February 4, 2011

Understanding Free Will??

I don’t know what is God’s Will, its all mystery to me. I do not have enough developed faculties to understand His ways. Only He knows all. Sometimes I feel God wants me to be happy no matter what the situation is. Like a wise parent, God wants me to learn and he gives me his free hand but I have to function within my limits. Now what are my limits? The moment we try to find answers to such queries, we are said to be acting from our ‘ego’ . Wise have advised us to let go off EGO. When ‘E..goes’ than ‘HE’ comes. Paramahansa Yogananda has said that our Will Power is the God within us.

Sadguru Saibaba, my Ascendant Master, has clearly advised his devotees not to take ‘doership’ in their hands. God almighty is the ‘Doer’. Man suffers because he takes doership on himself and thus creates pain and suffering for himself. To over come this defect, all the Masters have time and again advised us to surrender to the Will of God. SaiBaba called it ‘sarvasva sharanagati’ i.e., constant remembrance of Lord’s name.

We have to carry on with our worldly duties but inwardly we must always be aware of who we really are ( Soul ) and offer all our thoughts & deeds to our chosen Guru/God with firm belief that I am a mere instrument, HE is the DOER. Detach yourself from your physical body and watch the show of this world without creating any feeling or emotion. Our inner state must be at peace even when the world is going topsy and turvy.

This way no karma is created. Man suffers because he lives in body consciousness and is thus always thinking of himself as body and identifies himself with the name of his body whereas body, name and the ruler of the body all are separate. In such a state of ignorance, when a man takes doership in his hands and takes credit or discredit of any of his actions, he creates karma. This happens because he thinks himself as body forgetting his true nature (that he is a pure and eternal soul). Such a man has to come back again on earth to reap the seeds of karma he sowed in his previous lifetime in the state of body consciousness.

I have come to understand that man lives in bondage when he is in human body. He is not completely free. He has certain limitations. He can transcend his limits when living in this body he uses his free will to remember constantly 24X7 that he is not this body but much more and is always aware that he is Soul in reality. This makes his ‘bhav’ (intentions) pure and no further karmic seed is sown.

I believe, I am accountable for my inner intentions (bhav) for carrying out any action. I believe that God is always taking into account ‘why’ I am doing something rather than ‘what’ I am doing. And if I am constantly thinking of my true nature, my intentions would always be pure. It is my freewill to choose from which level I want to operate – Soul or Body. If former is chosen than I am working as per God’s free will and the results would be God’s responsibility and thus result would be in my own highest and best interest. However, if I choose to operate from later state, than I create karma and become accountable for my deeds – good or bad – and have to pay for it myself. How can God intervene in the later case because I never thought of him before start of that action.

It is a fact that when we choose to operate from state of soul consciousness than we have to strictly exercise the principle of Shraddha(Firm faith) and Saburi(patience) advised by SaiBaba. Simply because God’s timing cannot always be same as Man’s expected timing. Man has to accept the result as Will of God and is ultimately for his own good.

SaiBaba has advised his devotees to carry on with their worldly duties wisely but always remember HIM and think of HIM. By this he was not referring to his human body and physical form. Baba said that barring your body and name what is left is me. Meditate(think) on that state of being alive(Self) which is present in each and every creation of this Universe. Man was given his freewill to do just this. Once a man does this, the God(knowledge) is revealed to him and he becomes Master himself who then goes out to help others still living in the state of ignorance for innumerable lifetimes.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi