September 25, 2019

What is Law of Karma Part I

There are certain presumptions for understanding the Law of Karma and how it works.  Two most important of these are, believing in Law of Reincarnation and Secondly, believing that We are a Soul(carrying impressions from our past lifetimes) experiencing human life.  If you don't believe in reincarnation and journey of the soul, then this is not meant for you.

Even if you believe in these, there is lot of confusion about how law of karma works.  Many people think that our current actions create our karma.  Whereas, the book Science of Karma published by Dada Bhagwan Foundation clearly explains the secret behind Law of Karma which is so precise, perfect and absolutely fair and Just.  Courts of this world may acquit a person as non guilty, but if someone has wronged somebody even in thought, then Law of Karma will definitely bring such a guilty person to justice either in this lifetime itself or in the next Lifetime (when people may wonder why such a good person is suffering).

The Book explains in detail that the World is being operated by Scientific Circumstantial Evidences.  Yes, nothing is happening in a hap hazard way.  There is a Law of Cause and Effect, a Rule, behind each and every happening in our life and all around us.  Nothing is by chance.  Things are happening automatically in a precise and exact manner as it should.  There is no partiality, no preference.  Pure Justice.  The principle is same, what we give out, we get back.  We reap what we sow.  Majority of human beings discount the fact that thinking intensely about something is as good as actually doing it.  It creates a definite karma.  Karma is very subtle.  It is not just action, but actual thought and intention behind that action, that is karma.  

what we are undergoing in this lifetime is result of action we did in past lifetime.   We gave exam in last lifetime, in this lifetime we are seeing and undergoing the result of that exam.   And while facing this result, what we are thinking and opining deep within is the new Cause we are setting in motion for which we will  get result in this lifetime (effect of effect) or in next lifetime.   So if someone hits me, it is the result of past enmity this soul had with me  in a previous lifetime - fruition of manner in which that soul had wanted to hurt me and couldn't do for some reason.  Now when we met in this lifetime, perfect circumstantial evidences were created that fulfilled the pent up wish of this Soul. Now what we both are thinking about this hit will set a new karma, the fruit of which we will get in this lifetime(effect of effect) or the next.  My subtle thought would instantly create a new karma if I  wanted to hit back that person which I will, either in this lifetime itself or in the next.  

This is the principle of Cause(action) and Effect(Result).  Action is not what we do with our hands.  Action is what we think, how we judge, our belief behind any outward action.  This cause is our inner intention (bhav) behind any action.  Action is visible but intention behind that action is not.  It is this intention behind our each visible action that binds karma which brings out result in next life time.  What we see is result ( of past karma, i.e.,   the intention)  what we think while undergoing the result is New Karma(new cause set in motion).   And this is definitely in our hands.  

If all is predestined then we need not do anything? -- It definitely doesn't imply that if all is result of past intentions, then we should take in all in the name of  justice.  No way.  Simply because we do not remember our past intentions.  Do we?  Therefore,  we need to take all necessary steps to do a job, take all required precautions to accomplish that job without causing any hurt /loss to anyone - with pure intention.  If despite all this, things go wrong, then know deep within that its result of our past karma.  Do your best till the last moment and yet if you fail, apply the keys of this spiritual knowledge to pacify your heart that it was not meant to be.  This way it doesn't hurt.  Book gives a simple example.  You cannot cross a traffic light with your eyes closed.  Look around carefully, if all is safe then cross.  Now if something happens, then its your destiny as ordained by you in a previous lifetime.

What is Intention?  It is the thought/belief/opinion/judgement that goes behind our each action.  Intention is so very subtle, intangible.  None can see our intention.  Only we know it.  and sometimes even we are not aware of it.  Because we act fast, without even thinking.  For example when we see a beggar and give some money, we think we are helping the beggar.  But actually we are helping ourselves.  We give because it makes us feel good/ happy. We feel less guilty that we have so much.........Think deeply.   

This intention is in our hands, our free will.  This intention creates our destiny.  'Why' we do something.  Our strong beliefs.  The label we give to certain actions .........  All our actions are aimed at helping ourselves only.  Even when we are doing service to others, we do it because it makes us feel good.  Isn't????  If we just do the charity and stay indifferent then its Okay (you will not create a new karma).  New karma is created the moment we mentally take credit for this service.   understand that what we are spending today is due to our strong intention to give set in motion in last lifetime.  Have you heard of those stories where family complained that the father gave away so much in charity without any reason.  Well what he did in this lifetime is call he made in his previous lifetime but couldn't do so for some reason.  He is doing it now.  

For example two persons may be giving 100 dollars in charity One, with the intention of getting praise while other person may be giving the same amount but intention is just to help quietly and move on.  For same actions our intentions could be  different.  Result would definitely be different.

I understand Law of Cause and Effect in this way.  That there is something like a A Universal Super Computer that is automatically recording each and every intention (cause which will bring effect in future lifetime) we set in motion through our deep imbedded intentions behind every action we are being made to do today (effect of causes set in motion in previous lifetime).  It notes down my intense opinions and view points about everything this I encounter.  In other words, the way I am judging others. ( No wonder we are told not to judge others lest we be judged. ). Then in next lifetime it places a person with related persons, in one place, experiencing their judgements about each other until one understands how wrong they were.........

In their previous lifetime both thought how wonderful it is to use one's position to make easy money.  So in this lifetime, both will get chance to make easy money.   One person may take bribe and feel good about it while the other is taking(as a result of his past intention) but internally repenting about not being able to correct himself.  Effect/result of different new intention is different.  This is where our free will comes in.  The one feeling good would be getting bribe again but we all know what is the result of such an action when caught.  While the person repenting will not  find himself in such a tricky situation again.  Nature will keep him away from this kind of life because he has set a new karma of positive life.

Natural Laws are perfect and Just.  Whatever happens is Justice.  Since we do not remember our past, we often feel injustice.  But it is not so, Because law of cause n effect takes note of each and every subtle conversation going within us.  None is controlling these Natural laws. Its working, just the way Law of gravitation is working.   If we understand this Law, we can use it to our own advantage. Here, its been referred to as  Scientific Circumstantial Evidences.  At appropriate time, all evidences come together and an event happens.  Humans take credit for it which is a total blunder.  We are mere one instrument in grand scheme of things.  but we can make an important change.  We have power to change our future.  We are also part of this nature, made up of energy.  We have advantage of intellectual faculty which other species like anima ls do not have.  They understand love, are smart but their intelligence level is not as high as human.   Our thoughts are so very powerful.  If only we could correct ourselves, the moment we linger longer on a negative thought.  But are we so mindful all the time.  

A human can think and check and control his thoughts and intention.  But off late we see many humans stopping to use their intellect and sense of discrimination and going on sense less killing and other crimes.  Their behaviour goes down to animal level.  They could escape from  courts of this world but natural laws ensure that they pay for their wrong doing.  Payment is heavier if crime was done willfully and without remorse.  Little less if it was not   done willfully and happened accidently.  But payment is heavy for sure..   As per this book these are sticky karma you cannot escape even if you are in different body garment now.  This is a very deep science and cannot be explained properly in few lines.  In all the above discussions my view is disputation with views of others here.....I AM OK, YOU ARE OK.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani

September 19, 2019

Significance of Chanting God's Name

SHIRDI SAI BABA imparted his teachings in various ways.  Each of his actions had a hidden meaning and a deep message for masses.  On the surface, his intention behind allowing of URS on Rama Navami day and later permitting celebrations of Ram’s Birth on the day was obviously intended to bring about unity of Hindus and Muslims, promoting feeling of brotherhood, mutual cooperation, harmony besides celebrations, festivity, enjoyment and fervour in small village of Shirdi during British ruled Indian era.

Celebrating Hindu God Lord Rama's Birthday each year reminds us of Ram and what Ram stands for.  For Hindus Ram stands for ideal human conduct, as son, brother, Prince, Disciple, husband, King etc. Ram signifies victory of good over evil in worldly terms.  Ram stands for love, duty, courage, compassion, nobility, valor, humility, respect, peace, stability, sacrifice, devotion and so on.

Significance of Ram naam -  Looking deeply we realise that Celebrating this festival each year brings up the efficacy of Ram Naam Jaap.  Saibaba had advised many of his devotees to do Smaran(remembrance).  Chanting of God’s name is said to be very important and there are so many stories about how chanting God’s name saves a devotee during tough times.  All Sai devotees can recall how Saibaba presented Vishnu Sahastranama to Shama to bring about significance of God’s name.  And Ram is special to all Hindus.  

When we celebrate Ram Navami, we remember Lord Ram, his life and times.  We read and sing his leelas( life stories), chant his name with devotion.  This brings peace of mind, gives mental strength to overcome difficult life situations.

What is bigger – Lord Ram  or his name ‘Ram”?  Saibaba perhaps wanted us to understand this.  Saint Tulsidas  in his epic The Ramayana has explained that while both(Ram and his Name) appear as One but both have mutual relationship of obedient servant and master.  Only through high level of spiritual maturity can we comprehend which is bigger.  Though both name and person named as Ram have attributes of Supreme Power yet Lord Ram follows his name.  Take his Name and he appears.   With closed eyes we cannot recognise what is kept on our palm without knowing its name.  However, without seeing its form, if we remember name of something, the same can be visualized with love in our heart.   Between Nirgun (unseen) and Sagun(seen), the Name is a beautiful Sakshi(witness).  Seekers who want to understand the secret and sacred truth of Universe, do so by chanting lord’s name and attain Self Realisation.

When devotees are undergoing turbulent times, name chanting removes their miseries and brings about inner peace.  Many Seekers chant name without any desire, material or otherwise, and want to continue chanting.  Saint Tulsidas says that Brahman(consciousness) has two forms – Sagun and Nirgun i.e., manifest and unmanifest.  Both cannot be defined or measured.  Both were, are and will be. Both are magnificent.  But Name is bigger than both, and controls both.  Nirgun is like a tiny speck  of fire hidden deep in wood while sagun is manifest fire itself which we can see with naked eyes.  In principle, both are same, yet difficult to understand.  However, with Name, both are easy to understand.  

Lord Rama took human body, suffered himself, to free earth from ‘Rakshas’, the demons.  However his true devotees can easily cross worldly ocean by taking his name only.  Saint Tulsidas says Lord Rama freed Ahiliya but his name has reformed negative thoughts of millions around the world.  Lord Rama himself killed one ‘Tadkha’ for protecting Saint Vishwamitra but his name alone has destroyed sins of millions just as Sun destroys darkness of night.  Rama himself destroyed Shiva’s Bow at Sita Swaymvar but his name itself removes all fears of the world.   His name has purified hearts and souls of innumerable human beings and paved way for their ultimate merger with Supreme while Ram himself gave deliverance to only a few like kevat, Shabri and Jatayu etc.

On a special occasion like Ram Navami, when a devotee earnestly sings Ram Naam, with or without understanding true power of Lords name, still the Lord accepts him in his court.  Saibaba wanted us to understand that taking God’s name can free us from all kinds of worldly pain, worries and fear.  If we make it a habit of Remembering and Meditating on Lords name, it will free us from detachment and bring us eternal happiness.  What better day to do it then to do it on Ram Navami day.   He chose this day to remind us of importance of remembering God’s name with Love.

Devotee Dhruv attained an eternal position in cosmos by merely chanting Lord’s name.  Hanuman ji lovingly controls Shri Ram by earnestly chanting his pure name.   

Exoteric form of each world religion preaches use of chanting Lord's name over Rosary beads

Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Prophet Mohd, Guru Nanak Dev may or may not be present today in their physical form but their name SAVES because the name has power.  These Gods listen when we call out to them. This is the only way for our better future/ deliverance/ Salvation.  Sanatan Dharma, Hindu philosophy is all about what Shirdi Saibaba sums up in one line 'Anubhav karo Satya pehchano   (Experience and realise the ultimate TRUTH)

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani