July 25, 2022

Do we plan our Life before Birth

Modern research in field of quantum physics has proved that We planned our life before arriving on earth. We definitely choose our Mother. We make a broad blue print of our life, along with major obstacles, in form of certain hard hitting situations, people and  also if our past good karma allows, some loving people, luxuries also, before taking birth. 

Even before we were born, we have sat down and decided our family life. You know, what will be your life like on earth in advance .  Some like it easy. Some plan challenges coz it means more achievements. The whole family sat down and planned it together. Of course we could plan with only those with whom we had any emotional entanglement of either Love or abhorrence in previous life. No wonder we feel attracted towards some stranger or feel repelled by a close relative.  

Based on our past karmic debts, we plan our future life, with help of set of Counsellors, Spirit guides etc before taking birth.  We all come to repay and also to receive and grow in the process.  We all come with a purpose. But on earth, we forget. If we stay in touch with Divinity, we are often reminded of our plan through out intuition, inner wisdom and outside reminders also. But majority are disconnected with their own inner core. They forget their real purpose and waste a lifetime.  Only to take another birth, this time with low score card. 

Yes, earth is a school. We have come here to learn and grow through our understanding, experiences and knowledge addition which is possible only because we are humans.  However, if you look around or read newspapers,  in this Iron age, human behaviour is worse than animals in so many places.  Immorality has increased manifold. Cheating, fraud, murders etc are all common and now war. Humanity has degraded.  

Next time you see someone suffering, understand that its that individual's own past misdoing.  People argue, what's a child fault in this. When we do something unawares or have repented our misdeed already, we repay it unawares. A child is unaware, a mental person is unaware.  A blind is not aware and so on. We suffer or enjoy the most, in full awareness.  When we are of prime age.  A 10 yrs old child cannot enjoy kingdom but a 40 yrs old will know what being king means.  Debt has to be cleared. The one who hurts these, also has to payback ultimately. Age has nothing to do with it. 

This is a vicious cycle, understanding laws of karma, helps us escape this cycle. We come out of it, if we know how it works.  So we need to plan our next life, with full awareness of these Universal Laws which are same for all.  For what we understand properly, gets embedded in our psych, and after we die, it goes with our causal body. We start our next lifetime with this knowledge despite forgetting our life plan.  We start from where we ended. We need not relearn, what we have already learnt. It's imprint is already in our subconscious.  If we have already learnt that killing is bad, we won't even think of killing anyone.  We go to bank for transactions only. We have no intention of robbing it since we have already learnt this lesson. 

At planning stage, Soul doesn't understand pain or pleasure.  It needs to grow with each lifetime.  So without thinking how it is going to affect the emotions, It plans according to what it needs to learn. We ourselves decide what we want to repay first and how we will do that.  Different lesson or multiple lessons in each lifetime.  Spiritual growth usually comes after a hard time - failure, illness, death of a loved one etc  This set back, if handled properly, gives learnings of many many lifetimes in one lifetime itself. Hence many courageous souls, come with very tough life plan.  And when faced with tough situation, it wonders, why it happened to me. Well, you invited it. 

Tough events bring big change in our lives which will elevate our souls to higher level. Thats what a soul wants.  We cannot judge level of a Soul based on its earth conditions in this life time.  A poor may be a very high level old Soul just finishing off his karmic debt and a wealthy person could be a new soul just starting to build a huge karmic debt.  Therefore we should  never Judge anyone.  We don't know karmic baggage of anyone.  

Our purpose on earth is to understand our true nature and realise our true potential.  Connect to that spark ⚡️ of divinity within ⭐️   We all are Divine.  We all are growing. But some grow very fast.  While some are still 'sleeping' and have no clue.  Tough situations are planned by us to shake us out of our slumber and to make us aware of our true nature.  To take us into Self Inquiry mode which brings us closer to our own divinity or else one life goes waste. 

Wise say do not get elated during happy times and do not feel miserable during sad times. Stay in state of equanimity.  सम भाव से ज़िंदगी की हर परिस्थिति का सामना करो और आगे बढ़ो।  कहीं भी अटको मत।

Vandana Mulchandani 
25 July 2022

Can we Forgive but not Forget


Is it possible to Forgive but not Forget??

Yes, it is possible to forgive and not forget.  

Therapist have used it to aid the concept of forgiving but not forgetting a trauma/ experience.  

You retain the memory of the experience but have lost the emotions attached to it.  

To ensure we let go of the emotions we must first forgive ourself for our part in the experience that created some of the emotions.

We detach in such a way that when we recall that event or situation, it doesn't hurt any more.  When we recall 'that' person, or that person comes in front of us, we are neutral from within, emotionally.  That is complete forgiveness.   Of course we cannot forget what that person did to us. It is our learning experience.  But we let go of the grudge which is most important.  

Universe- scientific circumstances- will eventually catch up with 'that' person but forgiving we earn our freedom.  

We need to apply spiritual knowledge in all such situations. We have to take full responsibility of that event in our life. We got back, what we had given earlier - either through words, actions or above all INTENTIONS. We reap what we sow. 

This gives it a new perspective.  

We are responsible for whatever is happening in our life.  If an unwanted person or situation comes into our life, its our own calling, whether we called it knowingly or unknowingly.  If we put our hands on a bowl of needles accidentally, we are bound to get hurt, whether we did it knowingly or unknowingly.  Same is with our karma, whether we do it with our actions, words or thoughts.  Key to all this is our intention, which should always be wise irrespective of its result.  

God has nothing to do with this. God is like a LIGHT mere witness. 

Vandana Mulchandani 

25 July 2022

July 11, 2020

What is Life How to Live Life peacefully

Life is like a blank Note Book that we bring along at the time of our birth on earth. In this Note Book we write down our earthly experiences and life stories. We write down a record of our actions, reactions, influences and lessons etc that we learnt in each life time. Our actions and reactions on earth affect many individuals around us and they become part of our soul group because we will have to come back to settle our interpersonal karmic scores with them if they are not finished in our present life time. Our actions may also affect our environment and society too which will have to be settled in future births. We take our Life Note Book back when our life time ends. We go back to Paradise - our real HOME - and review our life story and decide which lessons are left to be learnt and what karmic debts remain unsettled. With the help of heavenly counselors, we make a blueprint of our next lifetime on earth in such a way that it will not only help us learn many more lessons but will also settle our past karmic debts of either giving or receiving from members of our soul group. Sometimes soul(s), other than from our group, volunteer to help us in next life time to help us complete our unfinished lessons. Sometimes, some high level souls, volunteer to suffer a big pain – physical, mental, material – so as to learn many lessons in one lifetime. This is because pain is supposed to be the biggest teacher in any lifetime. Suffering a pain/trauma in one lifetime renders learning of many lessons unnecessary. 

Before labeling someone as sinner, just because you see that person suffering in life, STOP and THINK again. The person could be a courageous soul who has volunteered to take challenges and learn many lessons in one single lifetime itself. Similarly, do no judge yourself and stop torturing yourself by thinking that ALL your sufferings are result of some bad karma. Some souls volunteer to take sufferings on themselves to teach their loved ones some lessons necessary for their growth.e.g, kindness, helping, understanding, giving, serving etc. Sometimes seeing suffering of one person, society learns to take big steps to prevent the same happening to others. This soul could have agreed to suffer for uplifting the consciousness of the general public. If you label such a person as sinner, you could be making a wrong judgement and thus adding on to your own karmic debts. Therefore, Avoid 'postmartem' of victims of pain, trauma, accidents, deadly diseases. Let God/Universe or their own higher self judge them. It depends on the soul whether it wants to learn many lessons in one life time or few lessons each time spread over many life times. Wise men know this secret and therefore do not try to judge the conduct of other souls around them. Wise men have advised us to follow our own life path with a calm state of mind and observe Silence i.e., refrain from commenting on life patterns of others because we do not know what lessons they are learning. Telling others about what is wrong in their life pattern means not agreeing to the Laws of Universe thus creating further karmic debts and adding more chapters to the Life Note Book. We take re-birth in that particular environment and family where learning all the chosen lessons for this lifetime will be possible. Needless to say that we choose our own parents and social Circle before taking on human body depending upon our soul needs. We bring back our Life Note Book and start writing a new chapter of the new life time. Our soul knows that we are starting at the point where we had finished off in previous lifetime. When we are reading a book, keep it aside for sometime and again comeback to read it, we start from where he had left it unfinished. We do not start reading it afresh. Similar with Life Note Book.

To make life easy for us, God erases the memory of past lifetimes from our physical mind. This is the Gift of God that we bring with us in new lifetime. Further, God promises that if we continue to stay in touch with him, our lessons will be learnt within stipulated time and once we have finished learning for that particular lifetime, we will be called back HOME. This explains why some die old while some die young, why some survive big crashes while others die due to a minor illness. Death is a means to stop writing chapter of that lifetime and exit. Death takes place when lessons assigned for that lifetime have been learnt. We may learn them soon and go early. That is why we say Life and Death are not in control of human beings. Further, all lessons that we learnt in previous life times keep on adding and we bring them back with us as already inbuilt samskars (soul impressions) and therefore they need not be learnt again. Sometimes, we come back with those samskars only which are sufficient enough to learn lessons of this particular lifetime only. We can compare it to our education at school. We cannot recall what all we studied till 10th grade but still that is sufficient for admission to the next grade once we have passed the final exam. It is automatically presumed that we already know and understand the academic knowledge taught till 10th grade. 

This explains how one child is sharp in a particular discipline in early childhood itself. It is not a miracle. These talents have already been learnt before, imprinted on the soul and carried forward from the previous lifetimes. This also explains the reasons for inequality in society. All souls are at different levels of learning as recorded in their Life Note Book. This process goes on life after life and new chapters are added to our LIFE Note Book. Each individual has a separate Life Note Book containing all pastlife records. Each soul is the actor and director of its own Life Story. An actor plays different roles, lives different characters in many films without losing his own original self. With each film his performance improves and talent sharpens. Similarly, a soul takes on many bodies, lives many lifetimes, and improves its learning, adds on to its knowledge. The soul suffers because unlike the actor, it forgets its original state of Existence-Knowledge-Bliss in the process. More the delay in regaining the lost memory, longer the Life Note Book becomes. 

The God – Universe helps in writing a better script provided the soul volunteers and remembers to take the help. A soul is given free-will to exercise this option of staying close to God during earth life time. This divine intervention helps to keep the script short and crisp. When the soul has experienced all the human dimensions and realized its own True Nature, the last chapter of Life Note Book completed and the Life Note Book is finished.Wise men always prefer to be in touch with God – the inner consciousness, and write their Life Note Book in as few chapters as possible. Unwise men go astray. 

The Life Note Book runs in pages, chapters and volumes and they remain entangled in vicious cycle of life & death and the Life Note Book remains unfinished. As a soul, we have the option to choose and decide how voluminous or brief, the script of our Life Note Book should be. 
Vandana Ritik
Picture Courtsey: shirdisaibababhajan.blogspot.com

June 24, 2020

Forgiveness Prayer to Shirdi Saibaba

1.    Dear Saibaba, you are my God, my Sadguru, my Saviour.  Baba I Love you, I honour you and I put my complete faith in you.  With utmost humility and total surrender, I place my completely shattered and bruised ego at your divine feet and pray for your help and guidance in my day to day life situations. 

2.    I have fully understood that whatever I am facing in my life, is my own creation.  I take full responsibility for all my actions.  Today I confess and accept that I have committed millions of sins and errors and have hurt innumerable souls across various lifetimes through my own actions, words and thoughts. In the process, I have entangled myself with countless souls who have suffered because of my thoughtless blunders.  Now, I find myself trapped in my own self-created web and am unable to come out.  I am in agony because  I am unable to bear the burden of huge pile of rinanubandhs (karmic debts) that have been following me since various past lifetimes.  The grief and insecurity is excruciatingly painful. Only you can help me Baba.

3.    Today I am ashamed of all my countless wrongdoings, that I do not even remember.   I repent each and every one of my sinful actions.  Whatever I did, it was because of my own faulty judgement made out of my swollen  pride and hollow ego.  Saibaba, I am guilty and unable to face you.  With deep regret in my heart, I beseech you in desperation and seek your help.  Baba please forgive all my misdeeds, whether done knowingly or unknowingly.  I did everything foolishly, without understanding its effect in the lives of others, and most of all its consequences in my own coming births.  I caused pain to others and today I am deeply hurt as I am repaying for the same.  

4.    I know that today all my failures, sufferings, pain and grief are a result of my reckless behavior in the past and yet I am continuing to incur more and more errors in my present life too.  The stock of my bad karma continues to pile into an enormously huge mountain under whose burden I feel helpless and crushed. I regret I caused hurt, I instigated hurt, I approved and supported actions causing hurt.  I admit I judged each and everyone around me and forgot that all are the creations of God and that all are right in their own perspective.  I forgot your teachings that nothing moves unless God wills it.  I prided on my intelligence and thought that things will move only when I will do something.

5.    Time and again I have been taking credit and doer-ship forgetting that Only God is the Doer.  I did wrong and, therefore, today I stand before you with folded hands and sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart.  Baba, kindly forgive me and promise to protect me and my family always, life after life.

6.    I am an ignorant, bewildered and lost Soul.    But, I am your child Baba.  Right in this moment,  I offer and surrender myself to you with all my imperfections.  My body, mind and Soul is clouded by Maya all around me.  I cannot find my way within or the way out.  Please help me focus my attention on truth and bring clarity to my thoughts.  Kindly take mercy on me.  Help me stay in peace, contentment and in your gratitude forever.  

7.    Today I know that you have always looked after my welfare even without my asking.  No words can express my gratitude and thanks to you.  Thankyou Baba for disconnecting me from the turbulence of outside world and bestowing me with courage to open my heart out to you.  My permanently restless mind is finally at peace in your presence.  With my eyes cast down, and hands folded, I request you to forgive all my negative actions, of past and present.  Saibaba please watch over me and my family and bless us with ‘abhaydaan’ (fearlessness).   

8.    Let fellow humans forsake me, but my Sadguru Saibaba, please promise to be by my side always.  I have no other place to go.  I am lost without you.  Baba bless me with your divine vision, unconditional love and wisdom.  Make me caring, compassionate and detached.   Only you know what is best for me.

9.    Baba, keep the feet of this sparrow tied with the strings of your love and protection.  Continue holding my hand in your old, ancient firm grip and don’t let me wander away.  Be strict with me and scold me but please Keep me on right path.  Shower me with your divine grace and humility so that I can foresee my own faults and stop myself from hurting any living being with my thoughts, words or action.  Give me strength and courage so that I do not repeat any of my old mistakes again.  Stop me from making any new mistakes.  Never leave me alone.  I am forever dependent on you Baba.  Work on me internally.  Help me, balance my energies, heal my body, mind and soul and make me healthy and fit for rest of my life here on earth and also thereafter.  Kindly Help me, HELP MYSELF so that I always remain your worthy devotee. 

10.    Dear Sai, I seek shower of your divine grace to feel and experience my own divinity so that I may be connected to Thine Bliss.  Reveal thyself to me Baba.  Very humbly, lovingly, I invite you to come and be seated permanently, on the throne, in the Shrine, deep in the depth on my heart.  Baba kindly Bless and oblige me & my Home with your pious presence.

Vandana Mulchandani
June 16, 2020

During this lockdown, I am in company of my Sadguru Saibaba.  I am thankful that there are no useless worldly duties to be done.  Morning, afternoon, evening and night, its all Saibaba.  When my Baba is with me, then no lockdown can lock me down.  I am myself after so so very long.  I am free and flying in my Baba’s glory.  Stay Home Stay Safe and Remember Saibaba.

June 19, 2020

Meaning of Shraddha & Saburi

    Saibaba advised his devotees to have Shradha and Saburi always.

    Sadguru Shirdi SaiBaba often said that ‘Shraddha’(Faith/Trust) and ‘Saburi’(Patience/ Endurance) are mines of virtues. If his devotees could develop these virtues in themselves, they will cross this ocean of worldly existence without the least trouble and easily.

We are devotees of Saibaba. Have we ever truly introspected to check whether we have been able to develop these twin virtues of ‘Faith’ and ‘Patience’ in us?

I often thought that I had Shraddha but I lack in Saburi because I have an impatient personality. But as I introspected, I realized, I did not have true faith either.

Thinking deeply I realized that these two mines of virtues are very deep and what they contain is beyond value. Faith and Patience together hide the formula for our Freedom. If we practice both, we will experience what we came to experience on earth, our aim of taking human birth – the ultimate Sat-Chit-Anand.

Getting intellectual meaning of these two words is easy. We all understand what these words mean. BUT DO WE REALLY PRACTICE? Do we trust SaiBaba like a child trusts his parents and relaxes completely?

If we trust SaiBaba, it means we believe that he will take care of all our problems and help us out of all our so called troubles. We should become completely stress free. Having placed our Faith in SaiBaba means, we are now free from worry, fear, guilt, anxiety, our as well as security of our family, social position etc. Why? Because we have faith in SaiBaba and he is taking care of us. However, we still worry, feel stress, get confused, feel inner conflict, feel out of control, get angry and annoyed.

If we REALLY have Faith in Saibaba than why do we behave like this? These problems should not be bothering us. Isn’t Saibaba taking care! Here is the Catch. Either we do not trust Saibaba or our faith in him is only namesake.

SaiBaba advised his devotees to do all the duties of the respective stations of their lives with honesty and not to bother about the results because these are in the hands of Almighty. Lord takes action impartially. He is kind and compassionate and takes care of all without any discrimination. Even when we feel abandoned, He is still there. If we cannot see or feel him, it is because we are focusing on what is going wrong and not what is going right. If only we could focus on what we still have rather than what we lost.

If there are some tough times, God must have given them to us to help us grow in strength and character. None likes to pass through tough times, faith shakes, we want to know, how Saibaba helped my friend in trouble but not me in the same situation. Only Saibaba knows the answer to this. If I believe in Him and Trust him fully, I should be confident that He will take care of me at the most appropriate time. Now when will this ‘appropriate time’ come, only HE knows. I don’t have to worry about it. I place my request before him and let him do what he wants to do. I don’t have to repeat my requests everyday to remind him. He hears me the first time itself. I have to practice Saburi here.

When there is a delay from his side, we want to find out the answer and get restless and miserable. We fret, we pray out of fear(which is just a formality), we consult astrologers to find out when and how our bad phase will end and why did this happen to me only. When SaiBaba is our helmsman than why are we worried and running here and there? Where is our Shraddha? Where is our Saburi?

Wise men say that sometimes it is better not to know than to know. Ignorance is Bliss. Why are we trying to find out the reasons if we have genuine ‘Shraddha’ in SaiBaba. We should feel gratitude that we are devotees of the One who knows All. Why not accept what he does with our lives with all peace and calm? Have we not placed our Faith in him. We should not love Saibaba only for what He can do/has done for us but we must love him for what He Is. Faith is always unconditional. Through our faith, God checks whether we trust HIM in our ‘not knowing’ reasons for all things going wrong in our life and our environment. If we knew answer to everything happening in our lives, we won’t need a Sadguru.

SaiBaba said ‘Cast your burden on to me and I will bear it’. If we have cast our burden on SaiBaba with faith, why are we feeling burdens in our daily lives. Why do we get stressed, depressed, tense, insecure and fearful everyday. Our diabetes, BP, heart problems, headaches, upset stomachs are results of stress we have kept in our lives and we are not even aware of it. SaiBaba told us to do our duties to the best of our abilities but he never told us to worry and fret.

Saibaba referred to ‘Saburi’, as sister of ‘Shraddha’ who go hand in hand. Why? By this He is trying to teach us that once we have placed our unshakable and firm faith in our Sadguru, we must be patient enough to wait for the results because some results may be to our liking and some may disturb us. Only God knows what is good for us. Did not Das Ganu get this lesson from maid in Kakasaheb’s house? Whatever happens in our life is ultimately for our own good. Therefore, we should be patient enough to accept it, endure it and overcome it without disturbing our peace of mind. Be happy no matter what the circumstance is because trust in God is answer to all the problems we have. Once I have placed my faith in God, I should stop asking reasons for things not happening as to my liking.

We are in a hurry to have things happen our way. But God has his own ways. He knows what is good for his devotees. He may not be telling us but we should have firm belief that he is taking care. World may go topsy turvy but my faith should not shake. If we did not get what we wanted than it was not meant for us. What is ours, comes to us. What is not ours, why bother at all. We are free to feel joy and peace in our lives despite problems once we have put our trust in God. Now we have to wait patiently for God to take appropriate action with belief that it will be for our benefit. We feel doubtful if we do not have answers to our problems. It is at this time the sincerity of our faith and patience are tested.

A true devotee who has Trust in Him will wait Patiently with the firm belief that He will take care when the time is right. We have to learn to do right things even when the results may turn out to be ‘wrong’. As they say “Do your Best. God will do the Rest”. Only He know why things are happening the way they are happening. Our job is to act wisely as per the voice of our conscience and then feel free because HE is in control. This is what ‘sarvasva sharanagati’ is all about.

A true devotee practicing faith and patience knows that Saibaba will always provide a way out of tough situations at the right time for only He knows what time is right for each and everyone. Some may get results fast, some may have to wait for years. We have to stop finding answers to problems that only God can answer.

Trust sets us free from everything – worry, past mistakes, addictions, bondage, what people think about me, promotion, money, security, fears, expectations, strained relationships, diseases, grief, pain, loss of a loved one etc. When we trust we are free from botheration of finding out why this is happening to me, my family or to the society. Patience gives wings to this freedom, adds joy to the peace, gives strength of character, and connects us to the ultimate source of power.

God loves us unconditionally, when we feel pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, mine and others, we create barriers between us and God. When we think we are separate from God and others, we suffer. Shraddha and Saburi are those virtues which will dissolve these barriers. When there will be no wall of separation, we will be able to feel presence of our Sadguru SaiBaba around us always, we will be able to see HIM face to face and understand how much He loves us.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi

April 28, 2020

Covid19 and loss of a loved one

What a painful time for all those who are losing their innocent family members and loved ones to Covid19 all over the world.  

Losing a loved one is a very painful experience and this single word cannot describe how devastating such a loss is.  Your whole world collapses.  The life as we knew, changes permanently.  There are no doctors to help you handle such a blow.  Its individual journey of enduring, accepting and overcoming.

None can replace our loss. People ask one to move on but that never happens.  One gets stuck up, in life before them and after them.

The pain doesn't go away and it takes unspecified time to be able to hide the pain without showing it. The pain and hurt can be felt anytime. Anything can trigger it.There is no time limit for grief.  We manage to handle it with passage of time depending on our own individual capacity.

Nothing can bring them back who have shed their body garment and their divine soul has left for the real HOME.  So all we do is learn to cope with the grief in best possible way. 

Faced with such a huge loss and emptiness, we start searching for answers like 'why me' etc. We find lots of books etc available. Knowledge of the way things work in nature is very helpful. Learning about unseen world beyond what we see tells us that your loved one is not dead after all. They are alive but now in some other dimension. 

We realise, we can meet them one day so we learn to accept our loss peacefully. Moreover,  in between they send us signs of their 'aliveness' by sending ADCs, signals, subtle hints etc. Life becomes liveable to know that all is not lost. 

Faith in Supreme is the key here. Love for self is another key. Know and believe that you are special child of God. God knows and is sad to see u in pain. God loves you. You have not been punished at all. This is result of soul agreement u had with them before birth. You made that agreement for special reason which you do not understand right now. And you are feeling lost and hurt. But when that reason would be revealed to you one day, you would be surprised.   One day you would be hugging them soul to soul and rejoicing that you fulfilled such a big mission successfully.  You will be blessed by God for your great courage.

Sacred books of all religions that I have read so far, say the same thing but in different style, actual meaning is the same. This loss you suffered has a reason behind it. No death is an accident. The time of birth and death are fixed even before birth. 

Take care of yourself. Spend time with mother nature. Feel your connection to nature. Write a diary note to your loved one every night before sleeping. All your thoughts will be received by them.  In their world, there are no speeches.  The soul understands all human feelings, thoughts and emotions and communicates through thoughts only.  Try to understand their subtle messages. 

If you  feel or sense some response from him, trust your instincts and believe it to be from them only. In your vulnerable state you unawares open yourself to subtle universal signals from mother nature. 

Avoid company of people who do not understand you or leave you hurt in any emotional way. We lose lot of 'fake' friends' after such big loss. Pass through this pain. Let it flow through u. This is part of your big learning. One won't make such tough soul agreements without special reason. Trust yourself. 

Read NDEs, Brian Weiss books, books on afterlife to get a new perspective  etc. Love lives on, it never dies.   Knowledge of afterlife can make you see things in clear perspective and you don't feel the sting.  You survive through it and come out as winner.

Discuss your loved one often.  Don't shun and be open to discussing the life and time of your loved one you lost.  Its healing to discuss them often otherwise you are suppressing and adding on to depression.

Vandana Ritik

April 27, 2020

Covid19 lessons learnt during India lockdown

Its Covid19 lockdown time for human beings and lessons to be learnt as there is positivity in this negative situation.

Each day we are learning new lessons from lockdown.  Its as if we are being re-educated once again and being turned into better human beings - fit for the coming better times. 

400 billion people around the globe are caged in the sanctity of their homes.  The whole world has come to a complete standstill.  Man has taken a back seat.  All man created pollution/noises have stopped.   Sky is clear.  The Nature is happy and singing its best melody.  There is complete peace and silence all around us.  However, this stillness is speaking volumes. Are we listening?   

No human activity means that it is time for other lesser intelligent life forms to step out of their hiding, move around fearlessly, and bask in the glory of beautiful creation all around.  The nature is breathing, healing and is on a self correction course.  What a wonderful time.  For the first time after so long, human being is starting to notice other things, besides himself - the beauty of natural flora and fauna, the vastness of sky, the freshness in the air.  What had we done to our beautiful home – the Mother EARTH.  

Who would have thought that our modern advanced world will come to this stage. These are definitely unprecedented times.  It is modern scientifically advanced Age and so are our and new war weapons. This war is without weapons  causing huge devastation to human life. But the biggest REAL war this time is ‘war with inner enemies’.  We thought we knew everything but God is proving to us that we know NOTHING.  How selfish, and abusive human being had become in name of progress.   Many of us on Godly spiritual path were aware, praying and seeking God’s help for improvement but still Knowingly or unknowingly we all had become co-conspirators, culprits in this crime against self, against nature. Majority of People had become completely out bound and had stopped enjoying their own company.  Today human is scared to be alone which is so unnatural.

Mankind had gone totally out of control and this virus turned out to be the final trigger to stop any further damage.  Its time to check and correct the chaos.  The Supreme Power, the Divine God appears to have kept his promise to come and intervene in order to restore the balance of earth. And for this His most powerful creation, the Man, will have to take a backseat for the time being.  Work on Self and come back stronger and be better human beings.  LESSON IS TO BECOME SELF RELIANT EMOTIONALLY TOO

Its time for human to  go within and try to evaluate and assimilate whats happening and Why? .  It is time to introspect as to why powerful and mighty human being is caged inside his own home, hiding, shielding and fighting for his own survival from attack of an invisible tiny virus.  Isn’t this the ultimate lesson in humility?  Each and everyone of us has been brought to the same ground playing level.  Suddenly all are equal and goal is same. The moment we are disconnected from influence of outside world, we realise that our needs are just basic essantials.  We had been hoarding unnecessary stuff just to look better than others.    We are no longer part of rat race.  Comparison and Competition is zero.  Adrenaline rush is under control. Now our Desires are checked and Needs are limited.

WE are fully aware that our Self control, Self contentment, and Self care is key to survival and our growth.   

It appears that God has set the RESET button to regulate/ discipline his entire creation and put each and every of HIS creation out of misery.  Human being,  the most intelligent of his creation had brought the entire world to a state of chaos at all levels – be it International, national, environmental, natural, domestic and most of all himself.  For the first time human being actually started to understand that he cannot control anything.  THAT THERE IS A HIGHER SUPREME POWER that has always been incharge of everything.  

Vandana Ritik
27 April 2020