August 6, 2016

Do we have Free Choice in life?

We plan our life before birth. We along with our Soul family, plan out our birth, parents, siblings, life partner, Major obstacles, events and our exit (death) plan before we even enter womb of our mother.  We plan on learning new lessons. If this will happen I will do that.  What We Plan uses up our past store of good karma. 

Once we put a blueprint of our life in motion by taking birth on earth,  we forget what we had planned.  life moves as per our plan but do we remember to act according to our planning????  Sometimes we do sometimes we don't.   

As we are acting as per blueprint of our choice, our free choice making opportunities get reduced drastically unless we had planned an option on the path. 

Major blueprints of life remain unchanged. We probably have freedom to take little detours on the way but final destination cannot be altered.  What we have come to learn on this earth school by way of experiences and its ultimate impression on our soul so that soul is elevated to higher levels, need to be learnt.  There is no turning back.

Higher  forces do not interfere and make sure we stay on course.  They are witnessing our blueprint in action and  do the work of keeping us on track by putting thoughts into our mind and affecting our intuitive abilities accordingly.  Because none has power to alter our blueprint since we made it ourselves.  Thats why our so called Gods messengers n saints etc could not alter sufferings of their loved ones or even themselves.

Our decisions are absolutely affected by external factors, genetic etcs but what about our own unique inner personality.  Ultimately its our decision n we face consequences.  We are more powerful beings then external circumstances.  Body may die but soul carries the experiences.

Best way for me is to learn the ways n means to make this blueprint better for future lives, if there is any.  This is because when blueprint is in action we understand how different it is between planning and then actually going through it.  At some points we are overcoming hurdles and learning learning while at other times we may refuse to learn and grow since the pain is so intense.  Often we have seen people stuck up in their misery.  Given up.  They don't want to improve their situation.  A lifetime goes waste.  

Key to success is our own Will Power.  While planning we are strong but when it actually happens, we are often numb and dumb due to emotional or physical pain.  

Once we master laws influencing working out of blueprints of our journey on earth, we can achieve good results  with no suffering at all n with ease n peace.   We need to learn and understand Laws of the Universe and how they work, right here, in this human body.  Once its in our psyche we cannot fail next time. 

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani