February 11, 2012

Who am I

Shirdi Sai Baba has explained that Barring our body and our name, what is left.  The feeling of being alive.  This is 'I.  This is 'Self'.  The Pure Energy.  The Pure consciousness.  I am 'separate' from body.  I am unlimited consciousness.

This 'separate-ness' is invisible to us.  Its like a 'gold chain' that we have been wearing around our neck  and we forget about its existence. 

How do we realise that Consciousness is separate from body.   That I am separate from body.  I realise this by Knowledge, by Experience.

Separate Subject (Consciousness/Energy/ Brahman) from Object(Body/Physical World/Role in drama)

Body has changed its shape from being fetus to old age but 'I' is still the same - changeless.

Subject perceives and sees the light.   Light falls on 'objects' of the world and 'I' recognises the objects.  On their own the objects are nothing.

Now with this knowledge, separate the consciousness of 'I' from body and the world around it.  Let the mind rest on consciousness for some time in silence.....the mind will lose its fickleness

And this way further light of knowledge will shine through the mind and reveal its true nature.  Practice this regularly and stay connected with the 'I' always.

Vandana Ritik Mulchandani