March 17, 2015

Do we come with a blue print of our life

Yes I too believe that major part of our life is scripted though our emotions and feelings are not part of that.  Our reactions are part of our free will.  We make an intelligent plan before coming but the moment we enter earth that memory fades and during  that period between birth and death we experience the drama of life.  We get involved in our roles so deeply.  

All saints and wise here say that we have to be Knower and observer only and not to get emotionally involved in various scenes of life.   But for many it becomes very difficult especially when hit by tragedies.   Some come out of it and reinvest in life While for some remaining life becomes a burden especially if we are very sensitive. I think, Being overly sensitive is a big obstacle in our development.  Only through being vigilant and with strong will power we can come out of our emotional mess. 

 AND knowledge is the key.  Knowledge of how things work solves the puzzle called life. Here,   It is said we can understand this knowledge and find a way out  only in human body and that most of us waste it when we get entangled in pain and pleasures of this world which is temporary.

  Nothing is permanent here. All is subject to Law of Change.  Only the knower and observer within is eternal.  If only we could remain centered on this 'I' within me that is watching this show of world. But we are so lost in show itself we forget who is watching.

Vandana Ritik
17 Mar 2015