Majority of us are using the
Parks for walking, jogging, doing yoga, breathing exercises and even clapping
loudly. This keeps our physical body
active and healthy. What about our
inside - our mind? Is keeping body fit
the only way to get rid of stress of daily chores and mental clutter?
Connecting to nature is one of
the excellent ways to connect to our own self.
This is a real stress buster. In
morning our mind is less distracted and open to fill itself up with right input
for facing the rest of the day through meditation. To meditate is 'to think' - and think
If you do not have patience to
sit and meditate, then walk and meditate.
Each thought, draws out a picture of the same in our mind's eye. Nature gazing is one of the easiest methods
of thinking positive. You look at the
visual first and think later. Be silent
and observe the surroundings. Notice the
changes in flora and fauna in the garden since your last visit. Take note of these changes and understand how
nature works quietly and perfectly. With
change in season, there are new blooms.
Count the variety of flowers and their their colors all around. Look above at the expanse of sky. It is infinite and so is our mind. The sky
changes it colors and tones with the rising and setting of the sun. Feel the change in temperature. Notice how it is affecting different parts of
the garden. Sights of various birds and
their chirping makes heart so cheerful.
Same meditation can be done while
sitting by feeling the presence of vibrant, alive and kicking Nature all
around. We too are part of this ever
changing Nature. Feel the Oneness
between You & the Nature. WE all
have the same life force energy that keeps us alive, grow and ultimately wither
away. This meditation directly works on
maintaining a good inner health.
The fruit of all our actions are
bestowed upon us at the 'right time' by the Nature. If we are in tune with the Nature, we tend to
reduce the affect of our negative karma because we are away from our fears and
inner negativity. In the garden, we are positive and by admiring &
connecting with nature, we are attracting positivity and goodness in our lives. We are Spiritual Beings having Human
experience. When we spend time in nature
and tune into it, we connect with our own Spirit/SELF through it. We realise our own goodness, value and worth
in the Park. WE expand our Mind - from
ME to WE. Thus, park can not only be
used to keep our body fit but also to keep our spirit fit - maintain a perfect
balance between our inner & outer world.
Vandana Ritik