Showing posts with label Pain is an eye openor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pain is an eye openor. Show all posts

July 31, 2008

Importance of Pain

A soul takes birth to learn different lessons in each lifetime till it grasps the complete knowledge of its own origin, its being, the whole universe. Once the soul gets enlightened in this manner, it need not take birth again. If it so desires, it can stay in that other dimension (which we know as 4th Dimension) and from there try and help other souls on earth (3rd Dimension) to get out of this cycle after learning their lessons fast.

Undergoing pain is an important part of this whole learning process. Pain is said to be a real ‘eye opener’. It awakens us to inner/ hidden realities of human existence. Whether it is a physical, emotional or mental pain, all types of pain teach us very big lessons in any lifetime. Pain reminds us of our true purpose of taking human form i.e, to realize that we are soul and that we have strayed away from that Supreme Divine form thinking that HE is separate from us. A soul has to ultimately learn that ALL PLURALITY IS PART OF THAT SUPREME SINGULARITY. God is experiencing his creation through us. What our five senses perceive as separate entities is sheer illusion.

We do not realize this till we are enjoying life and are happy in our day to day life. We simply feel that being happy and sad is part and parcel of life. But there is a hidden learning behind every happening in our life which we do not realize or maybe we do not want to realize because we consider ourselves so learned that we feel that we know everything that is there to know about this world. Had that been the case, than all academically brilliant minds would have got enlightened and found our creator. It is said that to learn about Supreme we first have to de-learn our earthly knowledge because it is so very limited. But we are so very content with our existence and life that we do not care till something drastic happens in our life which is beyond our logical understanding.

When pain enters our life and we are unable to get over it despite our best efforts. We become helpless. Ultimately, we give up our EGO. This is the Starting Point. We pray for intervention of God. During that painful time, we start our search for that Supreme force firmly believing that someone, somewhere will take mercy on us and help us get over our pain. When the pain reaches its pinnacle and we start to pray seeking relief from our pain with utmost intensity, it reaches Universal power and and we start to feel the response in some way. Thus, we gain an understanding that there exists some ‘divine’ power which can be felt but cannot be seen or touched. We start our journey in search of that power which can cure us of our terrible pain. This quest for God is our first step towards achieving our life purpose - Self realization and God realization.

Unless we desire something, we will not strive to achieve it and God (Universal Divine Force) will not be able to help us if we do not seek HIM with firm belief in its existence. We realize that our persistent prayers of help have resulted in getting response from the GOD. Our life becomes livable. The pain either disappears or we stop feeling the effect of that pain anymore. We come to terms with our pain.

As we progress in our journey, we want to know more about God and crave to peep into HEAVEN to get HIS glimpse, to see HIS world. But where is God? Did God help you in easing your pain. Think. Wasn’t it your own feeling of helplessness, giving up of ego, belief in existence of universal power which cured your pain? Then where is God. God is not separate from you. God does not have a limited human form. The God – that UNIVERSAL DIVINE POWER – is within us.

It existed in form of energy in our soul before we took birth on this earth. IT will stay with us till we are alive. When all our lessons for this lifetime are learnt, it will be our time to leave. At that time our soul will discard the body and go back to that 4th Dimension till it decides to come back on earth to enjoy life again and to learn new lessons if we are yet to achieve the purpose of human birth. The PAIN makes us learn many of our lessons faster and hastens in achieving purpose of our human birth. That is why we say that when we lose, we gain.

But then why do we need to wait for Pain to make an appearance in our life for attaining the purpose of our life. Can’t we start this important journey when we are in a state of JOY.

The choice is entirely ours. We have to take that the first step. The rest will follow automatically because the entire source of divine knowledge is confined within us. When will we start to TAP on it?

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi.

June 3, 2008

Coping with Grief

Its been more than a year since I lost my elder son in a road accident and my life has been changed forever. I know it will never be same again as it used to be when we were all together. My loss has 'awakened' me to so many realities of life and afterlife. Death was a taboo topic for discussion. Everyone is scared to talk and discuss about death. This is a topic we all avoid lest it might touch our life. But once it touched my life in this manner, death does not bother me at all. I have come to understand in last one year that only thing that is real in life is death. Death is a time when we finish our education in this world and go back HOME - our real Home. That is why I never say my son died. No. No. he is still alive somewhere on the other side. He has just changed his form from physical to energy. He has passed from earth dimension to heaven dimension just like we go from one room to another. He is just few feet away only I cannot see him but my solace is that he can still see me and listen to me - not only my words but also my thoughts. How wonderful is that.

My loving son is in such a beautiful place while we are still here waiting for our chance to turn the leaf and fly over to meet him right under God's light - where there is no pain, fear, competition, terror, jealousy, lack, hate, punishment - A place which has nothing but pure love, abundance, bliss and joy. After death, we pass over to a place which lies hidden behind a veil in different dimension and at different level of vibration. Once a human discards his body, only energy part is left which is always alive and which never dies. We all know it by name of 'soul' or 'atman'. The soul goes to the level that matches with its vibration. By appearing alongside Shirdi SaiBaba (my chosen Guru) in my vision during meditation, my son has conveyed to me the High Level he has reached. What more can a mother ask for. I always wanted the best for him in this world and he has got the best in that world too. I am proud to be his Mom whom he fondly called Maa.

Over the year, he has made his presence felt to me and his father at so many occasions. I have come to understand that he is in a position to look at us and our day to day lives. He guides us like an Angel and helps us to arrive at various decisions we need to take all the time. Our son has become our father now. Though he lived with us physically for 18 years only yet he has left his indelible mark in our lives forever. He continues to communicate with us from the other side. These signs of communications were so subtle. It has taken me sometime to understand this method of communication. But today it is great to know that my son continues to be by our side and only grouse is that we cannot see him. I ask him and he replies. I ask for a sign of his presence and he gives it.

Prior to this I had no idea about this close link between these two sides of the Universe. This earthly life was beginning and end of everything for me. But no more. There is so much outside and away from this earth which is far more beautiful, powerful and unthinkable. It gives me great comfort to know that my son now lives in that fabulous place which is our permanent Home. With his guidance and help, I too, shall learn my lesson I came to learn on this earth, and depart to be greeted by him at the doors of heaven. God bless you my dear son. Maa loves you forever.

Vandana Ritik