September 11, 2011

What is Faith


Sometimes we need not know

Why? What? When? Where? How? etc.



I may not know what to do

but GOD knows what to do
We should be happy n content.

What has started is going to end for sure.

Vandana Ritik

August 18, 2011

How does Karmic law works?

Whatever is happening to us in this lifetime is 'effect' - outcome of 'causes' set by us through our inner intentions in our previous lifetime(s). 

All our outer actions, which are visible, our sufferings, traumas, enjoyments, riches or poverty, career, status, fame and fortune and even the food that we eat all are result of our inner intentions (causes) set in motion by us, consciously or unconsciously in previous lifetimes.  Negative thoughts bring negative results while positive thoughts bring out positive results.

Now while enjoying or suffering these effects, what we are feeling and thinking, is creating our new set of causes which will bring out their effect in next lifetime.  Anything unexplanable happening in your life is result of a past karma which you do not remember now.  Good or bad events, all are outcome of our own karmic accounts which are now being settled.

Wise men have, therefore, advised us to face good or bad times in life, in a detached manner.  We should not feel elated or feel pride if we succeed in our endeavors.  Likewise we should not feel depressed or sad if we are faced with calamity in life.  Face all with equanimity - in a state of calmness and self control. 

Know in your heart why this is happening.   Since it is not in your control right now, face it, pass through it.    However, be careful of what you are thinking now because it is charging a new karma.  It is here that we have a free will, to decide how we are going to face the situation and ultimately make our destiny.

Remembering God all the time, while passing through ups and downs of life,  is a perfect way of creating a positive and good karma.  You get what you focus on eventually.

Vandana Ritik

August 10, 2011

Natural Judgement is impartial

Nature is always Just. Not even for a moment has it been unjust. Justice that prevails in Law Courts may be unjust at times, but there is nothing unjust in this world. We may notice rich people stealing, rulers following corrupt practices and being ignored or let off. However, they will get result of this behaviour because Nature is Just always and not even for a moment it has been unjust.

The show of this world is being run by this Nature and none has power to interfere in it because all is functioning on the basis of Natural Laws which are universal. Man made laws may be local, social, and biased but Laws of Nature are same for each and all that is manifest in this world and also which is unmanifest. Natural laws do keep track of the unmanifest part of us too. Our inner intents and inner conversations with Self are not hidden by the 'regulator' of the Universe. Everything is being accounted for.

An ignorant person may not want to believe it but it is fact that nothing is in our hands. Our life can be compared to a journey in a train and this train is running on its own. Nothing is going to halt it. What we can do is to simply observe it and whatever happens: let it be. Dada Bhagwan has given a term Scientific Circumstantial Evidence to the natural sequence of events. Whatever happens, one has to let it go. Whether it is right or wrong; none has power to alter it? People do not have energy to run anything at all. when one says one can make a change than he is doing wrong egoism and this will ultimately lead to disputes and mess. If someone does any wrong to you, make him understand and if he doesnot understand, remain silent. Know in your heart that this is nature working.

It is imperative to understand that all disputes and chaos in mind and relationships is caused by 4 evils - anger, pride, deceit and greed - residing within us. The moment one of these evils becomes active in us, it creates difficulties for us. Effort should be made to become aware when any of these raises its head and then take corrective action immediately because they tend to misinterpret the situation for us and take us towards suffering. These 4 evils tell us that this is unhappiness and they misrepresent and mislead us. Otherwise outside, none is at fault in this world. This is why it is said that we are responsible for ourselves. None has power to trouble me. I can create trouble as well as peace for me depending upon my choice.

When someone does anything good/bad to you, watch it silently, know it in your heart that Nature is making these things happen and the people involved are mere 'instruments' being used by the Nature to give back to us what we have given out earlier through our good/bad intents. The 'instruments' have this wrong habit of saying 'I did' or 'you did' actually its working of Scientific Circumstantial Evidences which makes things happen at proper place and time. Even the big natural disasters like Tsunami, earthquakes are an outcome of the precise working of nature. The one meant to survive is saved or sent away a moments before the accident and the one who has to pay back old karmic debts is called at the zero point at the exact time. Sometimes these precise arrangements takes many many years and hence something done lifetimes ago bears fruits lifetimes later.

Human logical mind cannot understand why something unexplained happened unexpectedly. How can a person understand. Because he doesnot remember. We do not remember what we did two years ago, how can we remember what we did consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly lifetimes ago. Money taken on loan in previous life which could not be returned, will have to be returned in this lifetime, whether or not you want. Natural laws are precise and perfectly just for it treats all at par, all are equal and there is no partiality. Even saints say that they cannot interfere in the working of natural laws.

Once we understand the working of nature, it becomes easy to understand that this world is faultless. None is at fault. . Messengers of God have given us the message of non-judgement. If we judge and see fault in someone, it is our own mistake reflecting back at us. The moment we accept others just the way they are and let them be, they will not have power to trouble us again.

The best way to cope with natural laws is to understand them and to obey them.

Vandana Ritik

July 19, 2011

Understanding Shirdi SaiBaba Philosophy

Shirdi Sai Baba is a very noble and highly developed Divine Spirit of God WHO took a human form more than 100 years ago and dwelled amongst ordinary souls in order to help them out of their meaningless existence. HE made his philosophy very simple so that ordinary mortals can work upon themselves and get their ultimate salvation. Shirdi Sai Baba is a pure 'Avatar' (perfect soul) who could have had anything but he chose ‘fakiri’(mendicancy) and through his conduct and adopted lifestyle taught ordinary folks the art of loving, living, giving, sharing, caring, enjoying and achieving purpose of taking human body without being selfish. He taught us how we can be in this world and yet be detached from it and still achieve the purpose of taking human birth.

He came to GIVE and SPREAD message of universal LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD transcending all kinds of man-made boundaries which separate human from human. GOD is ONE. God is beyond religion. The God was manifest in his form. He called himself Messenger of God.

Hinduism considers the 'Brahman' (universal life force, energy, prana, chi) as the ruler of all, the ultimate One. Sai explained it easily – Barring your body and name, what is left is that feeling of being alive – this consciousness, awareness is You, the SELF. He advised the Believers to work on themselves. Meditate on the SELF (the consciousness) which existed in HIM and everyone alike in order to make them realise that we are not separate but ONE. Says the Advaitin, “ Is not everything Brahman(energy) when the name and form have been removed from it?” “Is not He, the Lord, the innermost Self of everyone?” says the Vishishtadvaitin.

Thus God and Guru are One. Swami Vivekananda has explained it so well, “When any God or other beings are worshipped in and for themselves, such worship is only a ritualistic karma, and as a Vidya(Science) it gives us only the fruit belonging to that particular Vidya; but when the Devas or any other beings are looked upon as Brahman and worshipped, the result obtained is the same as by the worshipping of Ishvara (Supreme Divine)” Shirdi SaiBaba told us to destroy this wall(of ignorance) that separates US(the mortals) from HIM(the immortal Self) that exists within each tiny cell, atom around us.

Saibaba advised his devotees to pursue single pointed devotion.  Worship and Believe in only One God.  Look to your chosen deity as God.  There should be no difference between the Lord you worship and the Supreme.  See your deity in all and all in your deity.  All objects of this world should be looked as the different forms of the Lord we worship. 

He loved people of all religions equally and never interfered with their practices and religious sentiments.  All he wanted that we should 'hold on' to the 'bolster' - the Lord we worship.  Have firm faith and conviction that your Lord is the Lord of Lords.  Respect all but stay stuck with your deity.  This attitude makes things easy for us and takes us on right path of Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion and Love).  He always uttered 'Sabka Malik Ek' meaning there is only ONE God that people call with different names.

SaiBaba taught renunciation as means to make life simple. This renunciation is nothing but simply offering all the actions to GOD. Leaving off our cleverness and logic and wait and trust HIM for due results.

All the donations Sai received during day, he distributed the same throughout the day and by the end of the day his karma balance was zero. His attachment was NIL.

To achieve the prime object of life, HE advised us to develop Shraddha(Faith) and Saburi(Patience) in ourself, so that we can be free from the clutches of delusion(Maya) of this materialistic world which is holding us back life after life – separating us from our Source – the Creator – the Brahman.

Sai teachings were simple and yet so comprehensive - Perform the duties of the station of your life sincerely. Leave aside worry. Surrender yourself completely to the God and trust HIM with results. Have firm faith in God/Guru and wait patiently. Whatever happens is ultimately for our good because DOERSHIP is not in our hands. HE knows what is good for us. Thus he is telling us that spiritual life is to be pursued over physical life.

His message still continues and though he is no more in human body but his spiritual existence and power is still being felt by millions. His followers are growing in numbers unceasingly. His following eleven promises/ assurances still hold good provided his followers ACTUALLY believe and REALLY follow them with unshakable FAITH and PATIENCE.

1. No harm shall befall him, who steps on the soil of Shirdi.

2. He who comes to my Samadhi, his sorrow and suffering shall cease.

3. Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect my devotees

4. Trust in me and your prayer shall be answered.

5. Know that my spirit is immortal, know this for yourself.

6. Show unto me he who has sought refuge and has been turned away.

7. In whatever faith men worship me, even so do I render to them.

8. Not in vain is my promise that I shall ever lighten your burden.

9. Knock, and the door shall open, ask and it shall be granted.

10. To him who surrenders unto me totally I shall be ever indebted.

11. Blessed is he who has become one with Me.

Sai Philosophy is so very deep, the deeper we dive into it, the sweeter the nectar we receive as Blessings and Bliss.

Vandana Ritik


February 4, 2011

Understanding Free Will??

I don’t know what is God’s Will, its all mystery to me. I do not have enough developed faculties to understand His ways. Only He knows all. Sometimes I feel God wants me to be happy no matter what the situation is. Like a wise parent, God wants me to learn and he gives me his free hand but I have to function within my limits. Now what are my limits? The moment we try to find answers to such queries, we are said to be acting from our ‘ego’ . Wise have advised us to let go off EGO. When ‘E..goes’ than ‘HE’ comes. Paramahansa Yogananda has said that our Will Power is the God within us.

Sadguru Saibaba, my Ascendant Master, has clearly advised his devotees not to take ‘doership’ in their hands. God almighty is the ‘Doer’. Man suffers because he takes doership on himself and thus creates pain and suffering for himself. To over come this defect, all the Masters have time and again advised us to surrender to the Will of God. SaiBaba called it ‘sarvasva sharanagati’ i.e., constant remembrance of Lord’s name.

We have to carry on with our worldly duties but inwardly we must always be aware of who we really are ( Soul ) and offer all our thoughts & deeds to our chosen Guru/God with firm belief that I am a mere instrument, HE is the DOER. Detach yourself from your physical body and watch the show of this world without creating any feeling or emotion. Our inner state must be at peace even when the world is going topsy and turvy.

This way no karma is created. Man suffers because he lives in body consciousness and is thus always thinking of himself as body and identifies himself with the name of his body whereas body, name and the ruler of the body all are separate. In such a state of ignorance, when a man takes doership in his hands and takes credit or discredit of any of his actions, he creates karma. This happens because he thinks himself as body forgetting his true nature (that he is a pure and eternal soul). Such a man has to come back again on earth to reap the seeds of karma he sowed in his previous lifetime in the state of body consciousness.

I have come to understand that man lives in bondage when he is in human body. He is not completely free. He has certain limitations. He can transcend his limits when living in this body he uses his free will to remember constantly 24X7 that he is not this body but much more and is always aware that he is Soul in reality. This makes his ‘bhav’ (intentions) pure and no further karmic seed is sown.

I believe, I am accountable for my inner intentions (bhav) for carrying out any action. I believe that God is always taking into account ‘why’ I am doing something rather than ‘what’ I am doing. And if I am constantly thinking of my true nature, my intentions would always be pure. It is my freewill to choose from which level I want to operate – Soul or Body. If former is chosen than I am working as per God’s free will and the results would be God’s responsibility and thus result would be in my own highest and best interest. However, if I choose to operate from later state, than I create karma and become accountable for my deeds – good or bad – and have to pay for it myself. How can God intervene in the later case because I never thought of him before start of that action.

It is a fact that when we choose to operate from state of soul consciousness than we have to strictly exercise the principle of Shraddha(Firm faith) and Saburi(patience) advised by SaiBaba. Simply because God’s timing cannot always be same as Man’s expected timing. Man has to accept the result as Will of God and is ultimately for his own good.

SaiBaba has advised his devotees to carry on with their worldly duties wisely but always remember HIM and think of HIM. By this he was not referring to his human body and physical form. Baba said that barring your body and name what is left is me. Meditate(think) on that state of being alive(Self) which is present in each and every creation of this Universe. Man was given his freewill to do just this. Once a man does this, the God(knowledge) is revealed to him and he becomes Master himself who then goes out to help others still living in the state of ignorance for innumerable lifetimes.

Vandana Ritik
New Delhi