change. We have power to change our future. We are also part of this nature, made up of energy. We have advantage of intellectual faculty which other species like animals do not have. They understand love, are smart but their intelligence level is not as high as human.
A human can think and control his thoughts and intentions. But off late we see many humans have stopped using their intellect and sense of discrimination. They are going on sense less killing and other crimes. Their behaviour goes down to animal level. They could escape from courts of this world(because of their past accumulated good causes) but natural laws ensure that they pay for their wrong doing either in this lifetime (if this accumulation is big) or in the next lifetime(then they will wonder what wrong did I do since they cannot remember what they did in previous lifetime).
Payment is heavier if crime was done willfully and without remorse. Little less if it was not done willfully and happened accidentally. But payment is heavy for sure.. If you keep your hand on hot coals unknowingly does your hand not burn.
As per this book, intense feelings of Anger, Hatred, Pride and Greed towards any person or thing will definitely bring a result in the next lifetime. In current lifetime you are settling old scores with your present family, friends, neighbors, even strangers due to effects set by you in motion in previous lifetimes. No body meets you accidentally. Everything around you is due to a reason. Since you do not remember you remain ignorant. Strong emotions form 'sticky karma' which you cannot escape even if you are in different body garment now. Look around for sticky karmic entanglements with your own family members. You cannot escape them.
These explanations had a bid impact on me. This is a very deep science and cannot be explained properly in few lines. In all the above discussions my view is disputation with views of others .....I AM OK, YOU ARE OK.
Vandana Ritik Mulchandani