September 11, 2012

I am my Mind


I see so many objects around me.  No object is doing anything to me.  I use my eyes to catch a picture of that object and the mind inside my body identifies the object, analyses it, gives it a name.  The object doesnot enter my body yet my mind can comprehend its size and shape.  Eyes see ocean, my mind realises its huge magnitude and expanse.  Sky doesnot enter my body yet my mind expands and knows its unlimitedness.  So what is unlimited ocean or sky.  These two are objects.  Unlimited is my mind that expands to know their magnificence.  Mind is me.  I am unlimited.  Now when  I look at the sky and ocean, I try to experience my vastness, my expanse and my magnitude.

 I am the observer who is watching the show of this world as well as all the objects in it.  When I am present, the world is present.  When I am wakeful and aware all objects are projected in my mind and I know them.  But when I am sleeping or sick, the mind is at rest so these objects do not make any sense to me.  It all depends on the state of my mind.  All is where it is.  My State of mind decides what to make of everything around me.
 Someone insults me publicly.  Mind is peaceful and I think that the person concerned has gone out of mind and doesnot know me well enough to talk like that.  If mind is not stable, it gets clouded by all negative feelings and emotions like anger, embarrassment, hurt and wants to take revenge.  It is in my own hands, my choice whether I am going to feel bad about it or ignore it and move on in life.
I need to understand and appreciate the potential  power of my mind and how I can use harness it to remain in state of peace all the time.
 Vandana Ritik